This situation and this scene once again made the hearts of the people in the whole ninja world rise to their throats!

[Jiraiya: What is the origin of this enemy? It must be very powerful. It was able to break through the defenses of Konoha Village and descend here directly from the body of this Kawaki. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: And he is still interested in Boruto, this should have something to do with these marks in their hands!]

[Sasuke: This mark should be left by Momoshiki, and the people of their Otsuki clan really have a steady stream of followers. 】

[Naruto: It seems that the enemy we have to deal with is getting more and more troublesome.] 】

[Boruto: It sounds like he has thoughts about me, too! It's terrible! Will I become such an important figure in the future? Even the people of the Otsuki clan are so covetous?]

[Zoryana: Don't worry, Boruto, I will try my best to fight with you and protect you!]

In the Hokage's office.

Naruto also had a serious expression and ordered his men to find ways to investigate the origin of this so-called Cixian.

Find out what kind of organization he is and what their purpose is.

The thought of such a powerful enemy, still hidden in the ninja world, Naruto was extremely worried.


in the picture.

Naruto yelled at Tzu Xian and said:

"Don't talk to yourself here!!"

But as soon as Naruto rushed over, he was stuck into the ground by several chakra black rods shot out by the "Two-Five-Zero" Tzu String.

Naruto was stunned!

How did this black rod come about?

Why can't I even see it clearly, so I get hit inexplicably?

Sarutobi Konohamaru and the others also ran over in shock, wanting to ask what was going on.

Naruto gasped:

"Hurry up. These black rods are sucking up my chakra. "

After seeing that his beloved Seven Hokage was injured, Sarutobi Konohamaru as a guard, still wanted to fight with Cixian!

But he exhausted his means, and there was no way to attack Cixian, and he was soon stuck to the ground by Cixian's chakra black rod.

Tzu Xian didn't even look at these weak ninjas, and went straight to Kawaki.

"Alright. Rebellious son, you're ending your vacation! "

Kawaki said angrily:

"Don't call me that, I don't think of you as a father at all. "

Cixian's face became more and more gloomy.

"Hurry up and get up, are you itching again? You should know that you can't deal with me at all. "

Kawaki continued to widen his eyes with rage and shouted:

"This damn mark you gave me! Tell me how I can get rid of it. "

Cixian looked at Kawaki's scientific ninja arm and said coldly:

"Looks like you like this arm that the Hokage gave you more than the mark I gave you. "

"Think about it, this is just the device he used to spy on you. "

"How is he different from the mark I have given you?"

Kawaki immediately defended Naruto:

"Hokage, he's not at all like a scumbag like you!"

Tzu Xian continued to try to convince Kawaki:

"You'd better come to my senses, Kawaki, you've just been deceived by this Hokage and Konoha Village!"

"Only I will stand up for you,"

"At most, he wants to protect the peace of Konoha Village, and this does not include you. "

However, Kawaki does not look like he was persuaded by Cixian at all.

"Damn! I can't let you insult the 7th Hokage. "

He immediately erupted with a creepy aura.

Laugh at......

A horn resembling the body of Tzu String grows on the head of the Kawa wood!

Everyone in the ninja world saw it, this was very similar to the people of the Otsuki clan that Sasuke had seen before!

It seems that Kawaki really inherited the power of Otsuki.

I don't know what this power is about.

After seeing Kawaki's appearance, Cixian was also a little surprised!

"This kid has been able to evolve to this point. "

Outside the room, Naruto managed to break free from the black rod of the Tzu String.

But it wasn't until the Nine-Tails lent his power to Naruto and let him start the Golden Body Mode again that he finally got rid of these black rods!


He flew quickly and kicked Cixian away, protecting Kawaki behind him.

Cixian's eyes as he looked at Naruto were getting more and more gloomy.

"Oh, it looks like you're determined to fight me. "

Naruto scolded him like he had scolded Kaguya Otsuki:

"Your behavior doesn't look like your father's behavior at all. "

Cixian just said coldly:

"Okay, then don't blame me for getting rid of you!, Naruto Uzumaki. "

Boom –

Naruto immediately fought with Cixian.

But at this time, Naruto was very obviously down, and he was directly knocked away by Cixian again and again, and he was embarrassed!

The Nine-Tails also began to talk to Naruto:

"If you can only use physical arts, it's very bad for you. "

Naruto said helplessly in his heart:

"I understand, too, but I can't use my ultimate here. After all, the people in the village..."

Tzu Xian also saw Naruto's rat thrower, so he said coldly:

"Hehe, there are so many things that need to be protected, it's really troublesome. Let me put you to the test and see how much you can protect. "

Cixian's right hand summoned a huge ball of energy, which seemed to destroy the village.

