"Scabbards? useless things. "If you don't look back, you can know the identity of the person who came.

"Greetings from Jiushu, Young Master Sesshomaru. Behind him came the awkward sound of the scabbard.

"Sesshomaru-sama, please save Kagome. Shippo stepped forward and pleaded with Sesshomaru.

"It's really a strong will, and you're still competing for your soul?" Sesshomaru got up and looked over, looking at Kagome on the ground, Sesshomaru praised without hesitation.

Sesshomaru could feel that even if the soul was summoned, Kagome's own will still did not dissipate, and there was still a remnant of the soul in his body.

That soul is different from the music, no, it should be said that it is the soul born in itself, not the reincarnation of the music.

The soul of the song has been summoned.

"Interesting. The corners of Sesshomaru's mouth rose slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Walking over slowly, Sesshomaru took out the Underworld Stone from the fur space.

Lifting Kagome to her feet, Sesshomaru brought the Underworld Stone to her neck.

The Underworld Stone has the power to gather souls, and it also has the ability to replenish remnant souls.

Tsuiko was recovered by the power of the Underworld Stone.

Kana is Kikyo's younger sister, and since she has been resurrected, then Sesshomaru naturally won't take her soul away again and let her die again.

In that case, the only way to do that is to use the Underworld Stone to replenish Kagome's soul.

This ability of the Underworld Stone takes a lot of time without the user's urging, just like Tsuiko, who spent decades perfecting her soul under the ability of the Underworld Stone.

However, if there is a user to urge it, the time required is greatly reduced.

Especially the powerful youkai urging of Sesshomaru.

Huge demonic power poured into the Underworld Stone, and the Underworld Stone emitted a fierce light.

The intense light completely covered Kagome, and in less than five seconds, Kagome's soul fully recovered, her breath gradually recovered, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Sesshomaru?" When she opened her eyes, Kagome saw the Sesshomaru close at hand, and couldn't help but read it.

"Are you awake?" Sesshomaru said lightly, and then removed the Underworld Stone from Kagome's neck.

"Huh?" Kagome suddenly realized that she was actually lying in Sesshomaru's arms, and immediately screamed, stood up suddenly, and retreated again and again.

"Alright, let's get out of here if it's okay. Sesshomaru also stood up, turned around and walked towards the cave, and began to chase people away as he went.

"Young Master Sesshomaru, Cong Yunya was born, and now only Young Master Sesshomaru can suppress Cong Yunya. "

"Please take action from Young Master Sesshomaru, otherwise this world will be over. The scabbard floated over and pleaded at Sesshomaru.

"I don't need to do it, that guy is probably going to be unable to protect himself now. Sesshomaru said lightly, and then sat down in front of the cave, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

"What do you mean?" asked the scabbard, puzzled, as he floated up to Sesshomaru again.

"Don't run around in front of me, or I'll kill you, scabbard. Sesshomaru frowned slightly, and opened his mouth to scold.

The scabbard trembled suddenly, and then quickly left Sesshomaru's body and returned to his own body.

He was really afraid that Sesshomaru would kill him directly.

"Well, I can't help it. The scabbard said dejectedly.

"Well, that's up to us. "

"Kagome, let's go find Inuyasha. Seeing this, Shippo shook his head helplessly, and then said to Kagome.

"Eh, why? Shippo, why should I go find Inuyasha?" Kagome looked at Shippo in surprise when she heard this, puzzled.

"Huh, what are you talking about, Kagome?" said this, but it was Shippo's turn to look at Kagome in surprise and disbelief.

"What the hell are you talking about, Shippo, why did I go to Inuyasha?" Kagome continued.

"Kagome, are you serious?" Shippo said as she took a step back, shocked.

"I see. At this moment, Sesshomaru's voice came.

Shippo and Kagome's gaze is forgetful of the past.

"Sesshomaru-sama, what the hell is going on?" Qibao asked.

Why Kagome seems to be a different person after coming back to life?

Kagome was worried that Inuyasha was going to die of worry, so she forced herself to ask Sesshomaru for help.

But now I don't even want to go back to Inuyasha, and ask me why I'm looking for Inuyasha?

Shippo's little head was full of puzzlement, and he was unbelievable about the current situation.

Faced with Shippo's inquiry, Sesshomaru did not mean to answer.

Kagome's case is simple.

Kagome is the reincarnation of Kana, and the soul is also the soul of Kana.

And Kana is also a shrine maiden who has a strong contribution to the soul, so after the reincarnation, the soul of Kana is still influencing Kagome.

Affects Kagome's feelings for Inuyasha.

However, because of the fact that Katome has a strong achievement in the soul, after this reincarnation, Kagome's body has changed, and different souls have been derived, although they are very weak, but they are indeed different souls.

This soul is the current Kagome, and the ability to complete it in the Underworld Stone has been completed.

Without the influence of the play, although Kagome still has the memory of traveling with Inuyasha to collect the Jade of the Four Souls, the relationship between Kagome and Inuyasha is very weak.

Because,This feeling was taken away by the soul of the play.,And by the way, it also took away the hatred that the song had for Inuyasha.。

The resurrection is now a love-hate affair with Inuyasha, no, hatred is stronger than love.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said the words to send Inuyasha to hell as soon as he felt the breath of Inuyasha.

"Qibao, this little girl was rescued by the Underworld Stone, and her soul should have been replenished, so now it should be another person, and the Kagome you are familiar with should be somewhere else now. "It's the scabbard, this guy's knowledge is very profound, and it's the same as Sesshomaru, so you can see it at once.


"How could it be !!" Qibao suddenly couldn't accept it, looked at Kagome, and couldn't believe it.

"What's wrong?Shippo?" Kagome hurriedly comforted when she saw Shippo's appearance.

"And what the hell are you talking about?"

"It's okay, Kagome, you haven't forgotten me, that's great. Seeing that Kagome hadn't forgotten herself, Shippo immediately cheered.

It's just worried that Kagome has forgotten about herself, but Kagome hasn't forgotten herself, so naturally nothing is wrong.

As for Inuyasha, the guy who likes to bully him, he doesn't care.

"If it's okay, just leave, don't bother me here. Sesshomaru said lightly and began to chase people.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sesshomaru, let's go. Seeing Sesshomaru start to chase people, Kagome smiled awkwardly, and then picked up Shippo and ran outside.

Although Kagome has no feelings for Inuyasha, she remembers how Sesshomaru tied herself to the sky before.

She didn't want to be tied up by Sesshomaru again.

"Hey, wait for me. The scabbard shouted loudly from behind, manipulating his body and chasing after Kagome.

And on the other side, the border of the West Country.

"How could it be !!" A terrifying voice came from Cong Yunya's mouth.

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