After giving Ling and the others all the cultivation to the next level, Sesshomaru accompanied Ling and the others in the West Country for more than a year, and then chose to travel through a new world.

The world that Sesshomaru is in now is the new world that Sesshomaru has traversed.

It's a post-apocalyptic world.

A world where you can live if you do evil in heaven, but you can't live if you do it yourself.

In 2020, humanity was deported to a confined territory after losing the war against the viral parasite Protozoa, where they survived with fear and despair.

And the birth of these viruses is because of humans.

Humans created a virus that infected animals and almost caused the end of the world.

This situation completely explains the saying that it is still possible to live if it is sinned by heaven, but it is not possible to live if it is sinned by itself.

And this is the background of the world in which Sesshomaru is now located.

This is a world that makes the countless lolitcons in Sesshomaru's previous life grit their teeth with hatred and want to destroy it.

"Cursed Son?" said silently, looking at the small figures that appeared from time to time in the rubble stones.

The cursed child, a child born from the mother's ingestion of the original intestinal virus during pregnancy, which causes the virus to accumulate in the fetus, and thus has certain protozoan abilities, so the cursed child is hated and persecuted by most people.

"A group of cursed children protect, but hate the existence of the cursed children. "

"Humans are complex creatures. Recalling the memories in his mind, Sesshomaru slowly walked towards the ruins where some small heads popped up from time to time.

In this world, a group of little girls who will appear in such a sloppy appearance, except for the Cursed Child, Sesshomaru is not the second choice.

It seems that because Sesshomaru walked towards them, the cursed children who hid and peeked at Sesshomaru were all frightened and ran away.

"Don't run. Looking at the many cursed children who quickly dispersed, Sesshomaru said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the Cursed Children who were running stopped one after another and looked back at Sesshomaru.

"Do you want to follow me?" said Sesshomaru, looking at the Cursed Children who had stopped.


"This is where we live, and the elders are here. Led by a group of Cursed Sons, Sesshomaru came to a sewer mouth, and a Cursed Child pointed to the sewer mouth and said to Sesshomaru.

"Thank you. Reaching out and touching the little Lori's head, Sesshomaru thanked him softly.


"No, you're welcome. It seemed to be the first time she had heard someone thank her, and the Cursed Child was happy and shy.

"Can I get your elders out for a while?" said Sesshomaru in a gentle tone to the little Lori.

"Okay, big brother. The little lolis nodded, and then a few little lolias lifted the lid of the sewer and got in.

And the other little Lori came around.

The children of the curse seem to be able to perceive the kindness or malice of others towards them, and after perceiving the attitude of Sesshomaru towards them, none of these little loli are afraid of Sesshomaru, and because Sesshomaru is a rare existence that has no malice towards them, a group of little Lori likes Sesshomaru very much.

"Big brother, why are you here, this place is dangerous. "

"Yes, the outer area is very dangerous, big brother, let's send you back. "

"Wait a minute, the eldest brother seems to have something to discuss with the elders, and I will send the eldest brother back after the matter is completed. A group of little Lori excitedly gathered around Sesshomaru and chattered.

"Don't worry, I'm strong. "

"And, if nothing else, I should be living in this place with you in the future. Reaching out and stroking the heads of the little Lori, Sesshomaru said gently.

"Eh, what do you mean, big brother?" many little Lori looked at Sesshomaru in surprise when they heard this.

"Forgive the old man, this gentleman, what do you mean?" At this time, the manhole cover was lifted, and the face of a middle-aged man with a somewhat old face appeared in Sesshomaru's gaze.

"You're the Elder. "

"I want you to do something for me. "

"Huh, what?" the elder was slightly stunned when he heard this.

"I'm going to build a huge estate here to take in these children, no matter how many. Sesshomaru said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, both the elders and the cursed sons fell silent and looked at Sesshomaru in a daze.

Sesshomaru's words caused a great shock to the hearts of the elders and the cursed children.

"Thank you for your kindness, but not here, even if you have the ability, sir, you can't build a huge building here. The elder who reacted shook his head and smiled bitterly, and thanked Sesshomaru.

"This is the outer area, and there is a very high chance of protosagulars. "

"Once the ground is broken on a large scale, it is easy to attract a large number of ghost aragutes, like those. Immediately, the elder explained to Sesshomaru.

As he spoke, the elder's gaze looked at the ruins in the distance.

The ruins were caused by protozoa.

"You don't have to worry about this, as long as I'm here, the original intestines will not dare to approach, even the zodiac signs. "

"Or, don't you want these children to have a better life?" Sesshomaru said lightly, spurring the elder.

Aragular, somewhat similar to youkai, similar to demons.

Many protosagulars are irrational, but in the face of the terrifying aura on Sesshomaru's body, these protosagulars don't dare to approach at all.

Even if he hasn't encountered aragons yet, Sesshomaru has this confidence.

"I'm naturally hoping for this, but..."

"You don't have to worry about building the manor, all I want you to do is get these kids together. Sesshomaru said lightly, and then the golden light in his eyes looked into the distance.

Seeing that Sesshomaru looked at him, countless ruins disappeared in an instant, and then a huge manor rose from the ground.

The roar resounded throughout the sky.

After breaking through to the top of the Emperor Rank, this Void Creation ability has become the instinct of the Killing Pill.

As long as Sesshomaru wants to, he can create a manor even bigger than this at any time.

"I need you to gather the children like these girls, and this place will be their home from now on. Looking at the shocked elder, Sesshomaru said.

"Kami-sama!!" Sesshomaru's voice made the elder react, and the elder quickly crawled out of the sewer, fell to his knees, and prayed to Sesshomaru.

The little Lolitas also did the same, knelt down around Sesshomaru, folded their hands, and prayed.

In the hearts of the elders and the cursed sons, there is no doubt that such a thing can be done by gods, and it is impossible for humans to do such a thing.

Originally, the elders were very wary of the appearance of the Killing Pill, but when they saw that the little Lori liked the Killing Pill so much, this vigilance became a lot smaller.

Because many of the little girls here can sense the kindness and malice of human beings towards them.

If Sesshomaru had malicious intentions towards them, it would be impossible for the little girls to surround Sesshomaru.

Now after seeing this method of killing the pill, the elder's vigilance against the killing pill has completely disappeared.

In its place is reverence.

"Let's go, let's go in. Sesshomaru said lightly, and then walked towards the manor.

"Yes, Kami-sama. "

"I'm not a god, you don't have to call me that, you can call me whatever you want. "

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