And at this time.

Although Otsuki can easily absorb Naruto's ninjutsu, Naruto is also very satisfied:

"I see, we can finally find your location!"

Because Otsuki absorbed ninjutsu in one style, his position was completely exposed where ninjutsu disappeared quickly!

Sasuke immediately swung his Kusanagi sword and prepared to win with one blow!

After seeing this situation, the big barrel wood secretly screamed badly.

"At this time, I'm still absorbing ninjutsu, and I can't dodge quickly!"

As a result, he could only immediately summon a black portal and transfer himself to another place, avoiding Sasuke's swordsmanship.

After he reappeared, he said in a cold tone:

"You've taught me a lesson! No ability is perfect!"

Immediately afterwards, he also turned on his strongest state!

Buzz Buzz!!

A horn slowly grew out of his head, and an increasingly terrifying momentum gradually emanated from him, shaking the air and buzzing!

The power of the big barrel wood clan is completely displayed to the fullest!

Both Naruto and Sasuke had serious faces, feeling like they were being pressed against their chests by the heavy air, and they couldn't breathe.

Sasuke hurriedly said:

"Naruto, during my investigation, I saw a strange space,"

"In addition to discovering the Otsuki Kaguya, the Golden Style, and the Peach Style, I also found a Otsuki Clansman!"

"This guy's horns are exactly the same as I've ever seen!"

The big barrel of wood smashed the bar and asked:

"You've been to me, and how did you do that?"

Sasuke continued to say coldly:

"I found out that you also have a very disgusting pet, like a ten-tailed hatchling! You're trying to suck up the planet's chakra, right? Anyway, we have to defeat this guy!!"

As he spoke, Sasuke had summoned the full body of Susano!

Naruto also knew that he was going to move his real character, and immediately turned on the state of complete nine-tails!

Huge blue and gold giants stand in front of the large barrel of wood.

The big barrel wood is still very disdainful:

"Well, let me teach you a lesson!"

Otsuki flew straight up, following Naruto and Sasuke's Gundam, and kept getting closer to the core of Naruto and Sasuke!

He seems to be going to use his human form to deal with Naruto and Sasuke's tall form!!


As everyone stared at the screen, the screen suddenly went black.

The voice of the system sounded again:


[Next, let's start the question session, may I ask Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, what will be the outcome of the battle with Otsuki Ichiki?]

[Who wins and who loses?What will happen to the loser?What is the physical condition of the winner?]

[Those who answer correctly can get a variety of rewards, such as powerful abilities and information about the big barrel wood style.] 】

[The more detailed the answer, the more correct the details, and the richer the rewards you get.] 】

[Those who answer incorrectly will also receive the punishment they deserve.] 】

As soon as he heard this, the entire ninja world began to be in an uproar again.

Oh my God, what will be the outcome of this battle between Naruto and Sasuke?

It seems to be unsatisfactory.

Of course, in fact, even if it was the previous battle with the Momo-style Golden Style and others, they didn't dare to say that Naruto and Sasuke were nine out of ten.

But at this time, they are really at a disadvantage, and it can be said that they have encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Only Naruto and Sasuke dealt with Otsuki Ichishiki.

And at the moment Naruto and Sasuke are both being hung up and beaten.

I couldn't find a way to fight him at all.

So how else can they break the game?


in a chat group.

[Jiraiya: By the way, we finally know that this Cixian is indeed a member of the big barrel wood clan!

[Sasuke: He really came to Earth with Otsuki Kaguya, so it's understandable that he can be so powerful. 】

[Bo Feng Mizumon: The situation is not quite right, although Naruto and Sasuke have now turned on Gundam mode. But in the later battles, who wouldn't know how to drive the Gundam? 】

[Senjukuma: And you see, he hasn't even turned on Giant Mode at this time. He still wants to use such a small human form to deal with Naruto and Sasuke, is he so confident?]

[Iara: Couldn't Naruto and Sasuke at this time force out of his heyday? God, this is too terrifying. 】

[Black Soil: Let's think about it from another angle, maybe there is no way for the big barrel wood to turn on the giant mode, maybe he can't use his previous strength now. That's why he had to lurk in the ninja world. 】

[Chojuro: I hope that's the case, but I don't know the bottom of my heart. 】

[Darui: I also want to bet that Naruto and Sasuke will win, but I think if we are wrong, then this punishment may be unbearable for us. 】

[Kakashi: Alas, after so many years of lurking in this big barrel of wood, he should not have been so stupid to come to the door with such confidence. 】

The more people think about it, the more depressed they become!

