The crowd began to discuss how to deal with Otsuki's invasion.

[Jiraiya: Well, if more people learn Boruto's trick, the more confident they will be to deal with the people of the Otsuki clan. 】

[Senjukuma: That's right, the people of the Otsuki clan will definitely show their own magical powers, just like the previous Otsuki Kaguya, each with its own strength. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: In addition to the strength of their hard power, the techniques they have mastered are also incredible, far beyond our ninjutsu. For example, the large barrel of wood Kaguya can directly switch between the time and space where he and the people around him are located. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: This can basically make the big barrel wood Kaguya invincible. 】

[Onoki: If the people of the Otsuki Clan from outside can still directly use the Infinite Moon Reading, then we will be hit by dimensionality reduction!]

[Sasuke: Techniques such as killing ashes and bones together, if you can directly erase them unreasonably, it is also difficult to parry!]

[Naruto: Or just come to an expansive Dao Jade, then our entire ninja world will be finished!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Just now, this big tube of wood peach style of the high emperor produced the spirit honor, and it is very incomprehensible to use it! It's just that this big tube of wood peach style is used too vegetable...]

[Hinata Hinata Hinagi: Even if you exclude their ultimate, as well as their acupoint techniques and other skills, they can't be ignored. 】

[Maitkai: The body skills of the big barrel wood Kaguya are casually stronger than our peak S-level body skills. At that time, the six Naruto were barely able to fight against the big barrel wood Kaguya boxing. 】

When it comes to these powerful big barrel wood abilities, the more everyone thinks about it, the more secretly frightened they become!

If these abilities were used by other experienced ninjas, the power would definitely be even greater!

To use these stupid and arrogant big barrel wood people, it's really a tyrannical thing!

[Li Luo: That's right, it seems that we have to continue to work hard, and we also want my son to become proficient in the Eight Dun Armor as soon as possible, and even to more people to master this powerful physical technique. 】

[Maitkai: That's right, with 757 this trick, although I will definitely die, but I also have to pull a cushion. 】

[Maite Dai: Kill one without losing, kill two to earn, kill three to make a big profit. 】

[Metaru Lee: Okay! Everyone, great seniors, I will definitely work hard!]

Countless people in the ninja world have vowed to prepare well for the big barrel wood clan that may come in the future.

[Kirabi: And the power of unity is also very important, we have to learn more about the meaning of unity. Oh yes, yes, the coolest!]

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: Like me and Kirabi's Thunder Plough Hot Knife, if you work hard, you can still have some power. 】

[Sakura Haruno: I want to be able to psychic more slugs to provide stronger backup guarantees, even to the point of immortality. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Come on, I hope that after working hard, you can reach the level of my passive skill as soon as possible. 】

[Tsunade: My grandfather is heartbroken again.] 】

[Uzumaki Mito: Pillars, don't hit the juniors like this!]

[Senju Pillar: Speaking of which, Madara, let's think about our Susatau Buddha, how to let these people see it. When the time comes, let my wooden Buddha play with the knife!]

[Madara Uchiha: Come on, it's better to think about my Wheel Tomb Side Prison clone, let me hit 5 1... But when you mention it, I seem to be a little moved! As the saying goes, you must set a big tree and slaughter a big barrel of wood!!]

After seeing foreign enemies such as the big barrel of Komokashi, Madara Uchiha's mentality has indeed changed a lot.

He no longer takes such a pessimistic attitude towards the future peace of the ninja world.

Maybe the people in the ninja world won't fight among themselves easily...

It may be an important mission in the future to deal with the big barrel wood family!

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Woo! Madara! My blood boils when I think about it! You have all resurrected me and Madara, and we are going to fight ten large wooden !!]

[A Thousand Hands: Big brother, please be normal, this is a very serious occasion. 】

[Senju Pillar: I'm also very serious!]

【Uzumaki Mito:...】

[Thousand Hands: Ahem, in fact, the ninjutsu of our ninja world is also something they can't despise, even if they call themselves gods, they have to fall into our hands. 】

[Orochimaru: For example, if we have the technique of reincarnation in the soil, when necessary, we can completely let them fight 10,000. 】

[Thousand Hands: Our shadow doppelganger's technique is a ninjutsu that makes them pay a heavy price, whether it is in the process of dealing with the big barrel wood Kaguya or the big barrel wood peach style, it has played a major role. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Well, Sasuke's heavenly hand power also makes this big barrel peach style unguardable, if my Flying Thunder God technique can also be used, it will definitely make their scalps tingle. 】

When it comes to the power developed locally in the ninja world, everyone has regained a lot of self-confidence a little!

Their power is also not to be underestimated!

[Tono Fangsuke: And my scientific ninja equipment, I have to let them see it.] 】

[Nara Shikamaru: You troublemaker, don't talk here. 】

[Orochimaru: Although the scientific forbearance just now seems to have caused us a lot of trouble, my scientific ideas and tools are still very good. Take out a little bit of what's in my lab and you're going to surprise them. 】

[Jiraiya: Well, Orochimaru, I believe this...]

