At this time.

The Great War is imminent!

Sasuke pulled out the Kusanagi sword, and Naruto also rubbed out the spiral pill and began to burst out, pinching the Cixian with the power of the big barrel!

Although they still don't know Cixian's true identity, they also know that he should be a member of the Big Barrel Mu clan!

And the true identity of this Cixian is actually another member of the Big Barrel Wood clan who is partnered with the Big Barrel Wood Kaguya, the Big Barrel Wood Style!!

And at this time.

In the face of their joint efforts, the big barrel wood is still light and light.

Otsuki stretched out his two hands, and easily blocked Naruto's and Sasuke's attacks.

Then, with a quick whip kick, Otsuki swept Sasuke away.


And Naruto's spiral pill was also quickly absorbed by the wedge in his hand, and then kicked Naruto away!

Naruto also quickly realized that he couldn't attack Otsuki Ichiki with ninjutsu.

Sasuke immediately rushed over, played swordsmanship, and grappled with Otsuki.

But it didn't take long for the old trick to be repeated!


He used the chakra black stick that appeared out of thin air and stabbed Sasuke in the shoulder, directly making Sasuke incapacitated.

Seeing this, Sasuke's pupils also dilated suddenly!

I've been paying attention to Otsuki's actions, but why can't I catch the moment when he uses the chakra black rod?

Even his own top-level writing wheel eye and reincarnation eye can't even see through it!?


in the real world.

This lightning-like battle has dazzled everyone, and they sweated a handful 05.

Because it is related to the powerful enemies of the ninja world in the future, everyone has begun to seriously analyze the ability of Otsuki Ichikiki!

[Nagato: Shouldn't these black rods be made from his body before they can be attacked?, why do they seem to appear directly on his opponent?]

[Jiraiya: Could it be that these chakra black sticks can be directly applied to opponents? That's too difficult to understand, isn't it?Even Naruto and Sasuke are so difficult to get rid of!]

[Naruto: Could it be that his attacks are so fast that we can't catch them with the naked eye?]

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: Naruto and Sasuke seem to have lost the upper hand, this enemy seems to be stronger than the big barrel of Komoto. 】

[Black Jedi: This person... Hmph, you guys are absolutely unmanageable, so let's think about it and resurrect my mother to deal with it!]

[Boruto: Ah, my dad and Uncle Sasuke are going to fight side by side again! Come on, it's a pity that I can't participate in this battle.] I don't know if my spiral pill has a miraculous effect on this enemy?]

[Zoryana: This battle will definitely be even more dangerous! I'm really worried about my dad and Uncle Naruto!]

Everyone is anxious at this time!


At this time.

in the picture.

Seeing that Sasuke was in trouble, Naruto secretly said that it was not good, and immediately attacked Otsuki Ichishiki, which alleviated Sasuke's crisis.

Then, Naruto also used his own signature ninjutsu!

Multiple Shadow Clones!

Bang bang!

Thousands of Naruto appeared around Otsuki Ichishiki and began to launch a siege.

However, Otsuki still didn't pay attention to it, and used his physical skills to play Naruto as he wanted.

Several Naruto shadow clones had already surrounded Otsuki Ichishiki, but before they could attack Otsuki Ichishiki, they saw Otsuki Ichishiki's figure disappear suddenly!

The shadow clones searched everywhere, but they still couldn't find the figure of the big barrel wood.


Could it be that the time-space ninjutsu of the big barrel wood style can still be used like this?

It's like the power of the earth!

When Naruto was nervous, the figure of the big barrel wood suddenly appeared in mid-air, and then sent out countless chakra black rods!


Dense chakra black rods rained down into the sky, like a wooden cutting, and struck Naruto's shadow clone like a storm.

It didn't take long for Naruto's shadow clone to be completely wiped out by Otsuki in one go!

This is simply an unprecedented experience for Naruto!


in a chat group.

Everyone was stunned again, extremely surprised!

[Bo Feng Shuimen: It's unbelievable! Even if it's a big barrel of wood Kaguya, there is no way to easily eliminate so many shadow clones!]

[Uchiha Obito: His skill is very similar to the Wood Escape Cutting Technique, but the speed is faster, and he can't dodge it at all!

[Boruto: Is it the same as my spiral pill, can it still be invisible?

[Uchiha Obito: I don't feel like I'm invisible, is it using time and space ninjutsu? But even if it's the co-killing ash bone of Otsuki Kaguya, when attacking with the help of a black portal, it doesn't have such a fast speed, right?]

[Kakashi: Yes, my eyes can't see through this attack at all.] 】

[Uchiha Obito: And other people can quickly disappear and suddenly appear somewhere else!]

[Thousand Hands: Is it similar to my Flying Thunder God's technique? But my Flying Thunder God will appear in other places immediately after using it, right? Could it be an instantaneous technique, or even a stealth technique...]

[Bo Feng Shuimen: That's really too difficult! Or can he change his stay time in the process of flying thunder god's instantaneous body, and he can appear whenever he wants?]

