Ida continued to say these words to the man:

"That's my limitation.

Of course.

I could only see what happened before.

But you can see how long it will take.

Don't ask.

I'm not going to expose my age to you. "

After all, Ada's age is also very important information.

So of course he doesn't just say it.

After hearing this.

Caude also thought it was incredible.

I can only think that this person is indeed very funny.

It's also extremely powerful.

He wanted to ask more.

Want to know more about important 433 intelligence.


Can you know what's going to come? Can you see something about the future?"

At this time, Ada really felt that it was not good, so she shook her head.

He said that he didn't seem to be able to do such a thing.

After all, he is not a god-like being.

"How can I see what is going to happen in the future? I look at what has been there.

I can't directly predict the future. "

After hearing this, Caude felt very disappointed......

Of course, Ida continued:

"I have some things that I can predict, for example.

I've thought of it before.

You're going to come to this place specifically to me.

It's a woman's intuition.

I know you're going to be there for me at this time.

Of course. I also know that this place appears.

You must want me to help you lift the restrictions, right?"

Calder nodded immediately.

But Ida poured cold water on her.

"But I also have an important piece of information for you.

This matter is not so easy to solve.

To know. This restriction of yours was specially created by Amado.

It's not something that can be solved just by trying to solve it.

You'll have to get his help.

To get rid of these limitations on your power.

First of all, two factors are needed.

One is the iris of Amadota's eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And then there's his voice.

It's not an easy thing to do.

Basically, you can't do it. "

At this time!

Caude was also lost in thought.

He thinks about what he can do to solve these things.

I hope I don't get bothered by this anymore.

If he didn't lift the restrictions that Amado had imposed on him, it would have been impossible for him to gain the strength to defeat Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.

This Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha are indeed extremely powerful people.

It's that his current strength is still unmanageable.

Only explained their own strength.

Burst out completely with your own strength.

to be able to let him know how good he is.

He began to ask about this Ada.

"Can I just use the Variation to conjure his eyes? In that case, I should still be able to remove this password!"

But at this time.

Ida thought for a moment.

It immediately felt like it wasn't a good idea.

So immediately began to speak to this Caude.

"You're still a little naïve.

It's not like change just happens.

You know, his eyes are specially made.

It's not something that can be conjured up by being transformed.

Don't be naïve.

I'll tell you!

There are only two ways to obtain a restrictive release.

Either that or just ask for his help.

Or just gouge out his eyes.

Not anything else.

There is simply no way. "。

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