The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 1 - 1: A Realistic Dream!

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Roy regained consciousness, and released a painful moan, as he could feel that his whole body was in pain.

His first instinct was to open his eyes and have a look at what was going on, but he found his eyelids too heavy, and his energy lacking.

No matter how much he tried to persevere and open his eyes he wasn't able to, but that wasn't the only bad news, because he could feel his consciousness fade once again.

His will and spirit didn't seem to work out in the least, as really soon, he once again felt the lightheadedness entrap him, and he lost conscience again.

But this time there was something wrong with it, as even though he was supposed to be unconscious, he started 'living' inside a dream.

Yes, 'living' was the right term, because even though he knew everything inside was just a dream, a fantastical dream in a fantastical world, he could nonetheless feel like everything happening was real.

Inside the dream, he lived as a fetus, then a baby, and finally gained self-awareness and logic when he was around 3 months and 12 days.

At that time, he was introduced to his in-dream family, starting from his heroic grandfather, and father, to the beautiful grandmother, and mother, to his genius siblings, gentle relatives, and so forth.

The first person to enter his eyes was of course his fairy-like mother. She had a white and rosy face, adorned by a small nose, two sweet cherry lips, and two gem-like red Ruby eyes.

Her beauty was captivating and would make any breathing person lose his breath as he looked at her.

Her chestnut curly hair was wavily falling down her shoulders, as a beautiful purple crown was positioned on top of her head.

Considering her face alone, she looked like she was around 20 years old, but her body was too developed to be only that old.

Even though he was in a dream he didn't want to profane this motherly figure, as he felt like he would be struck by lightning if he did.

That was the first time he was feeling something like that in his life, this was the first time he was feeling how it was to have a mother.

Still, he had to say that she was a true beauty in all the meanings of the word. Her height, her curves, her shapes, could only be considered as perfect.

If she was outside in the Earth he lived then she would be a peerless beauty that would make the whole Earth crumble to dust.

In his eyes, she was even more beautiful than any combination of the most beautiful actresses and models on Earth.

Not to mention that warmth, and soothing feeling that only a mother's embrace could give. He was suddenly overwhelmed with those feelings and started crying like a small baby he was.

His cry was loud, teary, and long, but his mother just embraced him closer to her chest. He felt like he was feeling what Heaven was for the first time.

At this moment appeared his handsome and classy father, who looked like one of those heroes he wrote about in his novels.

While his looks weren't comparable to those of his mother, he was nonetheless quite a catch. With his blue eyes, and blonde hair he looked like a prince charming.

He stood at around 1.8 or 1.9 meters tall, with a straight stature, and a solemn look on his face, and the aura of a ruler, as he approached the baby Roy with a rare show of tenderness.

They seemed to be talking in some language that the baby Roy wasn't able to understand, but he could feel that those were words of love, and care for him.

Right now, Roy felt blessed as he had never felt before, his heart was throbbing inside his chest, and he felt like this was the perfect moment.

Even though he knew he was inside a dream, he would want for the time to stop here, and not move even a small second ahead.

But certainly, time wouldn't follow his wishes, and desires, as it started moving once again, but this time even faster than earlier, as he could feel a lot of information being transmitted to him.

As matter had it, he was the grandson of the current Emperor of the Illyria Empire, Alexander X FitzRoy, and his name was Alexander XI Fitzroy.

His mother was from a foreign background that no one knew about, but with her looks, no one thought that she was from a common background, even though there were rumors about that.

Her name was Bennedeta Taylor and was now the first wife of the Crown King of the Empire, who was his father, Henry FitzRoy.

The thing that most caught his attention though was the fact that he learned that this was a world of fantasy and magic, just like the ones he wrote in his novels.

But he hadn't been able to learn more about this, and he needed to search more about it. Even though he knew this was a dream, he seemed to be really into this dream.

At the moment he was in his Grandfathers, the mighty Emperors' hands, that was looking at him with a really rare smile on his face.

His white hair and beard had covered almost all of his face, hiding his wrinkles from the eyes of the world, adding to his solemn, and mighty look.

But right now, this burly old man was having a bright smile, and a happy face, as he held his descendant, his blood in his hands.

He had many other children, and much more grandkids, and grandnieces, but he could feel a special connection with this little boy without understanding why, or how.

Still, he didn't hold him for long in case that he brought jealousy and bad luck upon his grandson. There were a lot of eyes already looking at this little baby as an eyesore.

If he showed special care, and tenderness for this little thing, then he would be giving them more reason, to act and kill him without hesitation.

Being born into the Imperial family was as much of a curse as it was luck, as the games for power wouldn't even spare a weak newborn child like the one on his arms.

For that reason, the mighty Emperor fearing his safety held him only for a moment and then gave it back to the boy's mother, as it looked at her with an appreciating look.

After this, once again Roy's view blurred once again, as he was also met with his siblings, his two handsome and intelligent Elder step-brothers.

They were both bright and geniuses in their own right. They were both not only extremely talented magic cultivators, but also generals, and leaders.

Even though they were still at an early age of 16 and 17 they were still able to take over more than 2 cities each from the neighboring Empires.

But their geniality seemed to have earned them the jealousy and attention of the people it shouldn't, and the next year both of them were killed on the battlefield betrayed by their trusted aides.

Their deaths had almost completely destroyed his father, as that was the first time that he had seen that mighty hero fall down to his knees and cry in his mother's lap.

He swore to the heavens to take revenge on the death of his two sons, as he started a massive purge of the whole city, but all that he caught was worthless henchmen, as the true head was hidden too deep.

Even though he wanted to continue doing it, the pressure that the Emperor had from his other sons, and the royal court, forced him to stop and back down.

But from that night after he wasn't the same person anymore, as he became really down spirited, slave to alcohol, and far from the hero that he was in the past.

The only reason he was still alive could be said to be his only left little kid, that hadn't been born long ago.

He wouldn't leave his side even for a moment, as this little newborn child became his obsession. He wouldn't allow even his wife to be alone with him.

Like this, the little Roy had grown to become an 18 years old, handsome and charming young prince, that could capture the hearts of every young lady of the court.

Still, even though he was raised under his father's shadow, and extensive care he hadn't turned into some useless second-generation prince, but into a true hero and genius for his age.

His father hadn't allowed any kind of danger to befall him, as even the smallest danger would be easily dealt with by him.

Certainly, with the strength of a Rank 5 Mage Warrior, he was more than capable of overthrowing any kind of attempt on little Roy's life.

But he also understood that he wouldn't be able to stay by his son's life for as long as he was alive, for that reason he managed to secure him a protection card.

The marriage with the daughter of his closest friend, the Archbishop of the Illyrian Empire Charles Gerald, Alice Gerald.

He had known and been friends with the guy since he was just a snotty brat, roaming through the Imperial Palace, and they had since formed a brotherhood.

Even though they hadn't talked much with the passing of the years, he still remembered their oath of brotherhood, and never doubted him in the least.

In fact, Charles Gerald was possibly the only person he believed in the Imperial Palace, so he thought that with his backing, and his own support no one would dare to touch his son.

His brother had accepted the wedding all smiles, and they had even decided on a near date in order to not allow the court to overthrow the wedding.

But apparently, his father was the only one to remember their brotherhood…

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