"Your name is the scabbard, right?" Shippo finally asked the monsters to pursue, and Shippo breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked about the scabbard on his back.

"Yes, I am the Lord's domineering sword, the sealing scabbard of the Cloud Fang. The scabbard replied.

"How did you know Sesshomaru could save Kagome?"

"I'm not sure, but with this girl's current situation, if there is anyone who can be saved, it is herself and Young Master Sesshomaru. "

"Young Master Sesshomaru has the Heavenly Sword Heavenly Tooth left by the old man. "

"That being said, I'm not sure, because the use of innate teeth requires compassion. "

"With the indifferent and arrogant character of Young Master Sesshomaru, it is difficult for such a thing as compassion to exist. "

"You can only pray that Young Master Sesshomaru has compassion now. "

"In this way, Young Master Sesshomaru can use his natural teeth to resurrect this little girl. "


"Ah, yes, I remembered. "

"Kagome told me yesterday that Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru resurrected a little human girl. Qibao muttered suspiciously, and the next moment he thought of something and shouted loudly.

"Eh, is it really fake, did Young Master Sesshomaru really use his innate teeth to resurrect a human girl?" Hearing this, the sword scabbard was suddenly startled, and hurriedly asked.

"I don't know if I used the natural teeth, after all, I wasn't there, but Sesshomaru did resurrect a little girl. Shippo replied.

"Yes, that's really good, Young Master Sesshomaru also has a heart of compassion, sir, you can rest in peace in the spirit of heaven. After receiving a definite answer, the scabbard suddenly burst into tears and was excited.

"You're exaggerating, and how can you have tears in your soul body and drip on me. Feeling the tears falling on his back, Qibao said speechlessly.

"Don't be verbose, hurry up and find Young Master Sesshomaru, whether it's this girl or Cong Yunya, Young Master Sesshomaru needs to take action. The scabbard wiped a handful of tears and urged.

"I see, I've got a hint of it, it shouldn't be far off. When Qibao heard this, he also responded solemnly.

Now the top priority is to find Sesshomaru and let Sesshomaru save Kagome.

"The breath of the scabbard, and Kagome and that little fox?"

"What are they doing here?" "Where Sesshomaru was, Sesshomaru, who was paying attention to Cong Yunya's movements, also felt the aura of Kagome and the others at this time.

"However, Kagome's aura is not good, and her soul is almost gone. "

"The soul was summoned, and the will to play was gone. "

"So, is it a resurrection?"

"It's all together, is this an unforeseen situation?"

"Both Cong Yunya and Kanata have a lot of malice towards Inuyasha's existence, especially Sonata, before he knows the truth of the matter, this guy's resentment towards Inuyasha should definitely not be underestimated. "

"Well, this is also his trial. "

"Hmmm? No, this guy seems to be heading in the west right now. "

"Do you want to use the power of the West Country to suppress Cong Yunya?"

"That's a good idea, and this guy's brain is occasionally useful. "

"Hawkers, since that's the case, then let him go to the West Country, although it is Cong Yunya, but there are so many big monsters in the West Country, and there are two people, Kikyo and Cuizi, Cong Yunya can't make any waves. After feeling Inuyasha's route, Sesshomaru was a little surprised.

This guy knew that he couldn't control Cong Yunya, so he wanted to use external forces to deal with Cong Yunya.

The direction he is now taking is the country of the west.

As for why he didn't come to himself, Sesshomaru didn't know.

However, it's okay to let Tsuiko and Kikyo subdue Cong Yunya first, and then think about the rest of the matter.

At least wait for Ling's trial to be completed.

For Sesshomaru, neither Cong Yunya's matter nor the matter of playing is as important as Ling's trial.

Since Inuyasha took Cong Yunya to the West Country, then let the two of them solve it.

For Tsuiko and Kikyo, Sesshomaru is still very confident.

Whether it's Tsuiko or Kikyo, they all have the strength to kill king-level monsters.

And the Dou Tooth King who can control Cong Yunya is just the first level of a king-level big monster.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about at all.

Moreover, there are dozens of big monsters in the West Country, even if Tsuiko and Kikyo don't make a move, dozens of big monsters can beat Cong Yunya to the point of doubting life.

Once this guy arrives in the West Country, then its newly acquired freedom will disappear again.

I guess I'll cry to death by then, right?

Sesshomaru couldn't help but mourn in his heart for Cong Yunya.

Shaking his head slightly, Sesshomaru withdrew his gaze and returned to the cave again.

And at the same time, the border of Nishinokuni.

Inuyasha, who was being controlled, subconsciously held the cloud fangs and rushed over here.

"Hey, isn't this the land of the West?"

"I felt like you had some purpose before, even if you were controlled by me, you still have an incomparably strong will, driving your body to rush this way. "

"Why, do you want to destroy the western kingdom ruled by your father?" The beads on the hilt of the cloud fangs kept flashing with evil light, and the sound kept coming from it.

"It just so happens that I'm also very unhappy with this country, so let's start destroying it from here. "

"Who !!" As soon as Cong Yunya's words fell, the Red Evil Ghost and Qi Tian appeared in front of Inuyasha.

"Huh, Cong Yun Fang!!" As soon as the words fell, the red demon noticed Cong Yun Fang in Inuyasha's hand, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The Red Evil Ghost and Qi Tian had been loyal subordinates under the command of the Fighting Tooth King since hundreds of years ago, so they naturally knew about the existence of Cong Yunya.

"Qi Tian, I'll drag this guy down, you go and report to Lord Cuizi and them, and let Lord Cuizi dispatch other border companions over. The two glanced at each other, and then the red demon said to Qi Tian.

"I know, you carry it first, don't let this guy run !!away," Qi Tian responded, and then turned into a streamer and flew towards the center of the West Kingdom.

"Hey, Red Devil and Qi Tian, I remember that you two are the followers behind the Fighting Tooth King, I didn't expect to become a big monster, it's really impermanent. "

"Well, Red Devil, if you want to be my servant, I will give you more power. Cong Yunya noticed the strong strength of the Red Evil Ghost, and immediately sent out an invitation.

"Shut up!!" The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the red evil ghost, and the red evil fan in his hand waved violently, and the monstrous flames swept out in an instant, completely submerging Inuyasha and Cong Yunfang in an instant, and directly destroying the mountain where Inuyasha was located.

Decades ago, Dao Daozhai was found by the Red Evil Ghost and Qi Tian and brought back to the West Country.

In the past few decades, Sesshomaru has not gone to the Treasure Immortal Ghost because of the relationship between obtaining the explosion and the gun, so he has not taken care of the knife and knife Zhai.

However, although he didn't take care of Daodaozhai, he was not let go and was still locked up in the castle.

In the past few decades, Daodaozhai has created some powerful weapons for many great monsters in the West Country.

The Red Evil Fan held by the Red Evil Ghost at this time was a weapon that had been recreated by Dao Dao Zhai.

The power is not small, but it is only a little less powerful than the power of the iron broken teeth.

With a single swing, a mountain was destroyed.

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