"Big brother, are you going to give us a lesson?" Everything is in the manor created by Sesshomaru, and the gym room is naturally taken into account.

At this time, Sesshomaru was in the gym room.

Sitting with his legs crossed in front of Sesshomaru were the Sons of the Curse who had entered the manor with Sesshomaru, and one of them, a little Lori with two side ponytails, was raising her hand to Sesshomaru at this time and asking.

"No, I called you here because I had something for you. Sesshomaru shook his head slightly and said in denial.

"No, it's a lesson for you. However, immediately, Sesshomaru denied his words.

"So, teacher, what's !! in this class" Hearing that it was class, many little Loli suddenly became excited, and another little Lori raised her hand excitedly.

Hearing that it was class, Xiao Lori directly called Sesshomaru as a teacher.

"Let you be stronger, not have to be bullied by those disgusting guys, and at the same time, you can not worry about erosion. Sesshomaru said lightly.

The Cursed Child is infected with the Enterovirus, which is why it is called the Cursed Child.

Because of these intestinal viruses, the Children of the Damned generally have great strength and special abilities.

This is also the reason why some of the Cursed Sons will become the partners of the special profession 'Policeman' in this world.

Initiators and facilitators.

At the same time, because the Cursed Children have the Rangutra virus, once they use this ability for a long time, the virus erosion rate in their bodies will continue to increase, and once the limit is exceeded, the Cursed Children will become Aragonzos.

Since it has been decided to take in these cursed children, Sesshomaru naturally won't let this happen.

Killing Pill is ready for the Children of the Damned to cultivate the Ten Thousand Demon Duel.

In Sesshomaru's view, the proto-arazons are irrational demons, and the children of the curse have the abilities of proto-arazons and have self-awareness, and can already become a youkai to some extent.

It's very similar to the half-demon in the world of Inuyasha.、There is a human side.,At the same time, there is also a demon that is the side of the original intestine.。

The erosion rate exceeds the boundary, which is very similar to the bloodline awakening of the half-demons.

Sesshomaru was sure that as long as the Sons of the Curse had introduced the Ten Thousand Demon Determination cultivation, then this hidden danger would not exist.

"Really!! teacher !!" to become stronger and not to be bullied, the little Loli didn't care at all, and the little Loli cared more about the last reason.

None of them wanted to be a monster like an archatic.

Now I hear that this hidden danger can be completely solved, and I am very excited.

"As long as you can teach me what you have learned, this hidden danger will not arise. Sesshomaru nodded slightly and replied.

"Thank you, teacher, we will definitely work hard, please advise me in the future, teacher !!" Many little Lori looked at each other excitedly, and finally seemed to have reached a consensus, looking at Sesshomaru and reassuring loudly.

However, the excited shouting seems to be very physically demanding, and after a group of little Loli shouted, a thunderous sound spread throughout the gym room.

At this moment, many little Lori lowered their heads in embarrassment and covered their stomachs in embarrassment.

"Hungry?" said Sesshomaru softly.

"Well, I haven't eaten in days. Many little Lori looked at each other, and then one of the older little Lori replied embarrassedly.

"Go and choose your room first, and I'll prepare something for you." Sesshomaru was slightly silent, and then said lightly.

"Thank you, teacher. When little Lori heard this, she hurriedly thanked her.

"Thank you, teacher!!" the other little Lori also shouted.

"Don't scream, you're going to get hungry. With a faint word, Sesshomaru slowly left the gymnasium.

Many little Lori's also left in line after Sesshomaru left, walking in the direction of the dormitory building.


Sesshomaru doesn't have the habit of eating, and he has been bigu for a long time, so naturally he doesn't carry food with him.

Although the ability of the Void Creation can create an entire manor, it cannot make such a thing as food from Sesshomaru.

So the only way to get food is to go to the inner area of Tokyo and get food from there.

It just so happened that the system also prompted that this place in Tokyo was a special check-in location, and it was a must-go place for Sesshomaru.

In addition, there are many remnants of the Cursed Children in the inner area of Tokyo.

Since Sesshomaru decided to protect them, he naturally wouldn't turn a blind eye.

"Ding!!A special location has been detected, may I ask if the host has checked in!!"

"Sign in. Listening to the familiar prompt sound in his ears, Sesshomaru signed in without even thinking about it.

"Ding!!Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for receiving the favor of the gods (Ten Thousand Worlds Edition). "

Divine Favor: A divine favor from the dungeon world, where the host can give others the favor of the gods, give others the qualification to become stronger, and take others as dependents.

Does the dungeon meet the blessings of the gods of the world?

The favor of the gods, this thing is naturally clear about the killing pill.

This is the capital that the gods of the lower realm in a certain world give to the creatures on the earth to become stronger.

To put it simply, it's a monster killing upgrade.

The Divine Favor will digitize the physical abilities of the person who has received the favor, and then rely on training, fighting, and killing monsters to become stronger.

These actions can be effectively converted into experience points, so that a person can grow quickly.

This ability appears in this world exclusively for the use of the Children of the Damned.

After all, there are so many protozoars in this world, and the Children of the Damned can quickly become stronger by killing these animals.

As long as they are strong enough to a certain extent, the Children of the Damned do not need to fear being plundered for generations, and they do not need to fear the protozoa that inhabit the wild, and they can rely on their own strength to escape their miserable fate.

One of the reasons why Sesshomaru wants the little Lori to cultivate the Ten Thousand Demon Determination is to eliminate the hidden dangers in the bodies of the Cursed Sons, and the other purpose is to make the Cursed Children stronger.

Let their strength reach the point where the world is feared, and thus change their miserable fate.

"When you get back, carve a favor for them, and now go and prepare the food. "

"However, the most convenient way to get a lot of food is to find the ruler of Tokyo. "

"If I'm not mistaken, the ruler of Tokyo is a puppet saint on the surface, but secretly he is the tendo of the Tendo clan. "

"Go straight to them. After thinking silently for a moment, Sesshomaru made a decision, and then his body turned into a ball of light and flew towards the most central part of Tokyo.

Sesshomaru's outfit was already very eye-catching, and since he entered the inner enclosure area, he has been watched by the people around him, and Sesshomaru's action has alarmed the surrounding onlookers, and they all let out exclamations, looking at the direction of Sesshomaru's departure in shock.

A silver-haired, strangely dressed person appeared in the inner enclosure area, and even had the ability to fly, and the news of flying away spread all at once.

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