"Kikyo, are you really alive and so young? Fifty years later, you don't have a trace of aging at all. Standing in front of Kikyo, the shrine maiden who resembles Kikyo is looking at Kikyo with a complicated expression at this time.

Chasing Inuyasha all the way, she has also been harassed by many monsters, and she also knows the current era when she subdues demons and destroys demons.

Fifty years have passed since she died.

Unexpectedly, fifty years have passed, and his sister Kikyo is still alive, and her appearance has not changed at all.

It's not the appearance that is maintained by magic.,It's the real appearance of the bellflower.。

Even, she didn't feel a little bit of soul twilight from Kikyo's body.

Kikyo's soul is still young.

Thinking of this, a sense of jealousy suddenly appeared in Song's heart, and even Song herself didn't know why she felt this way.

You know, it's her sister in front of her, her own sister.

"So, you're really alive. A hint of surprise flashed in Kikyo's eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Come back to life? No, I'm just a dead man now. "

"My only purpose now is to find Inuyasha and let him go to hell with me. Hearing Kikyo's words, he sneered and said with hatred.


"Also, you died with hatred back then, and now you will come to this kid when you are resurrected. Hearing this, Kikyo was noncommittal and nodded.

"Now that you know, Kikyo, hand over Inuyasha. Song shouted loudly, the hatred between the words was overflowing, and anyone could hear the terrible hatred of Song, and the hatred on his body was about to materialize.

"Tune down, listen to me first. Kikyo hurriedly reassured.

Inuyasha is Sesshomaru's younger brother and brother-in-law, and she doesn't really have to let Inuyasha be taken away.

Moreover, it was not easy for the music to be resurrected, and she didn't want the music to die again.

She wants to leave Kanaru behind and wait for Sesshomaru's return, so that Sesshomaru can give Kanato a real resurrection.

"Kikyo, do you want to stop me too!!" However, at this time, hatred blinded her mind and she didn't want to listen to Kikyo's appeasement at all, and Kikyo's words seemed to her to be just a block.

"Surely, are you affected too?"

"This catastrophe is not only against youkai alone, but also against humans. "

"No, it's not right, because Kana is the resurrection of the dead, and it was classified as a youkai before it was truly resurrected, so it will be affected. "

"In that case, there is no way to do it. Looking at Kana's already somewhat crazy expression, Kikyo thought with a frown.

"Kikyo, are you actually facing an outsider?"

"I'm your sister!! Seeing that Kikyo was unmoved and didn't plan to hand over Inuyasha to himself, Katsu's heart suddenly became more and more complicated, and his anger rose all of a sudden.

"Play, calm down. Kikyo didn't have the idea of continuing to persuade the music, and pinched the seal with one hand, and a calming mind spell quickly took shape and fell directly on the body.

Before he could react, another binding spell fell on Song's body, and Song was suddenly unable to move, standing there in a daze.

"Sing, quietly accept the truth I have given you. Kikyo slowly walked in front of the player, the index finger and middle finger of his right hand stood side by side, and a little spiritual light appeared in the two fingers of the bellflower, and the bellflower gently pointed it on the forehead of the play, and said softly.

The next moment, Song's excited eyes changed, gradually collapsed, and then his eyes closed, and the whole person fell directly.

Kikyo hurriedly reached out to hold it.

"Take a good rest, play, I'll arrange the rest for you, and when Sesshomaru comes back, you'll be a real human." Gently smoothed out the brow that was still frowning in the coma, and Kikyo said softly.

Then, Kikyo picked up a princess and walked inside.

On the other side, Sesshomaru looked at the two Kagome and the scabbard with a blank face, but he was quite speechless in his heart.

"Didn't these guys just leave?"

"Why did you run back again?"

"Ahaha, I'm so sorry, Sesshomaru, please let us stay here for a while. Although Sesshomaru's face was expressionless, Kagome saw Sesshomaru's thoughts at this time from Sesshomaru's eyes, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly, and then pleaded.

Sesshomaru looked at the forest in the distance, and then at the fragment of the Jade of the Four Souls hanging around Kagome's neck, and then bowed slightly, which was considered to be an agreement to Kagome's request.

These guys are probably hunted down by the monsters because of the existence of the Jade of the Four Souls.

Kagome didn't have the witch's bow and arrows in her hands, and she didn't know the witch's spells, so she couldn't exert her spiritual power at all.

And Shippo and the scabbard, forget it, these two guys don't have any attack power at all.

It was definitely not long after he left here that he was hunted down by the monsters.,Forced to return here.。

As long as they don't disturb themselves, these guys can stay as long as they can.

However, things don't seem to be as good as Sesshomaru thought.

Because at this time, the scabbard has begun to shatter.

"What can I do now, Cong Yunya is still controlling Young Master Inuyasha, I have to think of a way. "

"But we can't live without it right now. "

"Otherwise, Grandpa Scabbard, you can go find Inuyasha by yourself. "

"Those monsters are chasing me who has the jade of the four souls, and if you leave alone, they won't chase you. Kagome laughed dryly.

"Stupid, I just beat you up, those guys must know we're in this together. "

"Don't think of them as stupid, although they are miscellaneous demons, they also have some basic wisdom and can judge some things. The corner of the scabbard's eyes twitched, and he looked at Kagome like an idiot.

"What kind of eyes are you? "Being regarded as an idiot by a soul body, how could Kagome accept it, and his fist collapsed directly on the head of the scabbard.

The scabbard suddenly covered his head, and he looked at Kagome pitifully and in surprise: "I'm obviously a soul body, why can you hit me." "

"Return the soul body, you guy is a fake at all, you have dripped tears on me before. Qibao on the side said disdainfully.

"Don't make a noise, or I'll get out of here. At this time, Sesshomaru's voice came.

Suddenly, the three of them involuntarily covered their mouths, and they didn't dare to make a sound at all.

They were really afraid that Sesshomaru would drive them all out of this area.

Although those monsters outside were afraid of the aura of the killing pill and did not dare to step into here, they did not leave, and they all stayed outside the aura one by one, as long as they left the area covered by the killing pill qi place, they would definitely be hunted down by these monsters.

Sesshomaru's words scared Kagome and the others into not daring to make any moves, and it wasn't until an hour later that Kagome and the others gradually let go a little, and a few people whispered, not daring to disturb Sesshomaru anymore.

However, they didn't know how strong Sesshomaru's ears were, no matter how low they were, Sesshomaru could hear them at such a close distance.

Of course, Sesshomaru didn't speak again because of this.

At this time, his eyes were still on the trial of Super Fortune.

According to Sesshomaru's estimate, this trial will take about three days, but it may not take three days.

It's been two days since the trial began.

This trial could end at any time.

He was now a little looking forward to how much Ling's strength would improve.

"Sesshomaru, what the hell is this, you care so much. At this moment, the unexpected voice of Sesshomaru came into his ears, and Sesshomaru looked at Kagome, who appeared beside him at some point, and was a little unable to react for a while.

How did this guy get to him?

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