Thinking of the battle more than ten years ago, everyone is full of emotion.

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: Kakashi said at the time that Naruto would save the ninja world and protect the ninja world for decades, and it seems that he was right!]

[Boruto: So at that time, Dad continued to act as the savior!

[Zoryana: My dad is also guarding everyone in the village, so he's so handsome, but it's a pity that he couldn't fight alongside Uncle Naruto. 】

[Mitsuki: It seems that we can have a peaceful life in Konoha Village, and we can't forget the efforts of so many predecessors!]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Naruto, you guys are really good! You have protected the village and the ninja world again and again! I am proud of you!]

[Senju Tsuruma: This is the reign of the six generations of Hokage, it's still pretty good, everyone is calm and calm to deal with the crisis, well done!]

[Madara Uchiha: Interesting, this Otsuki Kisha is also a member of the Otsuki clan, and they are also all six-level characters, right? I really want to fight with him! I want to destroy the ninja world, and I haven't asked if I agree!]

[Senjuma: Madara Uchiha, you really add a sense of presence to yourself. 】


The thrilling scenes continue to play out.

After the power of the Otsuki Kisha people completely exploded, Sakai and Sakura Haruno and others were all disillusioned.

The power of this big wooden house is too terrifying.

This is definitely not an enemy that a normal ninja can deal with!

Because the others also knew that only a strong man of Naruto's level was qualified to fight against the Otsuki Kisha, so they handed over the battlefield to him.

After Naruto finally protected Hinata and the others, he was still gasping slightly.

And on the ground, a figure suddenly appeared, and at lightning speed, 05 took the lead in taking Hinata before Naruto could react.

The cold voice of the big barrel wooden house man sounded:

"Give Hinata back to me, you're here watching how Naruto failed. "

He locked Hinata in a cage and made her watch Naruto and himself fight.

He previously thought that Hinata had extremely pure white eyes and was the so-called "princess of white eyes", so he was the best candidate for his wife.

That's why I want to force Hinata to marry me!

It was only after that that he had a series of conflicts with Naruto.

Seeing this unreasonable big barrel wooden houseman, Naruto's eyes were about to split!

He immediately entered the golden body mode and began to fight against the big barrel wooden house.

He must protect Hinata and protect his companions!

At the same time, we must protect the ninja world!!

Before the battle, Naruto was accustomed to convincing the Otsuki Kisha people in words:

You don't understand the will of Otsuki Hamura at all, the current ninja world is very peaceful, not the failed ninja world as you said. "

Of course, the people in the big barrel wooden house didn't listen to it at all, and they felt that what they were doing was right!

"The world created by the Six Dao Immortals is a failure! I must destroy it completely!"

The two sides do not talk speculatively for more than half a sentence, and can only use fists and feet instead of mouths to speak.


The big barrel Kisha and Naruto officially started a decisive battle, and the strongest strength broke out.

Naruto had just finished the Fourth Shinobi War, and as the most powerful ninja on Earth, his strength went without saying.

And the reincarnation eye chakra mode of the people of the big barrel is also a power of the same level as the reincarnation eye.

I saw two flashes of light, one yellow and one green, colliding rapidly on the moon.

The two sides are constantly colliding, and in the sky above, there are only lines that are constantly flying, gorgeous and colorful, making people dizzy.

Where they were fighting, shockwaves and blasts swept in, leaving countless deep craters and ravines on the ground.

Seeing that he couldn't take down Naruto quickly in a close encounter, the Otsuki Kisha used the trap bird to fly into the air.

Then control countless huge stones and shoot towards Naruto.

Naruto either used his body to dodge or directly shattered it with his fists, and soon approached the Otsuki Kishato and used the Senfa Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken.


The eyes of the people in the big barrel wooden house were cold, and they immediately jumped up.

Although he avoided this spiral shuriken, his trap bird was directly chopped, and the Wind Escape Spiral shuriken also completely exploded.


"Yes, but it's a pity that I'm still vulnerable. "

The big barrel of the wooden house man manipulated the reincarnation eye seeking jade and turned into a black protective cover!

In the face of Naruto's attack, he didn't take any damage at all.

He continued to use his mouth escape technique to hit Naruto's self-confidence.

"The ninja realm created by the six immortals is a failure, and there is only one end for your ninja realm, and that is complete destruction. "

Naruto simply didn't accept his denial.

"Ninjas will never be destroyed, and their will will will be passed on forever. "

As soon as the words fell, Naruto used the Confusing Star Spiral Pill!!

Suddenly attack the people of the big barrel wooden house!

But the people in the big barrel wooden house still looked indifferent.

Seeking Dao Jade Shuriken!!

The appearance of countless Dao Seeking Jades was covered with a layer of green reincarnation eye chakra, and it rotated rapidly, forming an incomparably sharp shuriken!

