The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 2 - 2: A Real Dream (23)

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At the start of the ceremony, everyone was happy about this marriage, perhaps with the exception of Alice Gerald, who didn't seem to like the idea, but her father had already decided for her.

She didn't have much of a choice, and no matter what she thought, or what she wanted right now wouldn't be taken into consideration.

Such was the fate of the women born and raised in the high society, while they could get the best education, and the best life they could wish for, their future was chosen, and set by others.

Roy on the other hand didn't seem to have any bad opinion about the lady in question, as she was a true beauty, and was considered as one of the 5 fairies of the Illyrian Empire.

But he didn't have a really favorable opinion either, as he had no idea what kind of a person she was, and he was doing this only because it was his father's wish.

So, one could say that his standing towards this matter was at best neutral, but since his father had decided, and given his word, then he would make sure to follow on it.

To him, his parents were the most important people in the world, and he would do anything for their happiness.

After his two elder step brother's death, he had become the only descendant of his fathers, and also the son of his other two wives.

They had treated him like the apple of their eyes, and it would be truly unfilial if he didn't do the same thing for them.

Their love, affection, and care towards him had made even the Earthling orphan Roy feel like he was living every day in Heaven.

This was the first time he had been feeling the love of a family towards his persona, and even though he knew it was all a dream, he couldn't help but wish with all his heart for this dream to never end.

Even at this moment that was supposed to be one of the most important moments of his life, he was following with his eyes, his father, and his mothers, and especially those expressions on their faces.

His father was all smiles talking and drinking with his sworn brother Archbishop Gerald, while his mothers were checking up on the bride, and looking towards him with tender care and love.

Everything seemed to be going great, everything seemed to be perfect, as it the time of the marriage ceremony was approaching closer and closer.

The party was getting more and more exciting with each passing moment, as the liquor, and music were flowing like a never-stopping river when suddenly the river crashed into a dam, and everything stopped.

Everyone was startled upon facing this sudden break of the music, and the next moment they all turned their heads towards the band, only to see a slimy masked guy standing there, looking high and mighty.

Immediately as they noticed the new arrival, the people in the party became extremely alarmed, and they all took a defensive posture.

Even his father who had been turning liquor cups like water a moment ago disappeared from where he was and appeared beside him with a completely serious, solemn, and cautious face.

The masked man didn't seem to care much about the faces of the people present at the party, as he just looked at all of them one by one and said in a weird voice,

"Sorry to disturb your fun everyone! It's just that my Master forced me to come here to disrupt your fun, and eliminate you all!

Please don't mind me, and my rudeness! It's all my Master's fault and responsibility!"

Everybody was already tensed upon his appearance, so now, after hearing his words they became even more tense and cautious of this guy, and their surroundings.

Right now, Roy was placed in the middle of the quadruple formation, where his back, left, and right sides were protected by his mothers and his front by his father.

He felt so lucky, and so blessed to have such a family and such people beside him. People that were ready to protect him with his life, this was the first time he was really sensing something like this.

Until now he could understand that his father was staying by his side at all times to protect him, but since there was no obvious danger, that was just the thought.

But right now, there was the obvious danger in front of him, and not only his father, but also his mothers were surrounding him in order to better protect him.

For the first time in his life, he felt that there were people more important than his fantasy, dreams, and writings.

At this time, his father was keeping quiet, as he apparently understood what was going on, but most importantly he had an ominous aura sipping out of his body.

It was like he hated the person in front of him to the bones, and any moment now he would jump over him, eat his flesh, drink his blood, and pulverize his bones.

The only thing that seemed to be keeping him back, was the concern about his son's life, otherwise, he would have already jumped towards the guy.

That clown-faced guy seemed to have noticed his father's ominous aura, as he looked towards him and said in a mocking tone,

"I guess losing two sons wasn't enough for you to give up from the Imperial family, and live in seclusion outside! Too bad that you will lose even your last heir, Invincible King!"

Even though Roy was behind his father at this moment, he felt like he could see his father's ashen and blackish purple face, which was even more terrifying than the face of a devil.

The clown's words were self-explanatory, it was obvious that this guy was responsible for the death of his two elder step brothers'.

If he could think this, how could his other two mothers not think about it, as they were now seething in rage, and their eyes had a truly horrifying glint?

They seemed like they were ready to forsake their lives, and jump towards the clown without any regard for their lives.

Even Roy himself felt like he was about to explode from rage and anger at that moment, and do all he could to kill this motherfu*cker bastard in front of him.

But no matter how much he tried, no matter how much he had tried until now, he was unable to say anything or even act anyhow. Even though this was his dream, he was just a spectator to it and had nothing in control.

Even if he screeched his voice, and lost his voice by screaming, he couldn't release even the tiniest sound outside, he had no other choice but to look at everything happening and follow the script.

At this moment, his father's sworn brother finally seemed to have decided to act as he said in a heavy voice,

"Do you know where you are!? How dare you say something like that inside my own house!? Are you tired of living or something!?"

The clown-faced guy gave Archbishop Gerald a thorough look, as he said in a calm but cold voice,

"You don't have to keep pretending anymore Archbishop Gerald! Master said that the preparations were ready, and we don't need to hide anymore, as the Empire is ours!

Surely you would prefer for your beautiful daughter to be married to the Emperor, rather than a sissy boy, wouldn't you!?"

The clown's words didn't seem to cause much of a reaction to the Archbishop Gerald, and his entourage, but his father, and his mothers were stunned by what they heard.

His father couldn't believe what he was hearing, as he asked in an incredulous voice,

"Bro-brother, wha-what is he say-saying!?"

Archbishop Gerald gave his sworn brother a heavy sad and sorrowful look, as he then finally opened his mouth and said,

"You shouldn't have fallen like this brother! You should have pulled yourself together, and fought for your place.

You got too weak, and lost too much! I had to do whatever I could to protect myself, and my family!"

While his words seemed sorrowful, and his face looked real and genuine, Roy didn't believe a single word this fu*cker said.

What crap was this guy eating right now, protect himself!? Protect his family!? His father had fallen too low?!

What kind of brotherhood changed with the weather, turning every time that the wind changed direction!?

This motherfu*cker was just a cheap wh*ore running towards who paid more, and towards his own interests.

But the worst about this guy was that even at a moment like this he played the victim, and pretended to be forced by the circumstances and not his choices.

This kind of hypocritical fu*cker was the type that Roy hated the most. He would respect anyone who acted according to his interest and accepted it, but would critically hate this two-faced wh*ore.

Still, he placed those thoughts to the back of his head, as there was something more important right now to consider than this betraying fu*cker! How should they escape this situation!?

They had thought that this would be a safe place and had almost taken no precaution when arriving here, and now it didn't take a high logic to understand that most probably they were trapped here.

They seemed to have no way of escaping this place no matter what happened, as Roy felt that his dream was going to end really soon!

He didn't like this end in the least, as he was cursing at his own self and own consciousness for creating such a dream for him.

Just as he was thinking that everything was lost…

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