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: There is also our Chakra cannon in Yunyin Village, we have to let them see it. Second captain, pull the chakra cannon from our village over and bomb the damn. 】

[Big barrel peach style: Hmph, you low-level planet likes all kinds of bells and whistles all day long. 】

[Sasuke: Hehe, I like bells and whistles, although there are bells and whistles, but it is to abolish your two reincarnation eyes, and I can defeat you. 】

[Big Barrel Peach Style: You low-level humans, do you really think you can defeat me in the future?]

[Big Barrel Peach Style: My ability is extremely powerful, and I will drop ten times with one force, you know that intelligence is useless!]

[Big Barrel Peach Style: And your abilities have been exposed, and these bells and whistles are impossible to repeat again!]

[Big barrel wooden peach style: You must have nothing to do, and you can still hit me with your head?]

Otsuki Momo is angry in his heart, and he wants to desperately (afej) to hit the self-confidence of these people.

Although the configuration of these Otsuki clans is strong, there is still no way to defeat us ninjas who have cultivated hard, and they can't defeat our united forces. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: It's like Otsuki Kaguya, although he is definitely stronger than Naruto Sasuke in terms of hard power, he still can't defeat them. 】

[Madara Uchiha: What white eyes do they have, reincarnation eyes, and an incomparably huge chakra, as well as an incomparably powerful technique beyond ninjutsu, but it is true that the dish was defeated in the hands of Naruto Sasuke in the end. You don't need me to make a move!] .

[Thousand Hands: And even if this big barrel peach style devours the power of its companions, even if it adds the power of the elixir, it is just the power to rudely plunder people. Not at all their own power. 】

[Senju Tsuruma: It's like Madara, although he snatched the power of the tailed beast, he still can't compare to Naruto Sasuke. 】

[Naruto: Those of us who have cultivated on our own are the ones who are truly powerful. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Although it's a good thing that you defeated this big barrel peach style, you haven't really defeated me yet, so I really want to have a good fight with you to let you know who is the strongest ninja.] 】

[Madara Uchiha: Maybe after seeing my power, Otsuki Momo and the others will also be frightened and dare not really invade the ninja world. 】

[Madara Uchiha: After all, you still have to add two people together, plus the strength of the others to defeat these people. 】

Madara Uchiha never forgets to make his presence felt.

[A Thousand Hands: Madara! Give up, no one will pay attention to you.] 】

[Senju Pillar: Yes, I don't talk to you, you look very embarrassed, you know?]

[Madara Uchiha: Hmph, don't look at this big barrel of peach style seems to be very threatening, in fact, it's just like that, without the power to devour his companions, it is estimated that he would have been defeated by Naruto big barrel peach style. It's not worth mentioning at all in front of me. I don't need to join forces with anyone else. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Yes, but after devouring the power of his companions, he is still very powerful, and I can't give him such a chance next time.] Compared to me and Madhara's Susa Buddha, this is not a real alliance at all!!]

[Thousand Hands: Do you really regard this Susa Buddha as a treasure?]

[Kakashi Hagi: That's what I said, people who don't value their peers are not as good as garbage. 】

[Naruto: That's right, I had a heart-to-heart with these tailed beasts, and the chakra they passed on to me was also sincere! 】

[Tsunade: In the face of the weak, you should protect them well, instead of just thinking about plundering their power, just by virtue of this, you are not worthy of fighting us, those who do not value the strength of their companions are doomed to be defeated, and a person's power will always be incomparably small. 】

After seeing the bursting self-confidence of this ninja world, the big barrel of wooden peach style looked hideous, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable.

Damn inferior humans!

You can't be so happy!

Those of you who don't know how to fear the gods will have to pay the price sooner or later!

[Otsuki Momo Style: Hehe, it's nice to say, but you Naruto Sasuke don't play any one of them, just rely on other ninja people to gather and see if you can defeat me. 】

[Big Barrel Wood Peach Style: The power of mine is the real powerful power! The way of inheriting the strength of our Big Barrel Wood Clan, the weak and the strong, is the most correct!]

[Big Barrel Wood Peach Style: Moreover, some of our people in the Big Barrel Wood clan are stronger than me, don't take yourself too seriously. 】

[Big Barrel Peach Style: It's like a weak woman like Big Barrel Wood Kaguya, although it looks like it's quite a vegetable. 】

[Big Barrel Peach Style: That's just because she is stupid and sweet, even if she has the power of the Divine Tree, she can't exert her full strength, so she was defeated by you, and if I had her power, I would have been able to kill you a long time ago. 】

[Big barrel peach style: Besides, don't think I'm defeated now, in fact, I...]

[Big barrel peach style: Hehe, forget it, there is nothing to say to you ordinary humans. 】

The big barrel of wooden peach closed in time, and did not expose the special ability of his own "wedge".

I'm not afraid of 10,000, I'm afraid of what if!.

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