"Young Master Sesshomaru, what do you mean by that just now?" Ling asked in confusion as she ate the grilled fish in her hand in front of a bright bonfire in the forest.

Coral on the side is still working as a nanny, roasting small fish caught in the creek, not squinting, and seems not interested in the conversation between Sesshomaru and Rei.

However, judging by her ears that moved from time to time, the guy was eavesdropping at this time.

In order to prevent Sesshomaru from noticing that she was eavesdropping, this guy also put the smaller mica to his ear.

The little guy mica, on the other hand, was very interested in the coral's ears that moved from time to time, and stared at it curiously.

Sango's movements made Sesshomaru speechless.

At such a close distance, you can hear it if you want to, is it necessary to make a gesture of eavesdropping?

"Rei, do you want to be a shrine maiden?" Sesshomaru asked softly as he looked at Rei with a gentle gaze.

"Eh, is it okay?" Ling, who was nibbling on the grilled fish, suddenly lit up and said excitedly.

"Well, yes, I can help you become a shrine maiden if you want. Sesshomaru nodded slightly.

"I think, I want to !!," Ling replied excitedly.

"Ah, I'll prepare you to become a shrine maiden tomorrow. Sesshomaru nodded slightly.

"Yes, Young Master Sesshomaru!!" Ling smiled happily.

"Shrine Maiden, is it a trial of chao and decision?" said Sango, who was listening to the scene, silently guessing in his heart.

can allow a person without spiritual power to obtain the spiritual power that only a shrine maiden can cultivate, and she has passed this trial before to obtain the spiritual power that only a shrine maiden can cultivate.

And this spiritual power in her body is still increasing, and it has not stopped.

"Sango, you'll accompany Ling tomorrow. Just as Sango was thinking, Sesshomaru's voice suddenly came, and Coral looked up, only to see Sesshomaru looking at her quietly.

Coral was slightly stunned, then reacted and nodded excitedly: "Yes, Lord Sesshomaru !!"

The previous trial had already greatly improved her strength, and if she did it again, her strength would not increase as much as the first time, but it would still improve.

The increase in strength will give her a greater grasp of dealing with the monster that possesses the city lord.

This kind of good thing, she would like to get it.

Seeing that Coral agreed, Sesshomaru stopped talking and slowly closed his eyes.

Sesshomaru is indeed preparing for Ling to go through the trial of super fortune strategy.

However, the trial of super-strategic decision-making is risky.

If you are not careful, you will get lost in the trial, and your mind will change drastically, or even sink into it, and it is still unknown.

The previous trial created for Coral, the Killing Pill was simply opened, and it was just done casually.

Because coral is not an important person for Sesshomaru.

Moreover, as an elite demon slayer, Sango's willpower is very strong, and the possibility of being affected by the ideas in the Super Fortune Strategy is very low.

However, Ling is different, Ling is just an ordinary girl, and Sesshomaru must ensure that Ling can pass the trial and gain strong spiritual power.

Therefore, Sesshomaru needs to change the trial of Super Fortune Strategy.

However, even so, Sesshomaru is still ready to let Sango, a guy who has been through trials, follow up with him as the last layer of insurance.

If you let Coral know Sesshomaru's thoughts, I don't know what the reaction will be.

I guess it's going to be like a thunderstorm.

The trial given to her is to do it casually, and there is a chance that something will happen and be assimilated?

And the trial for Ling must be meticulously crafted, keep improving, and do the best to ensure that Ling can complete the trial 100% and gain strong strength.

Is she coral sent by the phone bill?

No, that doesn't seem right.

Even if Sango knew what Sesshomaru thought, he was not qualified to complain.

Soon, Rei and Coral finished their dinner.

After a simple tidying up, Ling ran directly to Sesshomaru's side, pulled Sesshomaru's fur to make a simple bed and futon and lay in it.

"Sister Sango, come over too. After lying down, Ling beckoned to Coral and asked her to sleep with her.

Seeing this, Coral Dry laughed and did not respond.

"No problem, Sister Sango, Young Master Sesshomaru won't refuse. Seeing Sango's reaction, Ling continued to beckon.

Hearing this, Coral cautiously glanced at the Sesshomaru, and after finding that the Sesshomaru did not say anything, Coral cautiously walked over.

"Sister Sango, come in quickly. After Sango came to her side, Ling patted her position next to her and shouted at Sango.

Sango's gaze unconsciously looked at Sesshomaru again.

After finding that Sesshomaru still didn't react, he cautiously entered the fur futon and lay down beside Ling.

Mica also followed.

"How's that, Sister Sango, it's comfortable. Ling said with a smile.

Sango didn't speak, but nodded slightly、She didn't dare to speak now, she was afraid that Sesshomaru would suddenly open her eyes。




The coral is cautious, but the mica is not, scurrying around Ling and the coral, excited.

Coral hurriedly grabbed the mica and held it in his arms.

"Good night, Sister Sango. Ling said to Sango, then hugged the fur and closed her eyes and began to slowly fall asleep.

Seeing this, Coral was also holding mica, and after glancing at Sesshomaru, he slowly closed his eyes.

"It's really warm, it's warmer than leaning on mica. After closing his eyes, feeling the warm breath coming from the fur covering his body, the corners of the coral mouth curled slightly, and he slowly fell asleep.


There was an itching sensation in her nose, and Coral let out a sneeze and woke up from her sleep.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Coral saw Rei's smiling face.

"Ling? Good morning. Coral greeted with a smile.

"Sister Sango, Young Master Sesshomaru's embrace is very warm. Ling said with a grin.

As soon as these words came out, Coral immediately reacted and sat up suddenly.

yes, she seems to have slept in Sesshomaru's fur with Ling last night.

Sango's gaze hurriedly turned to Sesshomaru's body.

Sure enough, at this time, Sesshomaru was looking at her side, his eyes were calm, and there was no extra emotion.

"I'm sorry, Sesshomaru-sama!!" Sango quickly stood up and bowed in apology.

"It's fine. Sesshomaru said lightly.

He didn't care about Coral sleeping in his fur.

Because it was Ling who called it.

"Prepare well, and start the trial after breakfast. Immediately, Sesshomaru's gaze looked at Ling and instructed Ling.

"Really, I know, Master Sesshomaru, I'll do my best. When Ling heard this, she was excited, but then she calmed down and assured Sesshomaru with a firm expression.

"Hmm. Sesshomaru nodded slightly, and then stopped talking.

Seeing this, Ling and Sango didn't bother Sesshomaru, and the two quickly prepared breakfast.

After a simple breakfast, the three of them set off on their journey.

They needed to find a cave, a cave where they could open the Extra-Divination Trial.

During the Warring States Period, there were so many caves of this kind that it didn't take long to waste time before Sesshomaru and the others found it.

The rosary emitting golden light appeared in the palm of Sesshomaru's hand, and in an instant, it shot out, landed on the edge of the cave, and was embedded in the entrance of the cave, and a colorful spiritual power door was formed.

"Ling, Sango, go inside. "

"Yes, Young Master Sesshomaru !!" Ling swallowed her saliva and responded firmly, and then walked over step by step, and after walking to the entrance of the cave, Ling closed her eyes and rushed in directly.

"Then, Sesshomaru-sama, I'm also in. Coral said respectfully to Sesshomaru and then stepped inside.

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