"I made a mistake and forgot to prepare clothes for those children. "

"But leave this to Matsuzaki and them. Looking at the little lolis in dirty clothes, Sesshomaru frowned slightly.

I knew he should have brought them some clothes back in the inner enclosure.

However, Sesshomaru is not prepared to take matters into his own hands.

Didn't he take Matsuzaki and others as his subordinates so that they could take care of the lives of the little Lori?

Food, clothing, housing and transportation, except for clothes, the other three items are no problem for the time being.

The matter of this dress will be left to Matsuzaki and them.

If they can't even do this kind of thing, then Sesshomaru will have to consider the issue of substitution.

"Teacher, you must follow us, you can't leave, with the teacher here, we won't be afraid. A little Lori came to Sesshomaru's side, pulled Sesshomaru's sleeve, and looked at Sesshomaru expectantly.

"Yes, the teacher is by our side, we will definitely not be afraid of those monsters!!"

"Teacher, you must watch us fight, or we will be afraid. "

"I've fought those monsters once before, teacher, just see. The other little Lori's also spoke.

"Go for it. Sesshomaru nodded slightly, and said with a faint encouragement.

"Yes, teacher!!" many little Lori replied in unison.

At this time, Sesshomaru and Little Lori are no longer in the manor.

Sesshomaru said before that he would bring this group of cute elves out to deal with the araguts.

Sesshomaru did not break his promise, at this time, Sesshomaru and the others were in the lost area, these places were occupied by protosagulars, and one or two or even a large group of protosagulars could pop up at any time.

In order to allow these little loli to get an effective exercise, Sesshomaru has already converged his aura to the limit.

Otherwise, no gastaroids would dare to approach at all.

Once the aura of the killing pill is emanated, even the twelve constellations of the fifth stage will probably not dare to approach here.

"Pay attention to your surroundings and don't let go of the slightest movement. Looking at the little Lori, Sesshomaru spoke softly and taught gently.

Sesshomaru had already sensed that there were a lot of proto-aragus around him, and he was already very close to them.

"Yes, teacher!!" The little Lori replied one after another, and then stared at the situation around them with all their eyes, all of them with red eyes, obviously using their abilities.

However, unlike before, the little Lori's scarlet eyes were covered with a faint blue light, which was the demonic power they had cultivated.

These demonic powers resist the erosion of the protozoan virus factors in their bodies when the little loli use their abilities, so that the virus erosion rate of the little loli will not increase, and even slowly weaken the erosion rate.

This means that the cultivation of the Ten Thousand Demons does have the ability to restrain the original intestinal virus.

As long as they continue to cultivate, the intestinal virus in the little Lori's body will gradually turn into their own strength instead of being eroded.

For this situation, Sesshomaru is very satisfied.

Because the original intention of killing pills to let the little Loli cultivate the Ten Thousand Demon Decision was to hope that the Ten Thousand Demon Decision could solve this hidden danger.

Now it seems that his guess was correct.

"Everyone, those guys are coming!!" At this time, a little Lori with special perception suddenly shouted loudly and reminded her companions.

"There are more than 20 on the left, more than 10 on the right, and 30 in front of !!," the little Lori reported the number of protozoans she perceived.

"Well, we're in charge of the left. "

"We are responsible for the !! on the right"

"I'll leave it to us in front of !!" In Sesshomaru's surprised gaze, dozens of little loli quickly and neatly divided into three groups and rushed out in three directions.

Moreover,The little Loli is not a reckless charge,But the division of labor and cooperation,The intelligent little Lori launches the attack command in the rear,The auxiliary type of the little Lori plays an auxiliary role,Assist the companion of the melee ability,The small Lori of the long-range ability is to follow the instructions of the intelligent companion from time to time to carry out a long-range attack,Create favorable combat conditions for the melee companion,One by one, precision cooperation,Just like a precision machine。

All three teams are in the same situation.

It's just a few minutes.,The protozoa that attacked was completely wiped out under the precise cooperation of the three teams of the little Lori.、No little Lori is injured.,It's completely unharmed.。

This scene made Sesshomaru extremely surprised.

"Teacher, how are we doing!!" After eliminating all the protozoa, a group of little Loli quickly surrounded her, looking at Sesshomaru expectantly one by one, and asked Sesshomaru.

"Far beyond my expectations, you guys did a good job. Sesshomaru stretched out his hand on the little loli's head and gently soothed them, encouraging him in a loud voice.

"Hey, hey!!" The little Lolitas got the rewards they wanted, and they became shy one by one.

"Let's go, go on. After some encouragement, Sesshomaru led Lori to continue to go deeper into the Lost Zone.

As for why the little Lori have such a change, Sesshomaru doesn't want to ask.

As long as it doesn't hurt them.

Obviously, the performance of these little guys just now is not only not bad for them, but also a great benefit.

"Yes, teacher!!" Many little Lori answered loudly, and then jumped up and down to keep up with Sesshomaru's pace, one by one around Sesshomaru, and communicated with each other.

Communicating the methods of warfare just now.

No, it should be said that a few little Lori, who commanded the battle just now, were summarizing the battle information just now, and put forward the shortcomings in the battle, so that everyone could communicate and improve.

After the little Lori's knew the shortcomings, they all began to put forward suggestions, discussed them with their companions, and improved them.

This kind of atmosphere made Sesshomaru very unexpected.

Obviously, none of these little Lolitas are ordinary people.

has survived in the cracks for so long, and has mastered some incredible knowledge.

It's just that it hasn't been released, and after the forced incentive of the killing pill last night, the potential abilities of these little guys have been brought into play.

However, after walking a few steps, Sesshomaru paused slightly, looked up at the sky slightly, and frowned slightly.

"Teacher, what's wrong?" Seeing that Sesshomaru stopped, the little Lori also stopped discussing and asked suspiciously.

"No, nothing, you can go ahead. Sesshomaru shook his head and continued to walk forward.

At this time, a helicopter was hovering high above the heads of Sesshomaru and the others.

"Your Excellency Tiantong, what do you think of how these children behaved just now?" In the inner enclosure area, in a dark control room in the palace of the Holy Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven asked the assistant officer Tiantong Juzhicheng beside him.

"They are all good seedlings, and if they are cultivated well, they will be a group of excellent starters. "Although I hate protosagulars and cursed children, but after watching the precision combat of the little loli division of labor just now, Tiantong Kikunojo also has to admit the strong talent of the little loli around Sesshomaru.

"However, the old man cares more about the presence next to those cursed children. "

"For some reason, when I saw that person, the old man had a strange feeling, which was a little indescribable. "

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