After seeing this massive attack, both Naruto and Kawaki were shocked.

Seeing Naruto gritting his teeth, Kawaki knew that Naruto at this time must be very embarrassed.

It's not that he can't fight Cixian, it's just that he's afraid that the battle will spread to the village.

This is Naruto who always puts the village first!

At this thought, Kawaki finally surrendered:

"Okay, I see, I'll just listen to you, take me away. But you have to assure me that you will never be able to do anything to Konoha Village and the 7th Hokage again. "

He uttered these words in agony.

Naruto's eyes widened as soon as he heard these words!

"What are you talking about?Kawaki, I won't allow you to do this!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Kawaki shouted:

"He's not something you can deal with at all, and I'd better be taken by him than let him hurt you. "

Naruto is still very opinionated:

"No, it's my responsibility to protect the village and my family. "

Kawaki: "In that case, let me go quickly." "

Naruto's voice has improved a lot!

"But Kawaki, you're one of the people I'm trying to protect. "

Hearing this, Kawaki's heart was shocked!

Is he the person Naruto values the most?

How could he be able to obtain such a precious affection from Naruto?

Thinking about it, Kawaki even had a sour nose.

The feelings for Naruto are even more and more desperate!

But listening to it, Cixian has completely lost his patience.

"That's enough, let's get it over quickly!"


He struck hard, absorbing Naruto into a black portal.

Naruto secretly screamed badly and hurriedly resisted, but found that he couldn't refuse the suction of this black portal at all!

Then he disappeared in front of Kawaki.

Kawaki's eyes were red, his whole body shook into a sieve, and he fell to the ground weakly, shouting loudly!


Having lost his loved ones he loved the most, he felt like his heart was dead.....

He is an orphan who no one loves, why did he let Naruto work so hard?

What can I do for Naruto?

His eyes were bloodshot and he pondered a solution to the matter.



in a chat group.

Seeing such a dangerous battle scene, everyone was completely stunned!

[Onoki: This Cixian is also too terrifying, and it actually hit Naruto so that he didn't have the power to fight back at all. 】

[Terumi Ming: Sure enough, it's a very powerful enemy, but I don't know what he has to do with the Otsuki clan?]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Naruto and the others are about to be in danger again, and he is only in Konoha Village, and he doesn't dare to use other large-scale ninjutsu, which is really too passive. 】

[Madara Uchiha: This person is a bit interesting, it makes me want to compete with him again!, I wonder where he will take Naruto with this time and space ninjutsu?]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Can Naruto deal with such an enemy? 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: Come on Naruto, you must beat this person hard. 】

[Jiraiya: I want you to take on the responsibility of protecting the ninja world alone, it's really embarrassing for you, we owe you the whole ninja world. 】

[Sasuke: I don't know what kind of character that Kawaki just appeared, it seems that Naruto is trying to protect him. Naruto even treated him like family. 】

[Naruto: That should be someone who is closely related to Otsuki, and it is likely that he has the power of the Otsuki clan, so this Cixian wants to take him away. 】

At this time, the entire ninja world was watching the next scene with fear.

Everything in the future is really too confusing.

The fate of the ninja world depends on Naruto!



The screen began to appear again.

Naruto was taken to a desolate place by Cixian.

Naruto got up and gritted his teeth:

"What the hell is this place?"

Cixian said lightly:

"It's a different space than where you were before, it's a different space. It's time to say goodbye, and you stay here. "

As soon as the words fell, he wanted to leave directly.

But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared and kicked him away.


3.7 Cixian was caught off guard and was directly kicked dozens of meters away.

Everyone looked at it and found that it was Sasuke Uchiha!!

Sasuke looked at Naruto with a distressed glint in his eyes.

"You super idiot, you're so careless. "

After seeing that it was Sasuke, everyone in the ninja world was excited.

Next, will you be able to see Naruto and Sasuke fighting side by side?

And Cixian quickly stood up and patted the dust on his body, still very calm and calm.

"It's time and space ninjutsu, did he appear with the 7th Hokage? It's just right! Then I can lock you all up here." "

Naruto walked up to Sasuke and said with a smile:

"Sasuke, thanks to you, otherwise I would have been locked up here. "

With Sasuke here, Naruto's heart is extremely relieved!

Still full of arrogance, Cixian issued his own sentence to Naruto and Sasuke:

"It's a coincidence, if you show up a few minutes later. "

"And be able to take him away peacefully. "

"Avoid a pointless fight!"

Naruto was gearing up and said excitedly:

"No! It's just in time! In that case, then the two of us will be able to fight you without any scruples!"

Naruto and Sasuke are fighting high, and the big battle has officially begun!

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