After temporarily solving the food crisis of the little lolias, Sesshomaru wasted no time and portrayed the newly obtained favor to the little loli.

Divine Favor, this is the ability of the gods in dungeon encounters.

It can give favors to the humans of the Nether, so that the humans of the Nether can effectively transform their growth and become stronger at the fastest speed.

In layman's terms, it is to fight monsters and level up, meditate and accumulate experience points, just like the online games in the previous life.

The blessings obtained by Sesshomaru have been modified, and even if Sesshomaru is not a god, it can be used, and it is not limited to other things.

"Teacher, what is this crescent moon behind us?" one of the little loli asked curiously after carving a favor for all the little loli.

They couldn't see the pattern behind them, but they could see it from the backs of their companions.

They were all very curious about the fact that the killing pill dripped a drop of blood on their backs, and after a slight turn, a crescent moon appeared in a hundred years.

"This is a boon, the ability to slowly grow stronger. "

"And it doesn't take to liberate the forces in your body for you to gain great power. "

"Have you ever heard of the game?" explained Sesshomaru softly.

"I know, I know, I've seen people play games when I was in the inner area. Hearing this, a little Lori hurriedly raised her hand and said.

"I've seen it too. "

"Me too. Then a few little Lori raised their hands and scrambled to reply.

"So, have you ever heard of the game of fighting monsters and upgrading?" said Sesshomaru with a slight nod.

"I know this.,It's the hero in the game who gets experience points after destroying monsters.,And then level up and become stronger.。 A little loli with a double ponytail replied.

"Well, that's it, the favor behind you has this ability. "

"As long as you destroy the protozoa, you can keep getting stronger. Sesshomaru nodded.

"Eh, are you going to destroy those monsters?" Hearing Sesshomaru's words, many little Lori were not excited because they could become stronger, but were slightly frightened, and one of them whispered.

Although they are cursed children, they have not been systematically trained, and they have great power but do not know how to use it.

At the same time, he was psychologically immature and did not dare to resist, otherwise he would not have been seriously injured by the guards with a gun and killed by a group of helpless chickens with a bomb in the original book.

"The world is cruel, and if you want to protect yourself and your relatives and companions, then you need to have great power. "

"Without power, you can't protect anything, and you can only watch the danger approach and do nothing when you encounter it. "

"And there is the grace that if you work hard and destroy those protozoa, you will be able to gain great power. "

"You can protect yourselves, your relatives and companions. "

"Got it. "

"In this world, many people are preyed generations, and the existence of people like your elder Matsuzaki is only a minority. "

"I don't want you to be the wicked, but if you want to survive in this cruel world, you need to have a decisive determination to kill. "

"I want you to remember one sentence. "

"If anyone does not offend me, I will not offend anyone, but if anyone offends, I will cut down the grass and eradicate the roots. "

"In the future, if someone does something to you, don't hesitate, just kill him and kill them. "It's rare for Sesshomaru to say so much, but this time he said so much in one breath.

Although this group of little Loli bears the hatred of the plundered generation, many of them are very kind and pure, and they do not hate the plundered generation because of this.

Sesshomaru didn't want these little guys to continue like this.

This kind of mentality will only hurt them.

Just like in the original book, it was a case of being killed by a group of powerless predatory generations using bombs.

"But, teacher, the elders have said that it is not right to kill people. Sesshomaru's words made many little loli silent, but one of the little loli raised her hand timidly and said to Sesshomaru.

"What would you do if someone bullied your friend in front of you and killed your friend. Hearing this little Lori's words, Sesshomaru was silent, and slowly spoke after a while.

"Huh?" Little Lori was stunned, not knowing how to answer this question.

It was as if he hadn't thought about it at all.

"What will you do if someone hits you with a pistol and hits your companions. "

"What would you do if someone attacked you with a bomb. "

"I'm going to kill them. "Linghua, the first cursed son to meet in the inner enclosure area, gritted his teeth and gave the answer at this time.

Apparently she was thinking of the many misfortunes of the past.

However, Linghua was the only one who answered Sesshomaru and gave the answer that Sesshomaru wanted.

The other little Lori were all looking at each other at this time, as if they were communicating something, and they were hesitant one by one.

Seeing this, Sesshomaru sighed slightly.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and two pictures appeared in the minds of the little Loli present.

These two images are the memories of Sesshomaru, and Sesshomaru had seen the pictures that made Sesshomaru angry at that time in his previous life.

The first scene is the scene of Reika being killed.

The second scene shows the Cursed Sons being collected by the guards after the Raided Generation uses bombs to kill some of the Cursed Children in the Outlying District.

And after browsing these two pictures, the little Loli present fell silent, one by one with their heads lowered and their fists clenched.

After a few seconds, a little Lori raised her head sharply and looked at Sesshomaru with a determined expression.

"Teacher, please give me more advice in the future!!" Xiao Lori looked at Sesshomaru and said firmly.

"Teacher, please advise me more in the future!!"

"Teacher, please advise me more in the future!!" One after another, the little Lori raised her head, looked at Sesshomaru with a determined expression, and gave her own answer.

Looking at the appearance of these little loli at this time, Sesshomaru was very pleased.

Obviously, the image that Sesshomaru brought to their minds stimulated them, and made them change their previous attitude towards the plundered generation and become firm.

In the future, if the plundered generation wants to bully these little Lori, it will definitely be miserable, and even lose their lives.

"Well, please advise me in the future. Killing Pill's eyes were gentle, but his tone was very indifferent.

On the other side, in the inner enclosure area, the protagonist at this time, Satomi Rentaro is lying on a hospital bed.

"I mean, Rentaro, what the hell happened to you?"

"All the internal organs are broken. A sloppy lady in a white coat asked in surprise with an injection needle in her hand and stuck it in Ryotaro Satomi's arm.

"Also, why did Yanzhu's little girl run away after telling you about it. "

Hearing the words of the sloppy royal sister, Satomi Rentaro looked silent and didn't say a word.

"Now, doctor, have you ever seen someone wield a meter-long whip of light from their fingers?" said Satomi Rentaro after a long silence.


"yes, I'm pretty sure there's a light whip in that guy's fingers. "

"Killed two guards with just one hit. "

"Well, maybe it's a human transformation. The sloppy royal sister didn't turn around and said lightly.

"No, it's not, as a reformer, I can feel that there is no sense of disobedience in that guy's body, and he is definitely not a reformer. Hearing the sloppy royal sister say this, Satomi Rentaro said with some excitement.


"If it's really what you say, it's really interesting. "

"Do you know where that guy is?"

"Doctor, why are you asking this?"

"Naturally, I wanted to ask if the guy you were talking about could cooperate with me in the experiment. "

Satomi Rentaro: "..."

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