That's it.

They were on alert right away......

This Ada looked at the surrounding scene.

Slowly, I finally came to my senses.

on this.

This Caude only spoke lightly to Ada.

"I'm sorry to wake you up.

At this time.

I don't know if there will be a certain opinion.

I hope you don't mind!

I'm looking for you for something to do.

I hope you can hear what I'm going to do?"

At this time, Bagu, a member of the Shell Organization's outer formation, felt very speechless.

I don't know how to describe what this person did.

I think he is really too reckless.

Can you have a bit of a normal 08 mind? You know, this Ada is still a very powerful person.

You can't think of him too simply!

If you underestimate him, you will definitely pay a very heavy price for it.

Without knowing what he is capable of.

No matter how strong a person is, he may be hit.

While talking.

They also started a conversation.

At this time.

Ada doesn't seem to take outside member Bagu or even this Kaud seriously at all.

I feel that they are simply dispensable characters.

Able to ignore directly.

You just need to do your own thing.

He walked straight ahead.

Ignoring the people in front of him.

After seeing this scene, Caude was of course very unhappy.

He couldn't tolerate such contempt for him.

This will make him extremely unhappy.

So he immediately blocked this Ida as well.

Spoke coldly to him.

"I'm going to ask you something.

If you don't answer me, then don't blame me for being unkind to you.

I'm going to dispose of you directly according to what Cixian said.

When the time comes, don't blame me. "

At this time.

Calder was suddenly surprised.

Although he wants to attack Ada. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But no matter how much you attack, you can't do anything.

It's weird!!

Although he wanted to stretch out his claws to him.

Piercing him through his body himself.

But that's just his idea.

There is simply no way to turn it into a fact.

Because Calder can't control his body anymore!!

Ada, this is terrifying, isn't it?

It shows that this terrible person must have a way to target himself.

What kind of weird ability is this? Why hasn't I even seen such an ability? It's incredible.

It's really going to make people's breath unpleasant!

Calder was immediately embarrassed to the point of tooth soreness......

At this time, for the first time, he felt that his abilities would be so helpless.

I feel like I have a time when I am insignificant.

At this time, Ida also smiled.

"Didn't I say that if you have the ability, you will do it? It seems that you are indeed not capable enough!

But don't have any opinions.

I did so, and it was a matter of course.

After all, I've just woken up and recovered from 020.

It's normal to feel a little upset, right? And I think I have a bit of a problem with my mouth.

I'll deal with it first.

Can't I talk to you again?"

Caude at this time.

Realize that he is indeed no match for this Ada.

If you don't think about it, you will indeed pay a big price.

So I don't dare to be proud of anything anymore.

I quickly wanted to leave this place.

I don't want to continue to embarrass this Ada.

After all, if you embarrass him, it really won't end well.

This is likely to lead to unfortunate things happening to him in the future.

At this time.

Calder was only able to come to the rest of the base.

Slowly waiting for this Ada to come out.。。

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