Although the black absolute is the public enemy of the entire ninja world at this time,

But he also felt from the bottom of his heart that what he said was not false at all!

[Naruto: Don't worry, we will solve the affairs of our ninja world ourselves, and we don't need you to dictate. You don't respect the history of our ninja world, so we won't listen to you. 】

[Black Jedi: Damn, you will pay for what you say!]

Seeing Naruto and Sasuke defeat the Otsuki Momo Style, Kuroki felt very uncomfortable.

Although it is indeed a good thing to defeat the invasion of foreigners, they are still unwilling to liberate Otsuki Kaguya!!

What if a stronger enemy emerges in the future?

O stupid human!



In the real Konoha Village.

Although Naruto didn't agree with Kuroju's idea in the chat group, he couldn't help but fall into a dilemma.

Nara Shikamaru and other high-level officials also began to discuss with Naruto and others.

"I have to admit that this big barrel of wood peach style is indeed very powerful, and if the seventh Hokage-sama and Sasuke make a small mistake, they may be defeated by him. "

"If there are more strong people coming here in the future, it will be really terrifying. "

"We need to believe that Otsuki Kaguya is for the ninja world, okay?"

"Maybe it's true, but even so, we can't resurrect Kaguya Otsuki casually, after all, there is still a lot of information about the Otsuki clan, and we haven't been able to figure it out. "

"Although it seems that Otsuki Kaguya does have his own difficulties, he can't completely trust her. "

After discussing it, Naruto still had a lot of headaches.

Next, I can only hope that Sasuke can bring back more useful information, so that the ninja world can better analyze the true situation of the Otsuki clan.

At the same time, I also hope that the system can play more future scenes, so that the ninja world can prepare in advance!


Similar discussions are taking place in other ninja villages.

However, everyone is unanimous and cannot come up with a positive answer.


on the screen.

The colorful explosion scene slowly subsided after a long time.

The big barrel peach type, finally declared completely dead!!

But in a moment that countless people can't perceive, the big barrel of Mu Tao has launched an unknown skill!

Time freezes!

In a mysterious space, Boruto sees the big barrel of wooden peach style!

The big barrel of Mu Tao frowned and said:

"What? can you see my presence?"

"Oh, you have inherited the power of the Big Barrel Wood Clan perfectly, but you are still too weak to see your fate clearly!"

"I can see your fate clearly!"

"Those blue eyes, sooner or later, will take everything from you!!"

"Be mentally prepared! Whoever defeats God cannot become a mortal!"

Boruto was confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

The big wooden peach-like figure gradually faded.

"Hehe, taste your destiny well, son of men!!"


In the ninja world.

The crowd was amazed again.

They don't know what's going on, but it doesn't seem good!

[Darui: What do you mean by what Otsuki Momo said to Boruto before he died?]

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: Is this an unwilling cruel talk? 】

[Black Soil: Hasn't the Big Barrel Peach Style been completely defeated?]

[Chojuro: How is it possible, he has been blown to pieces, is there still a way to survive?]

Everyone was extremely puzzled at this time.

I can't be completely happy in my heart, and I'm worried that there are other ways back for the big barrel peach style.

As for Naruto and Sasuke, they were even more worried.

They can all see that this big barrel of wood peach style is like the big barrel wood Kaguya, and it can't be completely defeated!

There must be other ways for him!

In this case, it will be troublesome...


The other side.

Seeing what he did in the picture, the big barrel peach breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that he must have a way back,

That's the wedge!!

The unique abilities of the Otsuki clan!

Able to copy oneself and digitize oneself into the body of others.

And the person who is punched in is called "~device".

To put it simply, the wedge is the backup of the big barrel.

The big barrel peach style can parasitize on Boruto's body and gradually unseal.

If Boruto, who becomes a "weapon", uses the power of Otsuki to fight, it will speed up the unsealing process!

When the seal is completely lifted, the big barrel wood will be resurrected on the body of the "instrument"!

Somewhat similar to Orochimaru's corpse turn.

Therefore, Otsuki claims to be a god, a being that transcends death!

Thinking of this, the big barrel of wooden peach's gaze was even more vicious.

Hehe, it's not so easy to defeat their big barrel wood clan!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, the big barrel peach also sighed:

Even if you have such a hole card, you can't just invade the ninja world anymore!

After all, Naruto and Sasuke, as well as this hateful Boruto, really let themselves all capsize in the gutter!

It's better to call all the clansmen over, this is the best way to solve this ninja world.

Even if the credit is robbed by someone else, don't care!

It's life that matters most.

In addition, although the people in the ninja world don't know the ability of his wedge, they will more or less be suspicious and wary!

So you can't give them time to come up with a countermeasure, you have to defeat them as soon as possible!