Countless BUG ninjutsu owners have tried their best to analyze the strength of the big barrel wood style.

However, with so many smart minds, they still can't see the ability of the big barrel wood!

It's incredible!

[Thousand Hands Pillar: This so-called Cixian is really terrifying! It is definitely the strength of the Big Barrel Wood Clan!]

[Thousand Hands: His oppressive power is even better than that of the big barrel wooden house, and even better than the big barrel wood Kaguya!!]

[Madara Uchiha: Interesting, such an opponent, it's interesting to fight, Naruto and Sasuke, don't let me down! If you can't beat it, then you can only let me go. 】

[Hei Jue: Hehe, he's much worse than my mother, he's... Forget it, you better resurrect my mother!]

[Naruto: Kuro, don't hide it, tell me, who is this person? You must know something, right?]

[Sasuke: Anyway, I've already deduced in the picture that this person is the one who came to the ninja world with Kaguya Otsuki! And their relationship should be similar to that of Kaneki and Momo, one is a superior and the other is a subordinate... I don't know what level this Cixian is?]

[Naruto: I think it's only subordinate at most, right? It can't be stronger than Kaguya, right?] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Sasuke: That's hard to say... I don't know why he didn't act with Kaguya in the first place, otherwise, our ninja world would have been destroyed a long time ago, right? And the body at this time should not be his real body!]

[Senju Tsuruma: Indeed, he looks a lot like a monk in our ninja world. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Yes, he always mentions one word, container! This Chuanmu should be the container of Cixian, and we should be able to understand that Chuanmu can accommodate Cixian... Anyway, as long as you use Kawaki, the people of the big barrel wood clan can get their own heyday!]

[A Thousand Hands: Just at this time, he is already so powerful, it is hard to imagine how terrifying it will be for him to become in his heyday!]

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: We must deal with him as soon as possible, and defeat him completely before he becomes stronger!]


in the picture.

Sasuke saw Otsuki Ichishiki's ability and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see, his ability should be to directly shrink matter!"

"These chakra black rods too, because they're small enough to be imperceptible when they pierce the flesh. "

"But once it's back to its normal size, it's going to be a fatal blow!"

"The reason why he suddenly disappeared was because he shrunk himself!"

Naruto nodded thoughtfully.

"I see, but it's really tricky!"

As soon as he heard this, Otsuki Ichishiki also had to admire Sasuke very much.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the dynamic vision of the writing wheel, which can be seen!"

"Your calm temperament and strong insight alone make me not to be underestimated. "

"Coupled with the time-space ninjutsu given to you by the Eye of Reincarnation, I should be the first to destroy you!"

Big Barrel Wood's eyes were cold, and he shot out countless chakra black rods again!


Naruto and Sasuke were able to avoid the attack that appeared out of thin air because they saw through his technique.

But after that, Otsuki Ichiki also disappeared in an instant, and appeared on top of Naruto and Sasuke's heads!

Naruto Catch 360 caught his trajectory and immediately used the Spiral Pill to attack Otsuki Ichishiki!

Because the size of the spiral pill is very large, it directly counteracts the attack of the big barrel wood type!

Immediately afterwards, Naruto and Sasuke started a physical contest with Otsuki Kazuki.

Playing and fighting, Otsuki Yishi also frowned, feeling that it was very tricky.

He unleashed his magical ability again and suddenly disappeared in place!

Sasuke quickly mobilized his pupil power and saw through where Otsuki Issuki was.

"Naruto, behind your right leg!"

Naruto immediately used a special move to attack Otsuki Ichishiki!

Daiyu Spiral Pill !!

The huge attack directly enveloped the invisible Otsuki Ichishi, and he had to take countermeasures.


But in his heart, Otsuki still didn't care about Naruto.

"I'm really sorry, I can absorb your ninjutsu even in a shrunken state!"


This situation and this scene made the whole ninja world even more shocked!

[Madara Uchiha: Sure enough, it is still the standard ability of the Otsuki clan, which can directly absorb the ninjutsu of our ninja world. And in the shrinking state, it's no exception!It's kind of interesting.,I really had the idea of fighting him again!This time, the enemy should be more powerful than the previous ones such as the Otsuki Kisha, Momo-style and Jin-style!]

[Thousand Hands: This Cixian is indeed very terrifying! It is an enemy beyond our knowledge! In him, there will definitely be more incredible techniques!]

[Naruto: Yes, thanks to Sasuke's Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye and Samsara Eye, so I can see it!]

[Uchiha Obito: This technique is similar to my Kamui space!Although it is not completely gone, it has become such a small state, and it is almost the same as disappearing in this real world!]

[Kakashi: Indeed, you can shrink your own weapon and not enlarge it until it hits, which is really too difficult to deal with, even more terrifying than Kamui!]

At this time, the ninja world, under the pressure of substance, had to think about it seriously.

They had to brainstorm a way to deal with the big barrel!。

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