"Gods, please save these children. "

"They are all a group of poor children, outcasts of this era. In the huge study, the elder knelt behind Sesshomaru and prayed to Sesshomaru.

"It's okay to call me Sesshomaru, I'm not a god. "

"Still, I promise you, I will give these children a good home. Looking faintly at the many cursed children playing excitedly in the courtyard, he lightly reassured.

In the courtyard is a playground made by Sesshomaru, and Sesshomaru is made according to the playground in his memory.

However, it is only some small playgrounds, only some small facilities, and some large facilities have not been created.

As long as Sesshomaru wants to, Sesshomaru can be made at any time, but large-scale amusement facilities that are controlled by no one are prone to accidents, so Sesshomaru was not created.

"It's just a little bit of a ride, and I'm happy to be like this. Looking at the cursed children playing happily below, Sesshomaru's heart felt endless pity.

"Your name is Matsuzaki, right? Sesshomaru turned to look at the old middle-aged man and asked.

"Yes, under the name Matsuzaki, Sesshomaru-sama!!" the elder replied respectfully, and did not continue to call Sesshomaru a god, but called Sesshomaru an adult.

"How many people like you can accept them?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Well, not all of them are preyed generations, and there are many people who accept these children. "

"I also know some old men, about twenty of them. Matsuzaki thought for a moment, then replied.

"Bring them all over and take care of these children. "

"By the way, there's a task for you, to gather all the children around, can you do it?"

"Yes, as long as the gods, no, Lord Sesshomaru, you are willing to take in these children, then old man, I will fight for this old life and let those children come to you, Lord Sesshomaru, as much as possible. Hearing this, Matsuzaki's old face suddenly became excited.

"You don't have to fight hard. "

"I give you the power to destroy all obstacles, as long as someone stops you, don't show mercy, kill them all, can you do it? Sesshomaru said lightly.

"This..."Hearing this, Matsuzaki suddenly hesitated.

Let him find the cursed son and bring it here, he can do it, but let him kill someone, he can't do it.

"If you can't do it, then forget it, call those people you know, and I'll give them the task. Seeing Matsuzaki's hesitation, a trace of disappointment flashed on Sesshomaru's face, and he commanded lightly.

"No, Sesshomaru-sama, Matsuzaki can do it, as long as you can get these children to follow you, even if you send Matsuzaki to hell. When Matsuzaki heard this, he was stunned and said loudly.

"yes, stand here. Hearing this, Sesshomaru was slightly surprised, and then ordered.

Matsuzaki obediently walked over and knelt down on one knee in front of Sesshomaru.

"I give you the power to destroy all obstacles, and bring me all the children. Sesshomaru said lightly, reaching out and putting it on Matsuzaki's head.

The golden light flashed away, and Matsuzaki's body was instantly enveloped by the golden light.

"It's !!!," Matsuzaki looked at his body in shock.

Matsuzaki could feel that his body was full of great strength at this time, and the original state of weakness and powerlessness had completely disappeared.

Matsuzaki feels that he has no problem even if he singles out the original aragus.

"With your current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with Class IV protogulars. Withdrawing his hand, Sesshomaru said lightly.

"Really? Sesshomaru-sama!!" Matsuzaki was excited.

If he had this kind of power, then he could not only bring all the cursed children near Tokyo, but also other regions, and it would not be impossible for him to try his best.

"Go ahead, bring those kids here. With a faint command, Sesshomaru turned around and continued to look at the cursed children playing in the courtyard, and said no more.

"Yes, yes, Sesshomaru-sama!!" Matsuzaki said respectfully, his tone full of fanaticism.

After saying that, Matsuzaki stepped back and disappeared neatly at the door of the study.

"In the world of Inuyasha, I would still choose to protect the human side, but in this world, human beings cannot live by themselves, and it is not within the scope of my protection. "

"Just take care of these children. Looking at the Cursed Child playing below, Sesshomaru muttered.

Sesshomaru's long gaze seemed to have attracted the attention of the Cursed Children below, and a group of Cursed Children were waving their hands and smiling brightly at the window where Sesshomaru was.

After a moment of silence, Sesshomaru slightly stretched out his hand with a garland and waved his hand.

After performing this rare action, Sesshomaru left the study and went to the top balcony.

A white light rose into the sky, and the spell that had once screened the inhabitants of the West Country with different hearts unfolded again, turning into an enchantment that completely enveloped the manor, including a radius of a thousand meters beyond the manor.

The dimension of good and evil, which can identify the existence of malicious intentions towards the user and expel them from the barrier.

This time, Sesshomaru's verdict on the good and evil dimensions is that people with malicious intentions towards the children of the damned cannot exist in the enchantment.

Once these beings with malicious intent towards the Children of the Damned enter the range of the enchantment, they will be directly teleported out by the Good and Evil Dimension.

At the same time, it is also Sesshomarugan's screening of the people Matsuzaki is about to bring over.

This is also the protection of Sesshomaru from the Cursed Sons from the plundered generations.

In his previous life, Sesshomaru had seen this anime.

Pitch-black bullet, alias pitch-black Lori.

When I watched this anime in my previous life, Sesshomaru was furious and hated the plundered generation.

Especially when the plundered generation ran to the outer area to blow up the cursed son, the killing pill in the previous life almost abandoned the pit directly.

Since he came here this time, Sesshomaru naturally wouldn't let this happen.

Sesshomaru plans to gather all the cursed children from all over the world, and then create an alternate dimension to send these children into the alternate dimension and let them live in the alternate dimension.

If all goes well, then Sesshomaru will be safe with those plundered generations.

But if everything doesn't go well, those guys touch the bottom line of Sesshomaru just like in the anime.

Then I'm sorry, but Sesshomaru may slaughter the humans of this world except for the Children of the Damned.

Sesshomaru is not as indecisive as the protagonist and forgives those bastards.

Recalling the memories of this world in his memory, even with his current character, Sesshomaru still feels a little unable to calm down, and he wants to destroy this world directly.

In this world, the only thing Sesshomaru cares about is these cursed children, as for the rest, even if it's the protagonist group, Sesshomaru doesn't care, and even for the protagonist's indecision, Sesshomaru is very disgusted.

In other words, it is Sesshomaru, and if someone does something to the people around Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru will definitely not show mercy.

Repaying virtue with virtue and repaying grievances with straightforwardness, this is the character of Sesshomaru.

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