"Young Master Sesshomaru, you're back. "In the sunset shrine, Sesshomaru fell from the sky and slowly fell to the ground, and under the god tree, Ling waved her hand excitedly.

When Sesshomaru fell, Ling ran over excitedly.

"Ling, have you come over here? Reaching out and stroking Rei's head, Sesshomaru said gently.

"Well, once a week, accompany Sister Kagome back here. Ling nodded and said with a smile.

"Yes. "

"Sesshomaru, are you back?" At this time, the door of Sunset's house on the side opened, and Kagome ran out of it, came to Sesshomaru's side, smiled gently, and said.

"Hmm? I always feel like your attitude has changed. Sesshomaru said with slight surprise.

"Ahh When Kagome heard this, she immediately said with a laugh.

"Well, forget it. "

"Ling, I'll go back first, and you guys will come over later, I have something to tell you. Sesshomaru said lightly.

"I see, Master Sesshomaru!!"

"You're leaving so soon, so let's have a meal at my house, my mom hasn't seen you yet." Hearing that Sesshomaru was leaving now, Kagome hurriedly said.

Kagome then shouted home.

"Mom, grandpa, hurry up and come out, the killing pill you want to see is here. "

"No, I'll go back first. Sesshomaru shook his head lightly, and then walked towards the Well of Bone Eater.

"Hey, wait, Sesshomaru. Kagome hurriedly chased after him, trying to stop Sesshomaru.

However, it didn't work, Killing Pill directly used the displacement and instantly entered the bone-eating well.

"Mo, this guy just doesn't want to see my family. "

"It's hard to come across this situation. Kagome stomped her foot unpleasantly.

"Sister Kagome, is the current situation of Young Master Sesshomaru the same tsundere you often say?" Ling walked over and said with a grin.

"Tsundere?" Kagome was stunned.

"That's right, Sesshomaru didn't seem to dare to meet Kagome's sister and grandfather just now, isn't it tsundere?" Ling nodded and said.

"Huh? Kagome squinted slightly, then laughed evilly, and her mood suddenly improved.

"Kagome, where is Sesshomaru?" At this time, Kagome's mother and grandfather were late.

"Eh, I'm sorry, Mom, Sesshomaru is a little tsundere, and I don't dare to see you. "

"Tsundere, don't dare to see us, that's afraid of life. Kagome's grandfather corrected him with some surprise when he heard this.

"Well, so to speak. "

"Sister Kagome, do you know this sister?" Suddenly, Ling's voice came.

Seeing that Ling was pointing in the direction of the torii at this time, Kagome followed Ling's gaze and saw a green-haired woman in a cheongsam standing there panting.

"Sesshomaru-sama, have you seen Sesshomaru-sama?" asked Dorun with his hands on his knees, panting.

"Are you looking for Sesshomaru?" Kagome and the others looked at each other, and then said strangely.


"I've been a horrible monster. Feeling the huge power in her body, Ling Yue Immortal Ji's face was extremely strange and she looked at the Killing Pill beside her with great emotion.

She had never felt that her strength would be so strong.

It was dozens or even hundreds of times more powerful than her previous strength.

Standing beside Ling Yue Immortal Ji at this time was the Killing Pill.

After returning to the different space of the West Country, Sesshomaru came to the Asgard Palace for the first time.

After coming here, Sesshomaru explained the situation directly, and then passed on the energy obtained from the King of Elves to Ling Yue Xianji, directly raising Ling Yue Xianji to the level of the first level of the emperor-level Great Youkai.

"Then it's my turn, it's my turn. Xue Li on the other side of Ling Yue Immortal Ji pointed to herself excitedly and said.

As I said just now, she also has a share, and she can also be promoted to this level.

Even the eight feet beside Xue Li changed his previous gentleness at this time, and his body trembled slightly.

In the face of such a powerful force, even she can't be calm.

"Ah, you all have. Sesshomaru nodded slightly.

After coming down from Asgard, Sesshomaru returned to the castle and found the Kikyo who were cultivating, and improved their cultivation as well.

"What a powerful force. Feeling the powerful power in his body, Kikyo also sighed.

"Is this the emperor level you said about Sesshomaru, I feel that after reaching this realm, the power of heaven and earth between heaven and earth is easier to comprehend. Tsuiko also spoke.

"Thank you very much, Sesshomaru-sama. Sango, on the other hand, looked at Sesshomaru with a grateful expression.

"Coral, it's okay to call it Sesshomaru, don't use honorific titles in the future. Kikyo corrected with a smile.

"Huh?" Sango was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Sesshomaru cautiously.

"Sesshomaru?" Looking at Sesshomaru, whose face had not changed, Kikyo couldn't help frowning.

If you give the coral a boost and cultivate, there is no need to be so arrogant.

Well, it's tsundere, and the words of Kagome's era are distinctive.

"Just call me Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru nodded slightly.

"I see, Sesshomaru!!" Coral shouted excitedly.

"In this way, I can help Sesshomaru-sama in the future. Suo Luo on the side also felt the huge power in his body at this time, and muttered in a low voice.

"It's okay to call it Sesshomaru, Saara. Cuizi also corrected at this time.

"Ah, yes, Sesshomaru. Sora, who was feeling the power in his body, was slightly startled, and then shouted cautiously.

"Just do as they say. Sesshomaru replied lightly.

"Yes, Sesshomaru !!" Hearing this, Sara suddenly shouted out as excitedly as Sango.

"Sesshomaru, I miss you. However, it was Lu, who didn't feel his own strength, and didn't care too much about the improvement of his own strength, so he directly reached out and grabbed Sesshomaru and walked towards his room.

This scene suddenly made Sango and Sara's cheeks redden.

Kikyo and Tsuiko smiled slightly, didn't say anything, and followed directly.


"There is no salvation in this world. Standing on top of a ruin, feeling the desolate aura of heaven and earth, Sesshomaru muttered lightly.

That's right, at this time, Sesshomaru is no longer in the world of Inuyasha, but in another world.

However, this world is not the world of the Demon Academy, and Sesshomaru did not choose to return to the world of the Demon Academy.

Without absolute power, Sesshomaru didn't want to return to the Demon Academy world.

Even if there was a Gurefia there.

Sesshomaru doesn't want to trip over the same world twice.

Waiting until Sesshomaru has the ability to solve the will of the world of that world and solve the hidden dangers of that world, and several giants of the EXE world, Sesshomaru will re-enter there.

Until then, Sesshomaru will travel to other worlds to improve his strength.

And the world that Sesshomaru is in now is the world after Sesshomaru crossed over.

"It's a world of the end times, where humanity is ruined. "

"However, the humanity of this world is not worth saving. Looking at the huge stone tablet in the distance, Sesshomaru's face was filled with disgust.

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