At this time.

The person with the big barrel of wood is no longer there.

Calder began to take charge of all things in the shell organization!

"I'm going to find Ada.

You have to find him.

We cannot do without him now. "

This woman named Ida is indeed a very special being.

For the Shell members, it is extremely important.

If it weren't for this juncture.

Calder will not go to this place ~ to find it.

At this time.

Outside member Bagu is still trying to figure out how to fool the past.

"Oh, what are you talking about? Why don't I seem to understand what you're saying? I really don't seem to understand what you mean!"

See him pretending to be like this.

Calder just spoke lightly.

"I know everything.

Cixian once ordered the abolition of many man-made people.

These androids should have been kept secret by Boro.

He's going to use these things as killer tools!

But in the end, he probably didn't have a chance to use it.

I know everything.

I don't need to say anything more.

You know what I'm going to do, right?"

At this time.

Bagu, an outside member, also knew that he really couldn't fool the past.

So I can only speak in a hurry.

"I'm not going to rebel against your will.

But I wonder if this Boro is really dead.

If you lie to me, I'm definitely in a bit of trouble!

I can't just let you find this person!"

While talking.

Seeing that Calder's face was getting more and more gloomy.

The outside member, Bagu, was speechless.

I felt that if I continued to say more, I would probably be killed.

In that case, why bother? Let's just take him there!

Bring it over and you can solve it very well.

It's not a difficult thing to do.

The next time.

This outside member, Bagu, began to bring Calder into the world.

In a special place there is a very complex instrument.

It looks like a very high-tech look. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ida is in a container!

At this time, Calder looked at this Ada.

I feel very emotional.

"Good. Finally saw Ada. You are the one who knows all the secrets of this world. "

He seemed to have a great deal of interest in this man.

This person is a very important presence for him.

That's why at this time, Caude came to this place specifically.

In order to solve all these things.

Draw a line with these people thoroughly.

If you do this, it will also be of great help to yourself against Naruto Uzumaki in the future.

This Ada is definitely a very powerful helper for him.

At this time.

Calder was so excited that he looked at Ada.

I'm still muttering to myself.

"Sure enough, it's this person!

I was surprised.

I'm seeing it after that.

It was indeed extremely surprising.

It seems that this guy is indeed specifically preserving this person's body.

What a risk!"

At this time.

This outside member Bagu also asked Caude with trepidation!

"I'd love to know, too.

Are you already aware of this Boro's violations?

So you didn't even think about reporting him, so why didn't you tell Cixian about it?"

Bagu is indeed very strange Six!.

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