"Thank you, teacher. "In the outer area, the manor created by Sesshomaru, in a spacious and gorgeous room, a little Lori shyly bowed to Sesshomaru and thanked him.

After finishing speaking, the little girl walked away, and then another little Lori came over and lifted the clothes on her back with her back to Sesshomaru.

The killing pill dripped blood on the back of the little Lori, and the thought moved slightly, and the dark blue light flashed. A Xuanyue pattern appeared on the back of little Lori.

Under the Xuanyue pattern is a line of text with a strange shape.

It was a sacred text, a sacred text of the dungeon world, but Sesshomaru could also understand it.

Sesshomaru is portraying grace.

In addition to these two little Lori, there are other little girls in the room, all of whom are little girls ranging from six to ten years old.

There are more than seventy in total, and these are the children of the curse found by Matsuzaki and others from the inner area and other outer areas today, and they were brought back by Matsuzaki and others.

Because Matsuzaki is famous, he has been taking care of the Cursed Children in the outer area for many years, and the Cursed Children in both the inner and outer areas have heard of it, so these little Lolitas have not resisted Matsuzaki wanting to bring them here.

And after coming to the manor, when these little lolitas saw their companions in the manor playing happily, they understood that Matsuzaki didn't lie to them.

After seeing Sesshomaru, they understood that Sesshomaru was the same as Matsuzaki and others, so they easily accepted Matsuzaki and others' invitations, and decided to stay in the manor and live with other little Lori.

Soon, Sesshomaru portrayed a favor to the little Lori who were brought back by Matsuzaki and the others today, and passed on the Ten Thousand Demon Decision to them.

"Reika, Aoi, they'll be handed over to you. Sesshomaru instructed Reika and Aoi who were left in the room.

"Yes, Teacher!!" Reika and Aoi both replied at the same time, then bowed slightly before leaving with a group of little loli.

Before leaving, this group of newcomers also bowed slightly to Sesshomaru.

Reika and Aoi were the ones Sesshomaru picked out to manage these cursed children.

Needless to say, Linghua has a strong personality, and has been mixed with a group of friends in the inner area for several years, and has always been the existence of the eldest sister, so she naturally has management experience.

And Aoi is the oldest of the middle grades of the Cursed Child that Sesshomaru saw for the first time before.,I've been taking care of other little Lori younger than her like a big sister.,She has a lot of experience.。

Let the two of them manage this area, the Cursed Son Sesshomaru is also very relieved.

After the little Lori's left, Sesshomaru put his mind on the system in his mind.

Is the alien space embodied?

The embodiment of the different space, this is the reward for the plot check-in mission that Sesshomaru just obtained.

After so many plot check-ins, Sesshomaru understands it.

When encountering some special events, as long as you are involved, there is a high chance that the plot check-in task will be triggered.

For example, the resurrection of Anbei Qingming in the previous millennium demon capital, the dragon bone spirit incident in Inuyasha, and so on.

The appearance of Scorpio just now also triggered the plot check-in task.

Mission Name: Scorpio, the zodiac sign.

Description: Defeat or kill Scorpio, the 12 zodiac signs of the Zodiac in Phase.

Reward: Manifestation in another space.

This is the plot check-in quest that Sesshomaru triggered just now.

"Alien space manifestation, can this ability allow me to ignore the constraints of the world and manifest the alien space I created into various items to carry with me?"

"That's pretty good. "

"Originally, I was just thinking of creating a different space for Linghua and them to live in, and after arranging all the cursed children in another dimension, I will leave here. "

"Now it seems that I can take the other dimension with me. "

The other space is connected to the world and attached to the world.

Sesshomaru can't make the other space exist independently from the world.

But this time, Sesshomaru has gained such an ability, so it means that Sesshomaru can take Reihua and them with him.

"It seems that we need to create a different space as soon as possible. "

"But it's a bit of a hassle that it takes seven days. "

"Let's gather all the Cursed Children in the Tokyo area first. "

"Otherwise, according to the distorted psychology of those plundered generations, a bomb incident like the one in the original book could occur at any time in seven days. "

"Sure enough, when I think of those images, I want to destroy the world. "

"Calm down, and gather all the Cursed Children first. Contemplating, Sesshomaru suppressed the impulse in his heart and muttered in a low voice.

The fur turned into a huge blanket, and Sesshomaru turned off the lights in the room with his mind, and quietly leaned on the blanket and looked at the moonlight in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Dirty world!!" said silently, and Sesshomaru slowly closed his eyes.


"Doctor, I didn't expect you to have this side. In the outer area, Lan Yuan Yanzhu looked at the huge team behind him, then took his gaze back, put it on the Sumire Muroto beside him, and said unexpectedly.

"Why, can't I do that?"

"I'm not one of those predatory generations. "

"I will not spill hatred on you, on the contrary, I have always sympathized with your plight. With his hands in the pockets of his white coat, Sumire Muroto said with a faint smile.

"Besides, they just happen to be my vote, right? "

Behind Muroto Sumire and Lan Yuan Enzhu, a dense group of cursed children followed the two of them closely.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu never imagined that Sumire Muroto, who is a Frankenstein, would quietly take care of so many cursed children like her.

There are at least 500 people in this large area behind him.

"I'm really impressed, you're quite human, doctor. Although the words were very bad, Lan Yuan Yanzhu had to admit that this behavior of Muroto Sumire made Lan Yuan Yanzhu's impression of her have changed a lot.

"That's a compliment. Sumire Muroto said with a faint smile.

"However, don't talk nonsense after the autopsy or something, and don't have this kind of thought, you know!!" nodded, Lan Yuan Yanzhu crossed his hands on his hips and told like a little adult.

Taking in so many cursed children has made Lan Yuan Yanzhu have a great change in his opinion of Muroto Sumire, and he has a good impression of Muroto Sumire.

So Lan Yuan Yanzhu didn't want anything wrong with Sumire Muroto.

"I know, I know, how dare I fight a monster like Scorpio who can take out the zodiac aragut like Scorpio on his own. "

"I'm just curious, so I want to meet him. Sumire Muroto waved his hand and said.

She's not stupid, she doesn't know it, after knowing from the communication between Lan Yuan Yanzhu and Tiantong Mu Geng that Sesshomaru solved Scorpio with the power of one person, she naturally didn't dare to fight Sesshomaru's idea.

This time, following Lan Yuan Yanzhu over was just to see what Sesshomaru was like, and whether she could entrust these children behind her to Sesshomaru.

To be honest, the cost of raising so many cursed children is very large, and she can't afford it alone.

It would be nice if Sesshomaru could take some of the pressure off her.

"It's here, it's there!!" As Muroto Sumire was thinking, Ranbara Nobu's voice rang out.

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