Without caring about leaving, King Asakura and the others shifted their gaze to the two sides that suddenly appeared.

"Gandhara's leader, Shati and X-LAWS?" Sesshomaru muttered under his breath, then sprang up and flew off into the distance.

He's only here to meet his 'old friend', and now that he's seen him, there's no need to stay here.

As for the guys from these two organizations, Sesshomaru doesn't intend to have anything to do with them.

"Wait, this lord !!" Seeing that Sesshomaru was about to leave, Mark, the second-in-command in X-LAWS, hurriedly controlled his angel to fly in front of Sesshomaru and blocked him.

"What's the matter?" Sesshomaru frowned slightly, his face displeased.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy was very respectful to himself, just by his sudden blockade, Sesshomaru would have directly started to understand him.

"This gentleman, named Maiden Joan of Arc, is a pleasure to meet you!!" Marc didn't speak, but the Iron Maiden in the distance flew over, floating in front of Sesshomaru, and introduced herself to Sesshomaru.

As soon as the words fell, the Iron Maiden opened open, revealing the existence inside.

A beautiful girl with silver hair and red eyes wearing a pink tank top and long pants with a smile on her face.

Maiden Joan of Arc, the leader of the X-LAWS, is in charge of the spirit of the angels and holds the spirit as Shamatheeu, who is known as the soul close to the gods.

"What's stopping me?" Sesshomaru said again, his tone still indifferent.

"I take the liberty of asking, is King Asakura Ha your enemy, sir?" Maiden Joan of Arc asked with a smile in the face of Sesshomaru's indifference.

"You don't have to worry about the affairs of King Macang Ye. Hearing this, Sesshomaru was slightly silent, and then said lightly.

As the words fell, Sesshomaru's figure flashed, and he flashed behind Malke's angelic spirit and continued to fly forward.

Seeing this, Marc prepared to stop him again, but Maiden Joan of Arc stopped him in time.

"Marc, don't stand in your way, or you'll become an enemy. Maiden Joan of Arc said softly.

"Yes, Joan of Arc!!" said Marke, with one hand on his chest, and saluted respectfully.

"Well, let's go. Maiden Joan of Arc nodded slightly, and several thorns stretched out from the Iron Maiden to pull Maiden back, and then closed, and the two flew in the direction where their companion was.

Although it is only a one-sided relationship, Maiden Joan of Arc has some understanding of Sesshomaru's character.

If Marc had stopped him again just now, he would definitely have been killed by Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru's fire spirit just now had already frightened Maiden Joan of Arc.

She never imagined that the super-spirits of human beings in the world could reach that level.

That kind of momentum, just by looking at it from afar, Maiden Joan of Arc did not have the courage to fight the fire spirit.

Fortunately, Sesshomaru and King Asakura are not in the same group, and there is a great chance that they will be enemies just now.

In other words, they have one more beneficial helper on the basis of dealing with King Ye.

"Lady Joan, what's going on. As soon as Joan of Arc and the others returned, the female in the group, Migne, asked anxiously.

"It's not bad, let's go. Maiden's voice came from among the Iron Maiden.

"Yes, Joan of Arc !!" After saluting respectfully, the group glanced at the monks and nuns in the distance who did not move, and then left the place.

"It's incredible that there is a character who can make King Macang Ye escape. "

"However, it's actually a monster!! "The monk and nun who have not moved all this time is called Shati, and he is the leader of the three major organizations of psychics Gandhara.

The three major organizations of psychics are the forces led by King Ye and Gandhara led by Shati, and finally the X-LAWS led by Maiden Joan of Arc.

Maiden Joan of Arc didn't see Sesshomaru's identity, and Shati, who was a monk, didn't.

As soon as Shati saw Sesshomaru, he recognized Sesshomaru's identity as a youkai.

In this regard, Shati was very surprised.

She had never heard of any monsters that could confront King Macang Ye, and even let King Macang Ye avoid fighting him for the time being.

"But there's something bad about it. "


Shati and Maiden Joan of Arc naturally didn't know that Sesshomaru had already returned to the canyon at this time, and met Nuliang Carp and Asakura Ye and others who moved because of the huge movement caused by his fight with King Makuraha.

"Sure enough, it's you, Your Excellency Sesshomaru!!" Looking at the Sesshomaru in front of him, the cat looked like it was really like this.

"Cat and stock sect, you're not in Izumo for the elderly, what are you doing here. Sesshomaru said lightly.

"I don't know that you participated in the Psychic King War, for the sake of the Asakura family, so come and supervise this kid not to offend you. The cat took another puff on his cigarette and chuckled.

"Yes. With a faint nod, Sesshomaru stopped talking and walked forward slowly.

"This time, Your Excellency Sesshomaru appeared again, Xiao Sheng was relieved again. "

"With you, Lord Ye won't have to worry about things. "

"However, Your Excellency Sesshomaru, can Xiao Sheng ask you for a favor for Lord Ye?"

"Please don't let Lord Ye go back to Hell. The cat looked at Sesshomaru with a pleading expression.

However, Sesshomaru had no intention of responding at all.

Seeing this, the cat sighed slightly, but did not force it.

In the face of Sesshomaru, he also does not have this qualification.

And Asakura Ye and the others, who were walking behind the two, listened to the conversation between Mao Youguzong and Sesshomaru, and looked at each other, but they didn't speak.

The two seniors talked, and as juniors, they were not qualified to meddle at all.

On the other side, in a place in the desert, a violent white light suddenly exploded, and the figures of King Macang Ye and others appeared here.

As soon as he appeared, King Macang Ye knelt directly on his knees and coughed violently, blood spurting out of his mouth.

"Lord Ye!!"

"Lord Ye, are you alright!!?"

"Lord Ye!!" Seeing the appearance of King Ye of Macang, everyone panicked.

"Ahem, it's fine. After coughing a few times, King Macang Ye's face turned pale and waved his hand.

"This guy, what a monster, my current strength is not an opponent at all. "

"Looks like it's only going to be done to those two guys. "

"I didn't want to do it, but I had to do it, don't blame me. King Macang Ye's face was slightly gloomy, and he silently made a decision in his heart.

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