On the street, countless people scattered and fled after witnessing the bloody and ruthless methods of Sesshomaru, fleeing from this place of right and wrong.

The protagonist Satomi Rentaro even pulled out his pistol directly and aimed it at Sesshomaru.

However, Sesshomaru ignored this guy completely, and gently stroked the head of the cursed child in his arms, gently soothing him.

"It's all right. Gently stroking the little Lori's little head, Sesshomaru said softly.

However, it is obvious that little Lori can't listen to Sesshomaru's words at this time, and she keeps sobbing in Sesshomaru's arms, as if venting the grievances in her heart.

"I'm asking you, do you know what you did!!" Ignored by Sesshomaru, Satomi Rentaro's anger erupted again, and he roared loudly, and his hand holding the pistol tightened even more.


Without any warning, an invisible impact erupted from Sesshomaru's body, and it hit Satomi Rentaro's body heavily, and Satomi Rentaro was suddenly hit hard, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, and the whole person flew out directly.

Ignoring Satomi Rentaro, Sesshomaru Gan glanced at Lanyuan Yanzhu, and then picked up the crying little Lori in his arms with one hand, and looked at Lanyuan Yanzhu and slowly spoke: "If you don't have a good time here, you can come to the outer area, where I built a home to protect you." "

After finishing speaking, Sesshomaru slowly left here with the crying little Lori.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu watched Sesshomaru leave in a daze, and only came back to his senses after a long time.

As soon as he reacted, Lan Yuan Yanzhu quickly ran towards Satomi Rentaro.

"Rentaro, are you alright? Lan Yuan Yanzhu squatted down and asked worriedly.

"Yanzhu, hurry up and stop that murderer. Satomi Rentaro endured the severe pain in his body and said to Ranhara Nobu.

"No, I'm not going. Lan Yuan Yanzhu refused directly without thinking about it.

"Why !!" Satomi Rentaro looked at Ranhara Nobu-joo in disbelief.

"Rentaro is, why don't you help that child, that child is obviously asking for help like a concubine. Looking at Satomi Rentaro's incredulous eyes, Lan Yuan Yanzhu ignored it completely, and instead shouted loudly.

When Satomi Rentaro heard this, he was stunned.

"Yeonzhu, do you know that kid?" asked Satomi Rentaro softly.

"That kid is the concubine's companion in District 39, although it's been a long time since we've seen each other, but the kid recognized the concubine at a glance and asked the concubine for help. "

"Why are you indifferent to Rentaro. "

"Do you know what happens if that kid is taken away!!" Ranhara Yeonzhu exclaimed, his tone full of disappointment for Satomi Rentaro.

"I'm sorry, Yanzhu. Looking at the disappointment in Ranhara Yanzhu's eyes, Satomi Rentaro opened his mouth covered with blood, and finally whispered.

And on the other side, Sesshomaru is here.

The little Lori in Sesshomaru's arms had stopped crying at this time, and got out of Sesshomaru's arms, holding Sesshomaru's hand tightly at this time, and following Sesshomaru's side.

"What's your name?" looked at the little Lori beside her, Sesshomaru asked lightly.

"Linghua, my name is Linghua, big brother. It seems that it was because of the presumptuous catharsis just now, or maybe she knew the kindness of Sesshomaru to her, at this time, the little Lori did not have the vicious and ruthless appearance that she faced the guard just now, and she had a sweet smile on the dirty two.

"Linghua, do you want to come with me?"

"I'm going to build a home for you in the outskirts. Sesshomaru nodded slightly, and then asked.

"Home?" Little Lori was in a trance when she heard this.

The word home was too far away for her, and she never thought she could have such a thing.

"Well, Home, I will gather the little ones like you, and you don't have to live this miserable life anymore. "

Linghua was silent, she didn't dare to think about such a thing as a home.

But now Sesshomaru said that he would build a home for them, which shocked her heart, so much so that she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Do you have a companion here?" Sesshomaru also knew the reason for Reihua's silence, if it was another time, Sesshomaru would not interrupt her, but now, Sesshomaru had to interrupt her.

The little lolitas in the manor in the outer area are waiting to bring their food back at this time.

You have to go back as soon as possible.

"Yes, I have a dozen companions. Hearing Sesshomaru's words, Linghua quickly came back to her senses and raised her head and said.

"Take me to them, and you can get out of here with me later. "

"The inner enclosure is not for you to live in, so don't suffer here. Sesshomaru nodded and said.

"Linghua will take the big brother over, big brother, Linghua is very willing to go to the outer area with the big brother, but Linghua's companion Linghua can't guarantee it. "

"If they don't want to, please big brother, don't force them. Reika nodded, and then said to Seshomaru.

"Don't you want to? I see. Hearing this, Sesshomaru was slightly stunned, and then nodded slightly.

For Reika's words, Sesshomaru was very surprised.

Most of the inner enclosure is plundered generations, and they are very disgusted and hateful to the cursed children, in this inner enclosed area full of plundered generations, will there be a cursed child who will miss this place?

If it weren't for survival, none of these cursed children would have entered this place.

It turns out that Linghua's words are just polite words.

After Reika arrived at their gathering place with Sesshomaru, more than a dozen little loli saw Sesshomaru's eyes looking at them and cried uncontrollably like Reihua.

As soon as Sesshomaru offered to take them out of here, the group of little loli agreed without any hesitation.

Sesshomaru led a group of people and slowly rushed towards the outer area.

At the same time, the killing of two guards in front of everyone's eyes was also reported.

The entire inner enclosure area began to search for the existence of Sesshomaru.

However, Sesshomaru had already left the inner area with a group of little girls and entered the outer area.

The guards in the inner enclosure area searched lonely.

No one would have thought that Sesshomaru would go to the unsafe outer districts, and as a result, the guards in the inner perimeter were glad to have been killed.

If they really found Sesshomaru, it would definitely be a total annihilation.

Maybe because of this, he will pull the hearts of the humans who destroyed this world and become the sinners of the humans of this world.

"Big brother, you're back. As soon as he returned to the manor in the outer area, Sesshomaru was warmly welcomed by all the little loli in the manor, and surrounded Sesshomaru and the dozen or so little lolias brought back by Sesshomaru.

"Well, I'm back. "

"I've brought you food back, so come with me. Sesshomaru nodded slightly, then said, and walked in a certain direction.

Seeing this, many little Lori, although they were very puzzled by what Sesshomaru said, they still followed closely.

Soon, Sesshomaru and Lori stopped at the door of a huge warehouse.

Pushing open the door, Sesshomaru slowly walked in.

The little lolias followed.

"From now on, this will be a granary, and if you want to eat, you can come here to get food. Sesshomaru turned his head to the many little loli and said, and then with a wave of one hand, he released all the grain brought from the granary where the Holy Son of Heaven lived, and landed in the warehouse in an orderly manner.

Seeing this scene, many little Lori suddenly exclaimed, dancing, and excited.

It was the first time they had seen so much food.

However, after reacting, many little Lori ran together, lined up in front of Sesshomaru, bowed deeply to Sesshomaru, and shouted in unison.

"Thank you, teacher (big brother). "

After shouting, many little loli scattered, ran towards the grain pile, picked up the staple bread at the front, opened the bag and gnawed it.

Gobbling them up one by one.

Looking at this scene, Sesshomaru felt even more pity for these little guys in his heart.

At the same time, Sesshomaru's disgust for the plundered generation is also deeper.

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