Super Divination and Strategy, recording all the cultivation methods of the Great Onmyoji Asakura Ye King, all comprehensions, as long as you can pass the trial, you can gain powerful power.

In order to ensure that Ling could pass the cultivation smoothly, Sesshomaru spent a night last night revising this trial.

However, because of the modification, this trial will take a lot of time, at least three days.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the cave, Sesshomaru waited quietly.

Seeing this, Mica jumped up and landed on Sesshomaru's thigh and curled up.

"I don't know how strong Ling will be in this trial. Looking at the trial cave in front of him, Sesshomaru thought silently.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, night had already fallen.

And at this time, Musashi Kuni's Kaede no Mura.

At this time, there were only a few villagers in Kaede Village, except for Granny Kaede.

Inuyasha chased Kagome to the modern era through the bone-eating well, and Maitreya went to a nearby village to be abducted.

Granny Kaede, who was sleeping, seemed to sense something and suddenly opened her eyes.

The next moment, Granny Kaede quickly got up, dressed, picked up her bow and arrows, and left the house and began to gather the young men in the village and rush towards the shrine.

And in the shrine, an old woman is floating in front of a shrine in front of the shrine.

The old woman stroked the stone lantern a few times at this time, and then grabbed a handful of dirt under the stone lantern, and the shriveled and withered old face was full of excitement and excitement.

"Well, well, that's right, this is it. "

"The humidity is just right and the soil is nice. "

"You guy, who the hell !! report your name!! Granny Feng came here with a group of villagers with weapons, and when she saw the person, she immediately opened her bow and arrows and asked.

"Shut up, I'm just here to find the bones. When the old woman on the other side heard this, she immediately shouted, and as she spoke, she put her hand in front of the shrine and stroked it gently: "As long as I get here, I will leave the village where this bird does not lay eggs." "

As soon as the words fell, the old woman swung the scythe in her hand and slashed at the shrine.

"You guy!!" Seeing this, Granny Kaede shouted angrily and quickly launched her bow and arrow.

The same goes for the other villagers.

However, the old woman just swung her sickle and directly cut off all the bows and arrows, and slashed the nearest villagers and Granny Feng by the way.

Immediately, the old woman didn't wait for Granny Feng and the villagers to react, and slashed down with a sickle on the ground.

With a loud explosion, a deep pit appeared beneath the old woman.

The old woman fell from the sky, reached into the dirt in the deep pit, and pulled out a small urn of ashes.

"You monster, leave Sister So's urn behind. Granny Kaede clutched her injured arm and shouted angrily.

"I'm the ghost girl Litao, and I'll take the spirit bones of the witch girl. The old woman with a withered face grinned loudly, and then turned into a wind and flew out into the distance.

"Abominable !!!"

At the same time, in modern times, in the Sunset Shrine, Inuyasha sits on a tree next to Kagome's house, waiting quietly.

At Kagome's house, Kagome's mother looked at Inuyasha who opened the curtain and looked out the window, then looked at Kagome in the room, and said worriedly: "Kagome, is this really good?"

"Hmph, leave him alone, let that guy stay there, don't let him in. Kagome snorted coldly and said angrily.

"What the hell is going on, sister?" asked Sunset Kusata, sitting on the edge of the bed, curious.

"Hmph, who knows!!" Kagome snorted coldly again.

"It's not me that guy wants to protect at all.、It's a shrine maiden named Kana.。 After responding to her brother's words, Kagome stopped talking and looked at the books on the table in a daze.

However, the next moment, a sudden change occurred, and an ominous purple light swept through, and the whole world seemed to change color, and the Sunset House was also transformed into a decaying ruin, leaving Kagome alone sitting quietly in a chair.

"Eh, what's going on?" the evening breeze blew, and Kagome instantly came back to her senses, looking at the apocalyptic scene with a blank expression.

The red figure of "Kagome!!" landed in front of Kagome, staring vigilantly ahead.

Kagome followed Inuyasha's gaze.

I saw a long sword stuck in the ground where Inuyasha was looking.

Kagome came to her senses, quickly stood up, and looked at her surroundings vigilantly.

"Isn't this a tooth of iron? I haven't seen you for a long time. Just as the two of them were alert, a sound suddenly came from the long sword stuck in the ground, and then a scabbard flew over, floating out of the scabbard with a white figure.

"What are you talking about!!" Inuyasha watched warily at the sudden white light.

"So you're Master Inuyasha, Master Inuyasha, there's no time, hurry up and hold that sword!!" White Light Shadow continued.

"Hurry up and put this sword belt back into its scabbard!!"

"Otherwise, something terrible will happen. "


Without waiting for Inuyasha to make a decision, the long sword stuck in the ground flew up and fell directly into Inuyasha's hands.

As the sword left the earth, the original scene of the end disappeared in an instant.

On the contrary, Inuyasha's face changed.

Kagome clearly saw that Inuyasha's arm was invaded by tentacles that came out of the sword, and that the entire arm was wrapped in tentacles.

"Eh, Brother Dog, when did you come in?" asked Sunset Kusata, with a strange expression.


"Hehe, are you that guy's son!!" At this moment, the sword in Inuyasha's hand came out.

"What the hell are you!!"

"Young Master Inuyasha, this sword is Cong Yunya, and it is the sword of the world's domineering held by the master. The white light flew over and explained to Inuyasha.

"Hehe, scabbard?"

"You've only been able to seal me for so long. "

"Cong Yunya, what the hell is it!!" Inuyasha tried his best to control the long sword in his hand, and the peak power of the monster was completely used, and at the same time, the blood of the big monster in his body began to boil.

"Hehe, do you think you can control me with this level of strength?"

"Obey my instructions, and if you promise me, I will make you the overlord of this world. Cong Yunya's voice came again.

"No kidding!!" Inuyasha yelled as he struggled.

"Inuyasha, follow me!!" Seeing the struggling Inuyasha, Kagome immediately knew that something was wrong, Kagome grabbed Inuyasha and jumped out of the window.

The moment she landed, Kagome almost didn't scream at the sharp pain in her legs, but at this time, Kagome couldn't care about this, and endured the bravery from her feet, pulling Inuyasha and running quickly in the direction of the bone-eating well.

"Inuyasha, let's go, hurry back to the Sengoku period and find your eldest brother Sesshomaru!!" Kagome pulled Inuyasha, who was struggling hard, and jumped into the bone eating well.

"Hey, wait for me!!" The scabbard from before flew in slowly.

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