Caude can only think like this.

I guess this Ada wants to wash up.

And then let's do something else!

At this time.

He even asked Bagu, a member of the outer formation, with great interest.

Ask him something.

In this regard, Bagu, a member of the outer formation, could only complain desperately.

"If only you had listened to me sooner.

It won't happen like this.

Wouldn't it be better to listen to me sooner and get along with him directly? "

At this time, Calder was still not ashamed to speak!

"Then again.

Do you think he's going to be interested in me? Is someone like me going to be liked by him? Do you think it's possible for him to have feelings for me?

He kept me waiting in this place.

Is it because you have a crush on me?

Is it because of what he thinks in his heart?"

At this time!

Bagu, a member of the outer ranks, spoke immediately.

"You idiot......

I've told you not to do it casually.

You've fallen for his moves.

Maybe you don't know it yourself.

His move is to seize new abilities.

The heart that can make you directly taken by him.

That's why there's no way to resist what he wants you to do.

It's your own doing, right?"

When I heard this.

He couldn't help but be very surprised.

Calder felt that this was something that surprised him like never before.

People like Ida are terrible.

Not only does he have clairvoyance.

And they have this means of controlling others.

How could a normal person fight him?

He had to admit it.

It is basically impossible for an ordinary person to defeat him.

It will only be solved by him.

When the time comes, it's going to be very bad.

So at this time, Calder has to think carefully about how to defeat someone like him, if he can't think of it, there is a real possibility that something will happen in the future.

In the process of talking and talking.

This Ada also came to Calder.

I'm starting to talk to him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Haha. My power is not as terrible as you think.

In fact, there are weaknesses as well.

For example, I don't have the means to know what happened to me casually.

But as long as it's before.

I have a way of knowing.

That's my power.

Of course. I'm also just using my consciousness.

It's like I have all sorts of scary cameras all over the world.

Being able to see what I want to see.

That's why I look so invincible. "

When I heard this.

This Caude had to believe it.

It turns out that it's really clairvoyance!

"'Ada, it seems that what I said earlier is indeed not an exaggeration.

Your power is truly terrifying.

Then your move is really useful.

It seems that you are indeed a very strong person.

Will also do something very useful in the future. "

At this time, Ada just smiled faintly.

And not so proud.

He didn't think it was something to be proud of.

Because he feels that he has such power.

Not a good thing.

Ida just spoke to this Caude!

"Of course.

It's hard for me to explain this.

It's like being able to bring my consciousness to a place where I can see these things.

Of course.

There are things that can never be seen.

For example, things before I was born.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see it. "。

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