At this time.

Although everyone has their own thoughts and their own little calculations, they still have to unite on the surface.

They start thinking about some valuable suggestions.

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: By the way, our scattered tailed beasts should gather together, and we can't give them a chance to divide and attack. 】

[Ichio: That's right, I'll go back to the ninja world now.] Back to my Airo. 】

[Iara: If you come back to me, maybe even I won't be able to protect you, so let's let you go to Naruto's side. 】

[Five Tails: Just by giving Naruto such a part of his power, we have already made him so powerful, and it would be even more unimaginable if we gave him all of his power. 】

[Eight-Tails: Hey, if all of us tailed beasts can gather together and deal with these aliens together, it will definitely be a very exciting scene. 】

[Nine-Tails: The old man of the immortals created us, and we also have to make a little contribution to this ninja world, so that the big barrel wood clan knows that we scattered chakras have their own will, and we are not absorbed by them casually. 】

[Eight-Tails: Yes, to underestimate Naruto and the power of the ninja world, but you will definitely have to pay a heavy price. 】

Naruto: Thank you for your praise of me, I will definitely continue to work hard and definitely live up to your hopes. I will definitely inherit the will of the old man of the Six Immortals, so that the "Five-Five-Zero" ninja world can achieve true peace, neither internal nor external people can destroy the peace of our ninja world, and we must let everyone achieve true happiness. 】

[Eight-Tails: Kirabi, we need to hug our thighs quickly, let's go and stay with Naruto, if we are scattered, we will definitely die.] 】

[Kirabi: Okay!]


While everyone is seriously discussing the strategy against the enemy, the screen continues to play!

The crowd was even more surprised.

It seems that Naruto Uzumaki's clip hasn't finished yet!

Countless people have high expectations, hoping to see more exciting battle scenes, and at the same time expose more important information about the big barrel wood clan!!

In the picture, a person with pale skin and long blue-white hair appears on the screen!

On him, an incomparably powerful chakra momentum is constantly climbing!

He was muttering to himself:

"Naruto, I'm going to destroy your ninja world completely!"

As he spoke, he suddenly opened his eyes!

A pair of brilliant eyes, exuding a deep and mysterious luster, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This is a powerful eye that everyone has never seen before!


As soon as they saw this situation, the relevant personnel recognized it!

[Naruto: Ah! This is the Otsuki Kishato!]

[Hinata Hinata: These eyes are the most powerful eyes of our Hyuga clan: the reincarnated eyes! It is the end point of the evolution of white eyes to the extreme. 】

[Sasuke: It looks really strong, just like the writing wheel eye of our Uchiha clan, it has evolved to the extreme is the reincarnation eye, and the status of the reincarnation eye is on par!]

[Madara Uchiha: There are still such powerful eyes in this ninja world? It turns out that the Hyuga clan should not be underestimated, and it actually has six bloodlines on a par with the Uchiha clan. 】

[Senju Pillar: Oh, I didn't expect that the Hyuga clan could have such a powerful power?

[Naruto: He is a descendant of Otsuki Hamura, the younger brother of the Six Dao Immortals, and has pure Otsuki clan blood. 】

[Hinata Hinata: This big barrel of wood house, fused with the chakra of the big barrel wood, plus the descendants of the big barrel of wood feather village, that is, the cleanest white eyes of our Hyuga family, can open the ultimate mode of reincarnation eye chakra mode. 】

[Hinata: yes! My eyes are amazing!]

[Boruto: Auntie is really strong!]

[Otsuki Hamura: I see, this is my descendant!


And at this time.

At a palace where Sakura Haruno, Sakai, Naruto, Shikamaru, and Hinata were standing, they suddenly felt a violent tremor.

Boom –


They nervously looked around and found a huge stone statue in front of them!

After sensing the powerful threat of this stone statue, Naruto immediately activated his full Nine-Tails form!

The huge golden fox has begun to fight against this stone statue!

The Nine-Tails lifted the statue up and threw it downward!

For a time, the entire moon and earth shook!

However, the stone statue seemed unscathed, and continued to scuffle with the Nine-Tails.

For a while, the battle between the two giants caused the buildings here to collapse and turn into pieces!

And Sakai used a super beast pseudo-painting and left with Naruto and Hinata and others.

Seeing such a powerful stone statue, Naruto was secretly frightened.

To be able to fight like this with the Nine-Tails, this is definitely a six-level opponent!

The huge chakra of the Nine-Tails didn't seem to make much waves in front of it, and it was beaten back by the stone statue.

Even if he finally broke the stone statue, he was able to repair it slowly, like being reincarnated in the dirt!

It simply can't be defeated!


After seeing this exciting battle scene, the entire ninja world was once again extremely shocked.

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: When is this scene, why am I not familiar with it?]