[Madara Uchiha: Okay, what do you want to do so much? Let me answer directly. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Madara Uchiha: Naruto and Sasuke are bound to lose, and Otsuki Ichiki will be the final victor. 】

[Madara Uchiha: As for the details, I think I'd better not say it, if I say it, it may be wrong, Naruto Sasuke may or may not die, I don't need to go into such detail. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Hmph, this question is so easy to answer, the system rarely asks questions, which means that there must be something wrong!Naruto and Sasuke will inevitably encounter accidents!]

[Madara Uchiha: Besides, maybe in the next video of this system, I may have to do it myself to turn the tide and save the ninja world!]

Madara Uchiha confidently awaits the reward of the system!

[Senju Kazuma: Madara Uchiha, you feel too good about yourself, right?Who would have thought that he would resurrect you?

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, who knows? You dogs jump off the wall in a hurry, maybe you will die as a horse doctor... Ahh

[Senju Pillar: Madara, you answer a question, as for so many scenes?]


Soon, the system began to respond accordingly.

[Congratulations to Madara Uchiha for answering correctly, and reward Madara Uchiha Transformation Pill.] 】

[After use, the gender of the user can be changed.] At the same time, let the user gain the power of the six realms!!]

As soon as he heard this, the entire ninja world was once again in a sensation.

I didn't expect Madara Uchiha to get this reward.

If it were in the past, they might still be extremely worried, worried that Madara Uchiha would do something harmful to the ninja world and bring disaster to the ninja world again.

But by this time, they were already occupied by other emotions.

What they were thinking in their hearts was that Naruto and Sasuke had been defeated.

Oh my God, that's so desperate.

If even they can't deal with Otsuki Yishiki, then who else can defeat him?

The world isn't going to end here, is it?




All kinds of negative emotions quickly swept over their hearts!!

[Madara Uchiha: Hahaha, I'm finally able to get this coveted thing, although it may have some side effects, but it doesn't matter. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Everyone in the ninja world, you don't have to worry, even if Naruto and Sasuke fail, don't be nervous, I believe that with me, I will definitely be able to defeat their Otsuki clan. 】

[Madara Uchiha: When I eat this transformation pill and use the power of the six realms to return to the ninja world, I will immediately find this big barrel of wood and kill it!]

[Madara Uchiha: Wait for my good news!]


In the chat group, no one paid attention to Madara Uchiha!

Deathly silence!

[Madara Uchiha: ??? why aren't you afraid of my resurrection?]

[Madara Uchiha: Didn't you try to persuade me before?]

[Madara Uchiha: It's useless for you to persuade me, I'm definitely going to be resurrected, no matter what the price.] 】

[Madara Uchiha: With the power of the six realms, I will definitely have a chance to come to the world again. And I'll find a way to return to my heyday soon!!]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Madara! Don't make a mess, can you?]

[Senju Pillar: Except for me, who else will take you seriously. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: This enemy in front of you is so terrifying that you can't even count a green onion compared to him. 】

[Senju Tsuruma: Whether you can help Naruto and Sasuke is not necessarily. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Besides, although this Transformation Pill claims to have the power of the Six Realms, it may not be much compared to your peak. 】

[Senju Pillar: After all, you can't have the power of 10 tails now. 】

[Madara Uchiha: Hehe, at least it allows me to fully exert my reincarnation eye power. At the same time, I have some moves that I didn't use during the four wars, so I have to let you take a good look. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Okay, then if you can resurrect it, see if there is a chance to resurrect me, I think many people will resurrect this trick, you can't do this six modes. 】

[Naruto: Damn! Let Yu (good) Chiba Madara answer be the first to get it right, and get a reward.] 】

[Sasuke: Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about this Uchiha Madara, what should we do to deal with this big barrel of wood?]

[Tsunade: Let's think about what moves we have, they can't handle it.] 】

[Kakashi: Think about this in advance, so that you can increase your chances of victory and turn the tide in the future. 】

[Bo Feng Shuimen: It's really important to think about the strategy against the enemy, but we also have to think about how to answer these questions, maybe we can also get some information about the big barrel wood from it, and at the same time we can also get some ability to deal with him. 】

[Fourth Thunder Shadow: Then again, Naruto and Sasuke shouldn't both be dead. In that case, it would be too desperate. 】

[Terumi Ming: I don't know if the victory of Otsuki was easy. Will it also make him seriously injured?

[Iara: I think he still has to pay a price, right? 】

[Uzumaki Kushina: As long as you can exchange it for the enemy's intelligence, or have a chance of getting a reward, it's worth our try!

[Bo Feng Shuimen: Yes, we may not be able to do much now, but we can do more for future generations!]

[Jiraiya: Let me answer, in terms of details!Otsuki Ichiki may pay a heavy price to defeat Naruto and Sasuke!].

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