At this time, on the border of the West Country, Cong Yunya, who controlled Inuyasha, was flustered in his heart.

Why panic, you ask?

Nonsense, anyone surrounded by more than 30 big monsters will panic.

What's more, there are two witches who surpass his previous master, the Fighting Tooth King, at first glance, exist, can he not panic?

That's right, the big monsters of the West Country came up under the leadership of Tsuiko and Kikyo and directly surrounded Cong Yunya.

"This guy is Cong Yunya in the mouth of the killing pill, it is indeed a magic sword, and his aura is very evil. Standing on a high place, the bellflower looked condescendingly at the surrounded Cong Yunya, and said lightly.

"Well, just seal it up. Tsuiko next to her suggested.

"Well, let's just decide. Kikyo agreed.

The two of them decided the ending of Cong Yunya in a few words.

"However, before that, let Damingmaru teach them a lesson about this guy, trespassing in the West Country and releasing that kind of words, if you don't teach a lesson, I guess these guys won't be willing. Tsuiko looked at the big monsters around her one by one, gritting her teeth and staring at the expression of the cloud tooth in Inuyasha's mouth, and said.

"Ah, just do it. Kikyo nodded again.

Looking at the appearance of those big monsters below, it is estimated that they will not stop if they don't beat Cong Yunya.

"Before that, though, take the cloud fang out of Inuyasha's hands. Kikyo said lightly, and a purifying light appeared in his hand, and instantly disappeared into Inuyasha's arm.

"W-What !!"

"What kind of power is this, the power of that shrine maiden?"

"Why is it so strong!! The powerful purification power directly caused Cong Yunfang to fall off from Inuyasha's hands.

As soon as the cloud fang fell off Inuyasha's hand, he floated towards Inuyasha as fast as he could, wanting to possess Inuyasha again.

After all, among the youkai present, only Inuyasha, a half-demon, he can possess, and the others are all big youkai, and they are all indifferent to his bewitchment, and they still have a fierce face, so they have no choice at all.

However, as soon as he floated over, Inuyasha's body bloomed with purple purifying light, directly bounced the cloud fangs away.

"Whatever you want. After taking measures, Kikyo commanded lightly.

"Thank you, Lord Kikyo, I've long wanted to teach this guy a lesson. "

"Hehe, Cong Yunya, this guy was robbed by a lot of powerful monsters hundreds of years ago, but I didn't expect that I would be able to teach this guy a lesson now. "

"Hmm. Nodding faintly, Kikyo and Tsuiko flew away from here, handing over Cong Yunya to many big monsters to deal with.

"I'll come first, I'll come first, let me roast it with my hellfire for two hours. "

"No, no, no, let my Red Lotus Ice freeze it for a few hours. "

"I'll do it anyway, I'll put it in my thunder prison. "

"No, no, no, I'll be the first to come, I'll put him in the mire. "

"I have an idea, when the Twelve Gods chased the adults to kill that guy named Naraku, didn't Naraku hide in the dung pit?"

"Let's put him in a dung pit. "

"Well, are you dirty, and besides, Kikyo and Tsuiko will seal this guy later, be careful that the two adults will settle accounts with you. "

"Well, forget it. "

"In that case, let it go to my wind cave and let this guy be attacked by endless wind blades. "

One by one, the big monsters gathered around Cong Yunya and began to discuss how to deal with Cong Yunya, Cong Yunya was surrounded in the middle and trembled, and every time the big monsters put forward an idea, Cong Yunya's heart trembled violently.

"These guys, it's horrible. "

"Also, is the guy who said he was going to put me in a dung pit the devil?"

"Don't let me get a chance, or you'll look good. "

Although he is powerful, he also needs a user to be able to exert great power.

Without a user, he is a dish in the mouth of the strong.

Even if he has great power that he can exert without using it in a short period of time.

However, in the face of so many big monsters, no matter how strong he is, he is not strong enough.

At first glance, these big monsters are guys who have gone a long way on the road of big monsters, and they are strong.

Even if he exerts his strength to the extreme, he can't match these guys alone.

Cong Yunya felt that he was too difficult.

Just regained his freedom.,And also controlled Inuyasha, a fairly good body.,But it was put on a side by Inuyasha.,Came to the West Country.。

Originally, I wanted to destroy this country that was once under the rule of King Douya, but I didn't expect that the country of the west has changed so much now.

Ma Dan, he had never heard of so many big monsters in a force, and there were two witches who were far beyond the strength of the big monsters.

Knowing that this would be the case, he said that he would not control Inuyasha at all.

He should have slipped away directly when he broke the seal, and he went away with a sword.

Destroy the world, destroy everything in time?

Whoever wants to go, he doesn't want to go anyway.

"Ah, it's decided, let's shove this guy into my wind hole first, and let my wind blade scrape him. "

"And then there's my hellfire. "

"Then my Red Lotus Ice will be behind you. "

"Cut, Thunder Hell continues. "

"Sure enough, let's put it in the dung pit and leave. "

"Be careful, I'm going to tell Kikyo-sama and Mitsumi-sama Tsuiko now. "

"I'm kidding. "

When Cong Yunya was ruthless in his heart but regretted it, many big monsters had already made a decision.

Next, Cong Yunya enjoyed the world's first super VIP treatment.

was collectively brought to a set of one-stop services by so many big monsters for the first time in the world, and Cong Yunya is also the first person in the world, uh, no, it's the first sword.

Hawkers, anyway, after this service, Cong Yunya was self-contained.

There is no need for bellflower and emerald seals at all, this guy is honest.

"What the hell have you done, how can this guy be so quiet. Kikyo looked at Cong Yunya, who didn't react, and asked King Daming and the red evil ghost suspiciously.

"Aha. When the two of them heard this, they immediately touched the back of their heads and played awkwardly.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, you can go back and guard the border. Seeing this, Kikyo didn't ask any questions, and ordered them to go back to their original defensive area.

"Yes, Kikyo-sama!!"

"I feel like Cong Yunya, this guy has been played badly. Cuizi walked over, looked at the motionless Cong Yunya, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Like, let's seal it first. "

"Sesshomaru should have noticed the existence of Cong Yunya, and will wait until he comes back to deal with this guy. Kikyo nodded slightly.

The two of them directly pinched the curse seal, and sealed Cong Yunya in three or two clicks.

In other words, no one else can do it, and even if it does, it will require complicated processes to prepare.

It's also Tsuiko and Kikyo, the first witch of this different era who have the ability to do this.

"By the way, Sister Tsuiko, how is that Inuyasha doing now. "

"Still in a coma, this guy's strength is too weak, and he was actually possessed by Cong Yunya. "

"It's no wonder that Sesshomaru is going to arrange a trial for this guy. "

"As Sesshomaru's younger brother, it's humiliating that he can't even compare to Sesshomaru's subordinates. Tsuiko smiled and shook her head.

"Kikyo and Tsuiko !!" At this time, the hook array suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"What's going on?"

"Someone has appeared at the border again. "

"You have something to do with Kikyo. "

"Something to do with me?"

"Kaede?" said Kikyo with a slight surprise.

"No, it's another. Gou shook his head.

Hearing this, Kikyo was suddenly stunned!!

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