[Naruto: This is the scene when I went to the moon to save Hinata, and it's normal that you haven't seen it. 】

[Onoki: This was more than ten years ago, right? Indeed, it was also a crisis in the ninja world that could not be ignored! Although it was short-lived, the earth was indeed almost destroyed by the moon. 】

[Boruto: Ah, is it so scary?]

[Terumi Ming: Oh, by the way, the kissing scene between Naruto and Hinata that appeared earlier is from here, right?]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: It turns out that there are still people living on the moon?]

After sealing the Otsuki Kaguya, the Six Paths Immortals continued to stay on Earth and created the Ninja Sect, scattering the nine tailed beasts throughout the ninja world. And Otsuki Hamura came to the moon to guard the sealed mother. So this is his descendant. 】

[Boruto: Is this a battle between Dad and Mom?

[Zoryana: It's a shame that I didn't even see my dad appear. 】

[Sasuke: Dad wanted to protect Konoha Village at that time, but there was no way. 】


in the picture.

The Otsuki Kisha man rode a trap bird and suddenly attacked Naruto and the others!

"Hmph, don't try to escape!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as the words fell, the people of the big barrel wooden house completely burst out their strength!


Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode!!

The green chakra surged out, like a raging green flame, enveloping his whole body, extremely cool and magnificent!

He raised his hand, and the wind rose on the ground!

The terrifying chakra power exploded!

One after another, like waves of real energy, like bombs, swept away all obstacles around him!

Under the raging shock wave, even the ground above the moon was instantly overturned.

His strength has reached an unimaginably terrifying level.

And he also has several Dao Seeking Jades attached to his back.

It can be seen that at this time, he has indeed been promoted to the level of the six realms!

Seeing the terrifying momentum of the Otsuki people, Naruto's heart was extremely dignified0.....

After obtaining the white eyes of Hanabi, did the people of the Otsuki Kishaku open the so-called reincarnation eye?

At this time, the people of the big barrel wooden house were full of pride:

"I'm now able to compare myself to my ancestor, Otsuki Hamura, and welcome the destruction of the ninja world. "

Next, the people of the big barrel wooden house shouted angrily!

"Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explodes !!"

Boom –

Boom –

The big barrel Mushe man released a number of Dao Seeking Jades from his palms, and rotated these fairway jades with both hands.

I saw that the appearance of the Seeking Dao Jade was covered with a layer of green chakra, and then a silver circle of light was quickly formed!

In a flash!

Countless huge tornadoes swept in!

Naruto secretly said that it was not good, and immediately used his chakra to protect Hinata and the others.

From the moon, countless meteorites began to burst out, flying towards the Earth in the distance.

After seeing the power and speed of these meteorites, countless people were shocked.

When these meteorites land on the earth, the earth will inevitably suffer an unprecedented catastrophe!!

It's even more terrifying than the mutation of heaven and earth before 10 tails.

Seeing the devastation caused by the Otsuki Kisha people, Naruto's face sank.

He had to defeat the Wooden Lodgers!

Otherwise, the ninja world will fall into a catastrophe!!


The other side.

above the earth.

In the face of the meteorite rain caused by the people of the big barrel wooden house, ordinary people were scared!

Is the earth going to be destroyed?

Yunyin Village immediately dispatched and used the chakra cannons they had researched to attack these meteorites desperately.




These meteorites were shattered by the chakra cannon from afar.

And in Iwakuin Village, Tsuchikage Onoki also used his Dust Escape Origin Stripping Technique to destroy the meteorites one by one.

Loess and others also exhausted their soil escape defense techniques to protect the safety of Yanyin Village.

And I'm Ailuo in Shayin Village, who also uses his own sand secret technique, desperately blocking the attack of these meteorites.

Terumi of Wuyin Village also led countless people to resist the bombardment of meteorites.

And at this time, Konoha, under the leadership of the 6th Hokage Kakashi, is also desperately blocking the attack of these meteorites at 0.0.

Li Luo and other physical masters rushed to the meteorite first!

In mid-air, Li Luo even burst out with the power of the sixth gate of the eight Dunjia gates, cutting off the meteorite.

But the meteorite that was not completely shattered would still cause great damage to Konoha Village.

Just as Kakashi's face was solemn and he was about to make a move, countless sharp bird calls suddenly rang out.



Thunder and lightning appeared overwhelmingly in mid-air, like a thundercloud descending!

After a dazzling flash of electricity, the meteorite was completely blown to pieces.

Kakashi was startled.


In mid-air, Sasuke turned his head handsomely.

"Naruto said that if he wasn't there, I would have to guard the village. "

He stands heroically in mid-air, like a hero of the world, which makes people extremely trusted.


After seeing this situation, the people in the ninja world once again set off a storm and waves.

[Chojuro: I am reminded again of the world-destroying crisis ten years ago!]

[I love Luo: I am afraid for a while when I think about it. 】

[Onoki: Indeed, just our ninja world is already so difficult to parry, and Naruto on the moon must be even more difficult to face the Otsuki Sheren!]

At this time, they were even more in awe of Naruto!.

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