"How did they die? I didn't have my natural teeth. After habitually waving his innate teeth, Sesshomaru realized that he who was holding his innate teeth didn't see the messenger from the underworld, and couldn't help but feel a little strange, and turned his head to look at Nuliang Carp Companion and asked.

"Have a few of them already died once?"

"Joan of Arc was devoured by King Ye, and Sha Ti probably did too, so should I. Hearing this, Nuliang replied loudly.

"Eh, by the way, isn't my soul devoured?"

"How can you still be resurrected?" said in the end, Nu Liang Carp also reacted, looking at his hands and saying incredulously.

He had been resurrected by Sesshomaru before, and in his opinion, he was able to be resurrected because his soul had not dissipated, and he had a chance to be resurrected by his father in the Half-Demon Realm.

However, now that his soul has been devoured, he can still be resurrected?

It's the most incredible.

"Or, my soul wasn't devoured by King Ye?" Thinking of this, Nuliang Liban muttered to himself.

"No wonder I think King Ye's strength has become much stronger, did it turn out that he devoured your soul?" Hearing the words of Nu Liang Carp Companion, Sesshomaru also understood why he was born with no effect.

The souls of the co-authors have been devoured, and it's no wonder that the natural teeth can't work anymore.

Without a soul, the messenger of the underworld will naturally not come, and the ability of the innate tooth to kill the messenger of the underworld to return the soul to the body and thus resurrect the person will not work.

Listening to Sesshomaru's words, the Pachi people in the distance complained in their hearts.

No matter how strong you are, it's not like you're toyed with applause.

Sesshomaru's strength was far beyond their imagination.

Devoured so many souls, and the magic power reached more than three and a half million, the King of Macang Ye was directly wiped out without the power to fight back in the hands of the Killing Pill.

This man is terrible to the extreme, and he can't describe it in words.

"However, thanks to the appearance of this man, we have a chance to live, and we must be grateful. The Pachi chieftain, supported by the two priests, stood up and came to Sesshomaru to thank him.

However, as soon as they arrived, they heard Sesshomaru's own words.

"Forget it, in that case, let's use another method. Putting the knife into the sheath, Sesshomaru muttered lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the Pachi people who had just come over were also stunned.

That's right, the soul of Nuliang Carp was devoured by King Ye, but I didn't expect it to be able to come back to life!!!



"Hmm, what are you two doing?" Sesshomaru, who was about to use the power of the Heavenly Realm, looked at the two kneeling in front of him, slightly puzzled.

"Anna, Miss Dorun. Nu Liang Koi also looked at the two kneeling in front of Sesshomaru in surprise.

That's right, kneeling in front of Sesshomaru are the two of them, Anna and Dorun.

"Sesshomaru-sama, I hope Sesshomaru-sama can save my brother!!" Michirun pleaded with a desolate look on his face as he raised his head with tears on his face.

"Please Sesshomaru-sama save Aye, as long as Sesshomaru-sama can save Aye, let Anna pay any price!!" Osshoyama Anna also raised her head and pleaded at Sesshomaru.

"What's going on?" Sesshomaru asked, looking at his carp companion, puzzled.

Although he was very surprised that he hadn't seen Asakura Ye and the others before, he didn't care.

However, these two guys made Sesshomaru feel a little concerned.

"King Macang Ye went crazy, and after they finished their trial, he attacked them, killed them all, and devoured their souls. Nuliang Carp Companion explained.

"I see, seeing the carp companions whose souls were devoured by King Ye come back to life in my hands, and knowing that I have the power to resurrect a person regardless of the soul, do you come and ask me to resurrect them? "

"Why should I resurrect them, though? Sesshomaru asked lightly at the two of them.

The preparation for the resurrection of Shati and Maiden Joan of Arc was due to the request of the carp companion, who was his own subordinate, and during this time he also did his best, and even accepted his own order to start changing his royal inheritance and creating a new imperial inheritance.

This time, the resurrection of Shati and Maiden Joan of Arc can also be regarded as his reward for the carp companion.

However, Asakura Ye and the others have nothing to do with him, so why should he resurrect them?

Hearing Sesshomaru's words, the two people kneeling on the ground were stunned for a moment, and they didn't speak again for a while.

Because they really can't give any reason.

They are just asking, and it is Sesshomaru's own decision to save or not.

They can't influence Sesshomaru's decision.

For a moment, the faces of the two were extremely pale.

The slave carp companion on the side looked at the pale faces of the two and was also slightly unbearable.

After all, they are companions who have been fighting side by side for several days.

"Sesshomaru-sama, do you want to?" Nura was silent for a few seconds, and then cautiously spoke to Sesshomaru, wanting to ask Sesshomaru for the two of them.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, he was held back because of Sesshomaru's gaze, and looked at Sesshomaru in disdain.

Ignoring the two who were kneeling on the ground, Sesshomaru's body emitted a divine light, and then two rays of light flew out of Sesshomaru's body and landed on the bodies of Maiden Joan of Arc and Shati.

The effect of the life and death, the flesh and bones, and the power of the heavenly realm is very powerful, and the injuries on the two of them have visibly recovered with the naked eye, and the dull eyes have quickly appeared color, and the breath has resurfaced.

Then, the two sat up at the same time, looking at their bodies in disbelief.

"Am I alive?" said Shati and Maiden Joan of Arc at the same time.

"Yo, welcome back. Nu Liang greeted with a smile.

"Nu Liang, are you still alive!!" Looking at Nu Liang's carp companion, Sha Ti said in surprise.

She clearly remembered that Nuliang Carp Companion was killed by King Ye one step ahead of her and devoured her soul, how could Nuliang Carp Companion still be alive.

However, the next moment she was relieved, she was also killed by King Ye and devoured her soul, and she didn't survive anyway.

"Thank you for the gift of Sesshomaru-sama, you two. Nura glanced at Sesshomaru, and then said to the two.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" the two of them looked at Nura Koiban's eyes.

"Thank you very much, Sesshomaru-sama!!" After seeing Sesshomaru, both of them were stunned, and then thanked them seriously.

"Gone, carp companion. Sesshomaru didn't care, turned around and walked into the distance.

"Sesshomaru-sama, I'm very sorry, please let the carp companion stay here, Kuroda Fang was sent out by the carp companion, and the carp companion must wait here for him to come back. Nuliang Carp Companion bowed slightly to Sesshomaru and spoke.

"yes, then you can stay here!!" Hearing this, Sesshomaru nodded faintly, and then took off into the air and left here.

"Wait, Sesshomar-sama!!" Seeing Sesshomaru flying away, Dao Yun was startled, and quickly got up and chased after her, it was about her brother's life, and she wanted to try it.

It was Anna who was still kneeling on the ground at this time, with her head down, not knowing what to think again.

"Let's go, let's see how many psychics are left. After watching Sesshomaru gradually move away, Nura Ryo turned around and said to Shati and the Pachi clansmen.

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