Sesshomaru now especially wanted to know what the expressions of those priests of the Pachi clan were.

All five of his own elves were stolen, and it was the same person's hand.

I guess when he found out that the other four elves had been stolen, the old guy of the Pachi chieftain had a pig's liver-colored face.

"What, do you want to do it?" Seeing that Sesshomaru was silent, King Asakura spoke again.

"You really want to do it with me?" Sesshomaru asked lightly.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you here?"

"Since I dare to appear in front of you, then I naturally have the means to save my life. "

"Sa, let me see, five hundred years have passed, how far your strength has reached!!" King Asakura said with a smile, and then stretched out his hand, controlling his four major holding spirits to launch an attack on the Killing Pill.

The earth rioted, and huge pillars of rock rose from the feet of Sesshomaru.

As soon as the thought moved, Sesshomaru's body rose into the air, and he dodged these stone pillars with ease.

And with the appearance of the rock pillars, the earth also cracked, and the water columns swept up from the cracks, turning into huge waves on the barren Gobi and sweeping towards the Sesshomaru.

It has the intention of completely engulfing the killing pill.

However, at the moment when it was about to hit in front of Sesshomaru, the huge wave suddenly exploded, and the water splashed in all directions, forming an endless stream of sharp water guns that covered the sand Sesshomaru.

The endless splash of water leaked the water wrapped in the killing pill, and it continued to bombard, and the sound of explosions continued to come out and resound throughout the sky.

"Lord Ye Wang is so powerful!!!" The many followers behind King Ye of Ma Cang looked at this scene and exclaimed.

The water guns that were densely packed in the sky, they could know from afar that their power was extraordinary.

If it were them, they would never have survived this kind of attack.

Many followers were convinced at this moment that the killing pill was definitely dead.

"Accept the sanction of the thunder!!" However, in the face of this situation, King Asakura did not relax, but continued to give the order to attack the soul thunder behind him.

The next moment, a climate that is impossible appeared over the desert with clear skies.

Dark clouds and thunderclouds shrouded it.

Thunderbolts continued to swim in the dark sky, and at a certain moment, a fierce light bloomed, and a huge pillar of thunder fell from the sky and slashed at the location of the killing pill.


The terrifying explosion instantly exploded, resounding throughout the desert.

On the desert, countless psychic king contestants who were looking for the ruins of the Pachi tribe were attracted by the huge explosion that resounded throughout the desert, and they all looked over here.

This hope, everyone is not calm.

I saw that in their field of vision, the huge pillar of thunder reached through the sky, and the terrifying momentum could be felt through a long distance.

The weak psychics trembled at this scene, and their faces looked desperate.

And those psychics who had strong confidence in themselves also showed solemn expressions, and then got up and rushed in the direction where King Ye and the others were.

At this time, at the center of the explosion, King Ye's followers bore the brunt of the explosion, and the huge pillar of thunder fell and produced an extremely terrifying explosion, causing a huge impact that almost threw them flying.

Fortunately, the wind of the soul of the King of the Leaves of the Makura Leaves protected them in time, otherwise these followers of the King of the Leaves of the Fields would have been blown to a corner of the desert long ago.

"It's terrifying, sure enough, Lord Ye Wang is the most powerful !!," muttered a black child dressed in orange linen with a black explosive head.

When the other followers heard this, they all agreed.

However, only the king of Macang Ye was extremely dignified at this time.

"Lord Ye, what's wrong with you?" Seeing the solemn expression of King Ye, who had caused such a terrifying attack, many followers were puzzled, and the black child who spoke just now asked aloud.

"Millet grains, the enemy we encounter now is not simple, and we will not be defeated by such a simple attack, after all, it was this guy who destroyed my psychic king dream five hundred years ago. Ma Cang Ye Wang patted the black child millet grains and said.

As soon as these words came out, the many followers who had previously said to King Asakura Ye that they were puzzled by the feelings of Sesshomaru's subordinates were stunned, and a thought appeared in their hearts that they thought was very ridiculous.

Could it be that what Lord Ye Wang just said is true?

Five hundred years ago, Lord Ye Wang had a chance to be reincarnated again under the left hand of that person just now?

If it's true, then how terrifying is the strength of this enemy in front of you!!

As if reflecting their conjecture, the Pillar of Thunder dissipated, the smoke cleared, and under the nervous gaze of everyone, Sesshomaru's intact figure appeared in front of their eyes.

"Your attack is still so weak, Ye Wang !!" Looking at Ma Cang Ye Wang, Sesshomaru said lightly.

"It's unscathed by this kind of attack, what a monster!!" Although he already had a guess in his heart, after really seeing Sesshomaru's uninjured appearance, King Asakura Ye couldn't help but be a little shocked.

Just when King Macang Ye was about to control several super spirit bodies to attack again, the sound of breaking the air came into the ears of everyone present.

Subsequently, nearly ten figures fell not far away.

On one side is a monk or nun dressed in monk's costume and wearing a golden hoop on her head.

On the other side is a group of rusty iron virgins in uniform white dress with a few English letters engraved on their shoulders.

"The wicked man has come to the door, and it seems that the battle cannot continue. "

"Sesshomaru, how about this battle end here, let's compete again in the Psychic King Competition. Looking at the two sides that appeared, King Macang Ye smiled faintly and proposed to Sesshomaru.

"Come and don't be rude, King Macang Ye, I'll let you go when I attack me. Sesshomaru said lightly, and as soon as the words fell, the huge golden fire spirit appeared behind Sesshomaru, quietly watching King Asakura Ye and his party.

"Sure enough, I said that the fire spirit disappeared when I was reincarnated, and you took it !!away."

"This size, this momentum, it's not good. "

"Sesshomaru, I'm not your match now, goodbye. Seeing the appearance of the fire spirit, King Macang Ye was slightly stunned, and then a drop of cold sweat appeared on his cheeks.

The next moment, he suddenly flicked the cloak on his body, and one after another Yin Yang Techniques instantly spread out from under his feet.

The fluctuations of the space are clearly displayed.

"Goodbye to the Psychic King Competition, Killing Pill !!" King Ma Cang Ye said with a smile, and then, the Yin and Yang Technique under his feet bloomed with a fierce light, completely covering King Ye and the others.

The face of the killing pill did not change color, and the huge palm of the fire spirit fell on the body of the King of Asakura Ye and the others who were covered in white light with lightning speed.


"Well, let you live a little longer. The smoke cleared, and looking at the empty huge pit, Sesshomaru said lightly.

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