Sonorous and sonorous!!

It was another explosion that was so violent.

The moon was hit by the explosion, and it was once again devastated and scarred!

Landslides and cracks!


Everyone took a breath and watched with bated breath as the battle between the Otsuki Kisha and Naruto began.

Although he knew that Naruto would definitely be victorious, everyone in the ninja world was still extremely nervous.

After all, this is the real Big Barrel Wood Clan!

His strength is indeed enough to make people feel like they are gone!

At the end of a wave exchange, Naruto and Otsukishato were not injured at all, even though they were in the midst of the storm.

Naruto continued to shout angrily:

"Spiral Pills!!"

Boom ————— (.)

The ground where Naruto was completely crumbled and collapsed, and he sank into a pit hundreds of meters deep.

With the help of the power of the explosion, the people of the big barrel wooden house flew into the sky, and continued to throw out the seeker jade that covered the sky and the sun!!

To the people of the big barrel wooden house, the seeking jade seems to be worthless, and the energy continues to be generated.

Seeking the Jade Light Cannon!!


Boom Boom!!

Naruto was extremely agile enough to avoid the laser rain of light cannons, and wanted to continue to rush into the sky and engage them.

But the people of the big barrel cottage also lost their last patience and decided to use their ultimate meaning!!

Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion !!

A huge yellow chakra giant sword suddenly appeared in the hands of the people of the big barrel.

The fluctuations it emitted made the space tremble violently, as if it could tear through the void!

This is the final blow that the people of the big barrel wooden house have poured out most of the Dao Seeking Jade!

It was even longer than the moon, and with the power to open the world, it suddenly blasted towards Naruto.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion directly penetrated the moon, and even split the moon in two.


This kind of power, even in the ninja world, can be clearly seen!!

The huge moon is directly split into two halves!



in a chat group.

The crowd screamed again.

Although countless ninja people have also participated in this battle, it is also the first time to watch such a shocking scene up close.

So at this time, they all opened their mouths wide and were dumbfounded.

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: This power is too terrifying, although the size of this moon is not as large as the earth, but it is also unimaginable. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: This kind of power is really a battle that mortals can't reach! It seems that the people of the Da Tsumu clan are very not simple. 】

[Terumi: Although we knew about the battle on the moon before, we didn't expect so many magnificent scenes to take place!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: This is the six earth-exploding stars formed when sealing the big barrel of wood in the night! This can be cut off directly! It's incredible!]

[Hei Jue: Indeed, it's really unimaginable! It's a pity that my mother is not here at this time, it's a pity!!]

[Boruto: Dad, I really want to know the ins and outs of your battle! There is such a spectacular battle and such a sweet scene, it makes me so curious!]

[Naruto: Haha, don't worry, I'll say it well when I have a chance in the future!No way, Dad's epic story is so many haha!]

[Madara Uchiha: It's really interesting, the blood in my heart can't be suppressed! I really want to fight with this big barrel wood 830 people!]

[Senju Tsuruma: Madara, don't you want to fight with me? You have to change your mind when you see anyone! Besides, I don't think you can fight!]

[Madara Uchiha: Hashi hot mom! Are you itchy skin?]


The other side.

The Six Dao Immortals who saw this battle were extremely emotional.

In the ninja world of the future, there will be many things that you don't expect.

Even a character like himself is breathtaking.

All the twists and turns that happened on this moon, as well as the so-called reincarnation eye, were all things that I never expected!

Even the power of the big barrel wood clan is very little known to him.


The footage is still unfolding gripping battles.

On Earth, because of the approaching moon, the four generations of Thunder Shadow asked to bombard the moon with a chakra cannon!

At this time, the storage capacity of the Chakra cannon has reached 95%!!


Kakashi suddenly asks Thunder Shadow to stop the chakra cannon firing.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow is still a little dissatisfied with this.

"There's no way but to make them sacrifice for the sake of the earth, I have to fire the chakra cannon. "

But at this time, I also made a request.

"Lord Thunder Shadow, I'll ask you to wait an hour. "

Mizukage Terumi also pleaded:

"Thunder Shadow-sama, I beg you to do the same, Naruto is the hero of the 4th Ninja Battle, and he deserves an extra hour of gambling for it. "

Seeing this, Thunder Shadow could only agree to Kakashi's request.


On the Moon!

The man of the big barrel continued to shout:

"Huh. Naruto: Your strength is nothing in front of the Otsuki clan, and your ninja world is doomed to destruction. "

And at this moment, Naruto also yelled angrily!!

"The ninja world will never be destroyed by you!!"

Just like when he dealt with the big barrel wood Kaguya, he conjured up countless golden shadow clones and densely besieged the big barrel wood house.

The two sides have entered a white-hot stage and are ready to fight to the death!

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