Let them completely become the chakra nursery of the big barrel wood clan!


The screen continues to play.

In this way, Boruto finally returned to normal time and space.


In front of Boruto, a blue ball of light suddenly burst out!

The brilliant ball of light destroys everything in its path and flies straight into the sky!


Above the sky of the Metaverse this time, the ball of light completely erupted, turning into magnificent and colorful fragments, shooting out in all directions!

Faced with this situation, Sasuke's Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye and Six Hook Jade Reincarnation Eyes have been flashing brightly!

He was thoughtful and very disturbed by what had just happened!

Naruto also said:

"So, Sasuke, you've won. "

It seems that his son has grown up completely!

Sasuke walked over with a look of relief.

"As I said before, the essence of ninja doesn't change, no matter how the times develop. "

Naruto nodded with emotion.


Sasuke's gaze stared at Boruto for a moment.

"He's just like you used to be. This bet is that I won. "

Naruto also remembered the gamble with Sasuke, touched his head, and laughed!

"Well, if you win, the score between me and you will be a draw. "

Finally, they defeated the alien invaders and brought peace to the ninja world again!!


After watching this big battle slowly end, Naruto and the others prepared to return to the ninja world.

The audience in the ninja world finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There shouldn't be any more reversals, right?

Subsequently, they also set off a monstrous wave.

[Bo Feng Shuimen: The picture of making the father and son spiral pill just now reminds me of all the things Naruto has experienced in the past, and I don't know how many tribulations will make him grow into such a great person?]

[Naruto: Hehe, Dad, I've actually rubbed the spiral pill with you, but you may not know... That's another story. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Ah? yes? haha. 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Naruto! It's a pity that we couldn't be with you in the first place, which is why you have suffered so much. 】

[Naruto: Haha, it's okay, Mom, Dad! If I hadn't suffered so much, I wouldn't have been able to become as powerful as I am now, so it's still a good thing. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Yes, it seems that my original decision was very correct, Naruto is indeed the person who can change Konoha Village, no, he is even far beyond my imagination, he is the person who can change the ninja world. 】

[Nine-Tails: Although I was sealed by Bo Feng Shui Gate at the beginning, I still felt very unhappy, but now it seems that it is also my most glorious thing,!]

[One tail: Haha, I didn't expect you, a tsundere old fox, to say such touching words. 】

[Nine-Tails: Well, is there any problem? In the entire ninja world, apart from the old man of the Six Paths Immortals, there is only Naruto. And being able to participate in the battle against aliens really makes me very happy. 】

[Eight-tails: yes, this is a glory that even I can't compare, hahaha. 】

[Zoryana: Dad, I also want to fight side by side with you, and I have to work hard to show such great strength. 】

[Sasuke: Well, I'm sure you'll be able to do it, come on! 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Then again, Naruto, it's also because we haven't been able to give you too much parental love, that's why you don't know how to be a qualified father, so there are so many conflicts with Boruto!]

[Boruto: Grandpa, grandma, father, mother, this is all because I am young and ignorant, so such a thing happened, and I will never be so ignorant in the future. 】

[Naruto: Haha, in fact, I was also wrong, I cared too much about the village, but I didn't care about you, if I had paid more attention to you before, (King Qian Hao) You wouldn't have become like this, fortunately, we were able to fight side by side together in the end!]

[Naruto: Otherwise, there really won't be a way to defeat this big barrel of peach style!, it seems that I really can't underestimate your strength. 】


The conversation between Naruto and Boruto brought tears to the eyes of the entire ninja world.

[Sarutobi Konohamaru: Ah, I suddenly feel like my Hokage dream has failed, Boruto is so good, and I'm ashamed to be a teacher. 】

[Boruto: Haha, I just used the bug of the Spiral Pill, and my strength is still far inferior to that of your predecessors. 】

[Kakashi: It seems that I handed over the position of the Hokage to Naruto, and I will finally be able to put my burden down completely, and with you here, we will definitely be able to achieve peace in the ninja world.] 】

[Uchiha Obito: Naruto! You are really the junior I admire the most, you are more suitable to be a Hokage than me, I believe that with your presence in this ninja world, it will definitely become better. 】

[Jiraiya: Sure enough, it is worthy of what I said about the son of prophecy that changed the ninja world, you will definitely protect the ninja world, I hope you can compose a more brilliant Naruto den.] 】

More and more people began to praise Naruto for his outstanding contribution to the rain!

[Kakashi: That's right, his Spiral Pill that will disappear should indeed be valued by Konoha Village. It may even be popularized to deal with the big barrel wood clan!]

Everyone began to seriously discuss the countermeasures to deal with the big barrel wood clan!

The future of the ninja world is at stake, and there must be no sloppiness!.

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