"Yanzhu, do you know where that guy is?" In the ward, Tiantong Mu was lying on the hospital bed with a gloomy expression, and asked lightly to Lan Yuan Yanzhu on the side of the bed.

At this time, she had already moved from Muroto Sumire to a regular hospital.

"Sister Kigen, don't try to make a move on Mr. Sesshomaru. "

"Yesterday, you were still conscious, and you also saw that the Scorpio in the fifth stage was solved by Sesshomaru-sensei with a sword. Lan Yuan Yanzhu, who was peeling apples, was stunned when he heard this, and then reminded silently.

"!!" Tiantong Mu heard this, and his expression was extremely complicated.

Yes, although she was seriously injured last night, she still had the slightest meaning, and she also saw the scene where Sesshomaru wiped out Scorpio with a sword.

In the face of this existence, she has no possibility of avenging Rentaro at all.

"Also, Sister Mugen, I'm going to the outer districts, thank you for your care during this time. Lan Yuan Yanzhu handed over the peeled apple and said with a smile.

"Your promoter Rentaro was killed by that guy, do you actually want to follow him!!" For the apple handed over by Lan Yuan Yanzhu, Tian Tong Mu did not stretch out his hand, but looked at Lan Yuan Yanzhu in a complicated manner, looking at Lan Yuan Yanzhu's smile, feeling extremely ironic.

"The day before yesterday, it was Sesshomaru-sensei who seriously injured Rentaro. "

"Sister Kisara, I went to see Mr. Sesshomaru the night before yesterday. "

"Because of this, I learned some secrets of Sesshomaru-sensei, and I knew that Sesshomaru-sensei was powerful. "

"I knew Rentaro's character, so when I came back, I prayed to Rentaro not to deal with Sesshomaru-sensei. "

"This is for his good, and it is also for the good of the concubine. "

"Rentaro also agreed, and made an agreement with me, and the result. "

As soon as he saw Sesshomaru-sensei, that guy completely forgot about the prayer of the concubine. "

"That guy broke his agreement with the concubine, so he died at the hands of Sesshomaru-sensei. "

"However, that guy is a murderer, and he killed two guards in full view of everyone in the inner walled area, how can Rentaro, as a police officer, be indifferent when he sees him as a murderer!!"

He now also knows the identity of Sesshomaru, the existence of Rentaro who killed the two guards that he told him before.

"Sister Kigen, do you know what will happen to our Cursed Child if he is caught by the guards!!"

"Those two guards are fierce and vicious, and they don't ask if they want to take Linghua away as soon as they come up, do you know what the consequences will be after Linghua is arrested?"

Reika reached out to the concubine for help, and the concubine was ready to help Reika, but Rentaro stopped the concubine. "

"If it weren't for the timely appearance of Mr. Sesshomaru, Reika might have left the concubine forever. "

"The concubine has seen this happen here several times, and as long as it wasn't the cursed son of the initiator who was taken away by the guards, it wouldn't happen again. "

"Because those police officers will execute without asking any questions. "

"My companions are going to be turned into cold corpses because of these guys. "

"They are the preded generation, and if they have the opportunity, they will definitely vent their hatred on us, the children of the damned. Hearing Tiantong Mugen's rebuttal, Lan Yuan Yanzhu seemed to be stimulated, threw the apple in his hand against the wall, looked at Tiantong Mugen with scarlet eyes, and roared loudly.

"The concubine has already begged Rentaro not to do anything to Sesshomaru-sensei, because Sesshomaru-sensei, like Elder Matsuzaki, is a person who cares about us cursed children very much. "

"In order to give his companions in the outer districts a place to live, Sesshomaru-sensei has built an incomparably large manor house for us cursed children to shelter from the wind and rain. "

"There are too few people who give us warmth and care for us. "

"Finally, there is a person like Elder Matsuzaki, why can't Rentaro change his personality for the sake of concubines, and must let us cursed children lose someone who cares about us. "

"I obviously made an agreement with the concubine, but the next moment I forgot about it, what is the concubine in Rentaro's heart? The more Lan Yuan Yanzhu spoke, the more excited he became, his emotions gradually getting out of control, and his scarlet eyes flashed.

Satomi Rentaro obviously made an agreement with her, why should he break the agreement.

That's what she cares about the most.

"Yanzhu, calm down, it's not good for you to be too excited!!" Lan Yuan Yanzhu's sudden roar also made Tiantong Mu even more stunned, and after reacting, he hurriedly calmed down.

Being too emotional is not a good thing for the Cursed Child, as it tends to increase the erosion rate.

Once it exceeds 50%, it will be regurgitated by the protogastal factor in its body and become a protosatum.

"Huh, the connection between the concubine and Rentaro took more than a year to establish, and the concubine also believes that the concubine and Rentaro will be the best partners in the future and face any difficulties together. "

"Why can't Rentaro take care of the situation of the concubine. "

"Although we have only met a few times, the concubine knows very well that Mr. Sesshomaru has great pity and love for us cursed children. "

"Why did Rentaro take action on Mr. Sesshomaru because of two scumbags, how can I deal with myself so that I can be a concubine, Sister Kisara, you tell me. "Tiantong Kigen's reassurance is very useful, after all, he is one of the most trusted people besides Satomi Rentaro, and Lanyuan Yanzhu also retreated from the battle state, bowing his head and muttering to himself.

"Yanzhu..."Looking at Lanyuan Yanzhu like this, Tiantong Mu didn't know what to say for a while.

Indeed, it would indeed be a huge blow to Ranhara Enzhu if Satomi Rentaro broke the agreement between them after he had made an agreement with Ranbara Enzhu, especially in this case.

Because in this case, Lanyuan Yanzhu can't make a choice at all, which side to help.

"Yanzhu, go find that guy, don't come back here. Sighing slightly, Tiantongmu opened his mouth to persuade.

"Sister Mu Geng?" Lan Yuan Yanzhu, who was muttering to herself in a low voice, heard Tiantong Mu Geng's words, and immediately raised his head and looked at the other party in surprise.

"There's no doubt that that guy can be loved by so many children of the damned, and it's no doubt that it's good for you. "

"Rentaro is also dead, you don't need to stay here anymore, you, you won't accept a strange promoter, going to that guy's side may be the best destination for you. Tian Tong Mu said with a more complicated expression.

She remembered the scene last night when Sesshomaru appeared.

The dozens or hundreds of cursed sons directly left her and gathered around Sesshomaru, all with happy smiles on their faces.

It was the first time she had seen the Cursed Child smile in this twisted era.

Even Yanzhu, she had never seen that kind of happy smile on her face that was undisguised and came from the bottom of her heart.

Without Satomi Rentaro's Ranhara Enzhu, the best choice is to go to Sesshomaru's side.

As for revenge, being roared by Lan Yuan Yanzhu, she has now temporarily stopped this idea.

However, the main reason is that she simply doesn't have the ability to avenge Satomi Rentaro.

"I'm sorry, Sister Kigen. Lan Yuan Yanzhu said softly.

"Yanzhu, when will it pass, take me one when the time comes, I want to meet that guy. At this time, the white curtain was opened, and Sumire Muroto's face was revealed, and he said to Ranhara Yanzhu.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu: "..."

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