Warring States Period, Bone-eating Well.

An ominous purple light rose into the sky, and the eyes of everyone in Kaede Village were attracted.

"This ominous aura, such a terrifying demonic aura!!" After feeling the ominous aura, Feng, who was bandaging, quickly ran out of the house, looking at the terrifying demonic aura coming from the direction of the bone-eating well, and was terrified.

The next moment, Granny Feng reacted and yelled at the many villagers who had run out.

"Everyone, hurry up and run!!!"

In an instant, the villagers who were originally looking at the demonic aura pillar above the bone-eating well in a daze reacted one after another, and quickly left the village with their families and ran out of the village.

"Here, follow me!!" Granny Kaede guided the villagers to flee in the opposite direction of the bone-eating well.

The purple pillar of light rose into the sky, and two figures slowly floated out of the pillar of light.

As soon as he came out, one of the figures rushed out in an instant.

The other figure fell to the edge of the bone-eating well.

"It hurts. As soon as she landed, the pain in her foot made Kagome cry out.

"Kagome, are you alright?" a small figure suddenly appeared in the forest, and Shippo came up to Kagome and asked worriedly at Kagome.

"I'm fine, Shippo. Kagome said reluctantly.

"That was Inuyasha just now, what the hell happened?" Nanapo nodded slightly, then looked in the direction Inuyasha had left, confused.

"Ah, by the way, Inuyasha is controlled by that sword. "

"Shippo, do you know where Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru is?"

"Take me to Inuyasha's brother!!" When Shippo mentioned this, Kagome also reacted and hurriedly said.

"No, it's too forceful, I'm not Inuyasha, how could I have done it without his strong sense of smell. When Qibao heard this, his eyes immediately widened, and he directly denied it.

"Please!!" Kagome said loudly as she slammed into Shippo's face.

"Ah, hey!!" Shippo was so frightened by Kagome's that she almost jumped up, and quickly agreed.

"Young Master Sesshomaru's words can indeed control Cong Yunya, although I don't want to see Young Master Sesshomaru, but this is indeed the best way. A voice suddenly came out, which directly startled Qibao.

Kagome and Shippo looked over and saw a scabbard floating out of the bone-eating well, and a white grandfather floating out of the scabbard.

"Who are you!!"

"Kagome, I'm not looking for someone at all, I'm a fox, not a canine demon, and I'm still young, I don't have such a strong sense of smell. Turning into a flying balloon, Shippo carried Kagome through the sky.

"Okay, don't be rambling Rory, hurry up and find out where Inuyasha's brother is, otherwise Inuyasha will have an accident. Kagome slapped Shippo's changing balloon and said loudly.

"Hi !!" Qibao was full of excitement, and hurriedly answered, and then accelerated the speed of his flight.

"Inuyasha, you have to be a little more aggressive, don't let that sword control you until I find your brother. Looking at the sun rising in the sky, Kagome was worried.

"No, there's another way, find Tsuiko. Suddenly, Kagome thought of something, and her eyes flashed.

Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru is uncertain, and Shippo is a little troublesome to find.

However, the location of Nishinokuni will not move.

I've heard Inuyasha say before that there are a lot of big youkai in the West Country, and there are also Tsuiko who created the Jade of the Four Souls and Kikyo, the first witch in the continent fifty years ago.

Go to the West Country for help, and the West Country should be able to solve that sword.

With this in mind, Kagome opened her mouth to make Shippo change direction and fly in the direction of the West Country.

However, just as Kagome opened her mouth to speak, a sudden change occurred.

Kagome's eyes lost their brightness and dimmed at this moment.

Then a white light floated from Kagome's body and flew off into the distance.

Kagome's body fell straight on Shippo's body.

"Hey, Kagome, what's wrong with you!!!" Qibao quickly asked when he felt the movement on his back.

But he couldn't get a response from Kagome, which made Shippo jump to his feet.

The next moment, Shippo descended from the sky to the ground and landed in a forest.

As soon as it landed, Qibao met the prototype with a bang.

"Kagome, are you alright!!" Shippo, who was the prototype, immediately panicked when he saw Kagome lying on the ground with her eyes open but without any color.

But he didn't know what to do.

"The girl's soul was taken away by some kind of power. The scabbard beside Kagome spoke.

"Eh, what should I do then?" Qibao suddenly lost his master.

"No, you can't stay here. Suddenly, Shippo seemed to sense something, his eyes darting in all directions, his teeth clenched.

Shippo gritted his teeth and used all his strength to carry Kagome behind him, and then turned into a balloon again with a bang, and floated towards the sky.

"Qibao, right, take this girl to find Young Master Sesshomaru, Young Master Sesshomaru has the ability to save this girl. The scabbard spoke.

"Huh? Qibao was stunned for a moment, and then replied firmly.

Soon after the two of them left the ground, one after another youkai came out from all directions, roared at Shippo flying in the air, and then rose into the sky and chased after them.

!!!Seeing this scene, Shippo was almost frightened, and used his strength to speed up and fly into the distance.

On the other side, in a group of rocky mountains, on a rocky mountain, a huge cave that hollowed out the entire rock mountain, the ghost girl Li Tao is exerting her unique ability.

The white light continued to wash over a naked woman in the hands of the ghost girl Li Tao, and a white light flew from the sky and entered the naked woman's body along the white light.

A light gradually appeared in the dim eyes of the naked woman.

"So, as a witch, you once destroyed all the monsters that coveted the Jade of the Four Souls, and I heard that the Jade of the Four Souls is now broken. "

"Even the youkai that get just a small piece of it can be enhanced several times by Ollie, I want. "

"I want to get all the shards, kill all the youkai that have the shards, and burn them all. "

"I, the ghost maiden, resurrect you, and you will collect all the fragments of the Four Souls Jade for me as my servant. Looking at the resurrected play, the ghost girl Li Tao was extremely excited.

"Servant, are you worthy?" A gleam flashed in his eyes, and he was completely resurrected, looking at the withered old woman in front of him, his expression would be full of disdain.

The next moment, a blue light bloomed from Song's body, completely submerging the Jingege Cave.


After a few moments, Kanata dressed in a shrine maiden costume walked out of the cave.

Inuyasha !! looked at the unfamiliar sky, and a low roar full of hatred came from his mouth.


"In that direction, Inuyasha's breath, and so evil, have you really become a demon completely!!" Sota's gaze looked in a certain direction, and hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Since you have broken the seal, then I will personally liberate you this time!!


"The breath of Cong Yunya?"

"It seems that Cong Yunya has been brought back to this era. Looking at the sky, feeling the familiar aura, Sesshomaru thought silently.

After the death of the Dou Tooth King, Cong Yunya, the whereabouts of the domineering sword, Killing Pill naturally knew.

However, Sesshomaru didn't look for it, because Cong Yunya's existence was not of much use to him.

And from the beginning, he made a decision, and when Cong Yunya appeared, he completed the plan of the Dou Fang King and sealed Cong Yunya into hell.

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