After carving favors to many little Lori, Sesshomaru also imprinted the method of using the mind of the Ten Thousand Demons in the minds of many little Lori.

Guessed correctly with Sesshomaru, the Children of the Damned can completely cultivate this cultivation method specially prepared for youkai.

Moreover, with the cooperation of grace, it only took less than an hour for the little Loli to refine the demon power from their bodies.

And a few little Lori, who have strong spiritual power, are much ahead because of their strong spiritual power, and it only took more than twenty minutes to refine the demon power.

"Teacher, is this power in our body demonic power?" A group of little Lori felt the warm current in their bodies, and they were extremely excited, and they asked one by one around Sesshomaru.

"Well, this is demonic power, as long as you cultivate well, with your special situation, you should be able to become stronger soon. Sesshomaru said lightly, reaching out and gently brushing it over Little Lori's head.

"Teacher, the wreath on your wrist is so beautiful. "

"Uh-huh, what a fragrant floral scent. Sesshomaru reached out and stroked the little Lori's head, naturally exposing his wrist, and the flower necklace that Ling made for Sesshomaru also appeared in the eyes of the little Lori, and the little Lori were extremely curious.

Although they haven't been together for a long time, little Lori has a feeling that Sesshomaru won't bring these things, so she was surprised to see that Sesshomaru would have a necklace made of flowers on his wrist.

"This was given to me by Ling. Sesshomaru explained lightly.

"Teacher, who is Ling?" the little Lori were very concerned about Ling when they heard this, and stared at Sesshomaru one by one, wanting to know about Rei's existence from Sesshomaru's mouth.

"Ling. Hearing this, Sesshomaru's eyes became more and more gentle.

"Sesshomaru-sama!!" At this time, Matsuzaki's voice suddenly came from the door of the gymnasium.

I saw Matsuzaki walking towards Sesshomaru with a group of middle-aged men and women who were already quite old.

Seeing this, the little lolitas were also very sensible, and did not continue to surround Sesshomaru.

Under the leadership of a few sensible and older little Lori, she left here and gave up the space.

"Are these these?" Sesshomaru said lightly as he looked at the middle-aged man behind Matsuzaki.

"Yes, Sesshomaru-sama, these are like-minded companions that Matsuzaki knows, is very loving to children, and is like-minded. "

"Originally, there were a few more, but I don't know why they couldn't enter here, and they were sent away by unknown forces after walking in hundreds of kilometers away from the manor. Matsuzaki nodded slightly and reported.

"I've set up an enchantment in this place, and those who are malicious to those children can't get in, and since those guys can't get in, you should know what it means. "

"Don't deal with those guys anymore. Sesshomaru ordered lightly.

Then, Sesshomaru's gaze looked at the dozen or so people behind Matsuzaki.

"Since you're following Matsuzaki, you should know what you're doing here. "

"I will give you the strength to take care of these children and bring the little ones scattered around the outer and inner districts. Sesshomaru said as he looked at the dozen or so middle-aged people behind Matsuzaki.

"Yes, Sesshomaru-sama!!" The dozen or so middle-aged people behind Matsuzaki replied in unison, extremely respectful.

They had seen Matsuzaki's strength from Matsuzaki before they came.

I have also seen Matsuzaki use a golden power to kill several powerful aragonolia.

After coming here, they witnessed several people who came with them after a burst of light, and after a burst of light, they were turned into a streamer and sent out of a certain range.

This convinced them that Matsuzaki said that Sesshomaru was a god.

After all, no one seems to be able to do this kind of thing except the gods.

Therefore, they feel honored that they are about to take on the task of the gods and do things for the gods.

In their view, they who do things for the gods are the messengers of the gods, that is, the messengers of the gods.

That's a great honor.

"Hmm. "

For the respect of these middle-aged people, Sesshomaru nodded with satisfaction, and then there was no nonsense, directly transforming the power of heaven and earth, giving these middle-aged people great strength.

Since these middle-aged people can get here, then Sesshomaru will be unconditional newcomers.

After all, it is an existence that has passed the test of the good and evil dimensions laid by itself.

This is also Sesshomaru's confidence in his own abilities.

After raising the strength of these middle-aged people, Sesshomaru instructed them to take care of the little Lori's food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and gave them the task of searching for other little Lori's before letting them leave.

However, Matsuzaki and the others left, but there was a figure that did not leave.

"Lan Yuan Yanzhu, do you want to come here?" Looking at the little Lori in front of him, Sesshomaru said lightly.

Standing in front of Sesshomaru is none other than the protagonist of this world, Satomi Rentaro's partner initiator, Ranhara Nobuzu, a precocious girl who likes to call herself a concubine.

"No, the concubine is just here to see Linghua. "

"Thank you so much for saving Reika. Lan Yuan Yanzhu folded his hands in front of him, and bowed slightly to Sesshomaru very ladylikely, thanking him.

"yes, Linghua should be in their dormitory building by now, you can go over there and look for it. Hearing this, Sesshomaru nodded lightly and said, and then walked towards the gate.

"Wait, this lord !!" However, before he could take two steps, Sesshomaru was stopped by Lan Yuan Yanzhu.

"What's the matter?" Sesshomaru wondered slightly.

"This lord, can the concubine know the kind of method you used just now?" Lan Yuan Yanzhu swallowed his saliva, and then plucked up the courage to speak.

She came to look for Reika before, but she didn't know how to find it, after all, she hadn't been in the outer area for a long time, but fortunately, she ran into Matsuzaki, an acquaintance, so she followed.

Along the way, she also saw Matsuzaki's strength and the strange abilities near this manor, just like everyone else.

Originally, she was very puzzled as to why Matsuzaki had such a strong strength, but after seeing Sesshomaru's operation just now, Lan Yuan Yanzhu understood.

At the same time, a very strong idea arose in her heart.

If this ability of Sesshomaru can be widespread, then humans can definitely wipe out the aragut and take back the homeland, instead of cowering in a corner like now, and can only resist the attack of the aragut in front of it.

"Do you want me to improve the strength of others?" What kind of character is Sesshomaru, hundreds of years of experience can see Lan Yuan Yanzhu's purpose at once, staring at Lan Yuan Yanzhu, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked lightly.


"Yes, my lord, if there are many humans like the Elders, then the humans can definitely wipe out the protozoa, reclaim their homeland, and re-establish civilization. Lan Yuan Yanzhu was stunned for a moment, and then said firmly.

"That's a good idea. Listening to Lan Yuan Yanzhu's words, Sesshomaru said lightly.

is worthy of being a character next to the protagonist, and his thoughts are so idealistic.

"That..."Hearing this, Lan Yuan Yanzhu was suddenly a little excited, but the next moment she was beaten back to the original point.

"It's a pity that I hate humans, I hate those dirty humans. "


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