The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 113 - 113: Reason & Realization

He didn't kill them, as they still had some use for him, but he made sure to knock each and every one of them out without the slightest hesitation.

It didn't matter if his target was a little kid or a woman, in his eyes there were only his people and his enemies.

Well, to be honest, he used less strength on those kids but still, he didn't allow even one of them to escape his grasp.

While these kids and women were only being used through menace or promises, he didn't dare to let them scoot free, as the ones who would suffer would be him, and his people.

Most probably if he and his people were caught, their fates would be much worse than the fate of those that he knocked out.

Everyone else around him was shocked, but the grown-ups could understand what was going on, and even the kids seemed to have a simple understanding of the situation.

It was just that the majority of them had never thought that something like this might happen, making them unable to process the situation quickly.

In total there were 3 women and 4 kids that were being used as spies from the people behind the traps, making Roy extremely angry.

He could understand these women, after all, he had been already faced with the fact that not all of them were staying with him wholeheartedly, but what about these kids?

All four of them were between 7 and 10 years old, and they didn't even count as younglings yet. They were unable to think most of the things through.

He wasn't a barbarian and could still feel angry about this, then how could those bastards that were of the same tribe, and same race use these little guys to do something like this?

But this was the true and ugly face of the war, in front of benefits, and interests no one else cared. These barbarians weren't exempt from that.

In fact, if he gave voice to these opinions of his he would most probably be mocked by everyone else, even from these kids themselves.

Who was he trying to kid with, even in his previous world that was supposed to be an advanced world of democracy and freedom, there were little kids used in wars, and battles.

Thinking deeper in the situation he even thought that he was a bit hypocritical himself, as he was thinking of training and educating these kids as soldiers from now on.

So, wasn't he doing the same as well!?

It didn't matter how much he tried to beautify his words, and actions, at the end of the day he was doing the same thing, with the only difference of giving them training, and education about it.

Thinking like that, he could only release an extremely emotional sigh, as he turned towards the rest and said,

"These guys were mixed as spies among us, if we didn't discover and take care of them, then most probably we would have ended up with a fate worse than death!

Knowing that this place is extremely dangerous now, so we need to leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise, we will be caught really soon!

I know that you are a bit tired and drowsy, but we have to move, so help each other and start moving until we find a safe shelter."

In fact, after showing their willingness to follow him through this path, Roy had thought of sending them to Gaia, as soon as they got outside, but then he decided to wait.

He wanted to test their resolve, and determination to follow him. Only those that would be able to surpass the test would be sent to Gaia in order to live there, rest, and continue their training.

He had already decided that his true Harem Palace would be in Gaia and that whatever place he created outside in Navita would be just a branch of it, in order to select more talents, and ladies for himself.

With those thoughts in mind, as all the ladies and the kids were leaving the grove with complicated expressions, he went close to one of the spy ladies and threw a bucket of water on her face.

That was enough to wake her up with a startle, and the moment she remembered why she had gone unconscious, she couldn't help but feel a chill running through her back.

And that sensation grew even bigger when she saw the other ladies and kids lying on the ground beside her.

She knew that she had been caught and that she would suffer in Roy's hands. After all, she knew what kind of monster he became when he discovered these things.

Scared, and terrified, she immediately started crying and deploring to him with an extremely emotional voice,

"Please my Lord forgive me! Please! I don't want to die! Please, forgive me, I will do whatever you tell me to! Please! Uwwu~!"

Roy already expected such a scene, so he managed to keep his calm and control over his face, and his feelings, as he said with a cold and detached voice,

"Why did you do this!?"

The lady in front of him, was one of the additions when he decided to set up his Harem Palace and had stayed by his side for quite some time.

She wasn't a great beauty, but she was among the best in the tribe and had quite the bewitching body, that gave him a lot of pleasure.

But beyond that, he didn't have much of an impression of her! In fact, most of the ladies in his Harem Palace were like that, with the exception of those that had decided to follow him directly.

The moment that she heard his question, the woman's face changed for an instant as it contorted weirdly, but she quickly managed to regain her feeble and crying face, as she continued,

"They threatened me, my Lord! I didn't want to! They threatened me! They told me that they would kill me if I didn't do as they said!"

Normally her small lapse wouldn't be noticed by a normal person, but Roy wasn't a normal person. Looking at that lapse of her his face stayed the same, but inside he became even more enraged.

Looking at her with the same cold and detached look, he ripped her upper garment and then grabbed her right melon.

At first, he grabbed it gently, making the woman think that as long as she gave her body to him, perhaps she would be able to make him believe her.

But the next instant, she understood that she couldn't be any more mistaken about this situation, as Roy's grip on her right melon became fiercer and stronger, as he asked her with a menacing tone,

"Why. Did. You. Do. It!?"

The poor barbarian woman could only clench her teeth in order to be able to resist the sudden pain, as her face became even uglier, but she continued with the same story.

"They threatened me, my Lord! Please believe me!"

She didn't even dare to think of telling the truth, as she knew that once she spilled the beans, then she was as good as dead.

The next moment though she once again regretted her decision, as probably telling the truth and dying was much better at that moment.

Seeing that the bi*tch in front of him didn't seem to be honest, Roy tightened the grip on her right melon, as his fingers cut through her skin, and then pulled her right melon away.

In place of the ripped big melon on the right side of her chest, was now only a bloody flat spot, that would make anyone vomit the moment that they caught sight of it.

"AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH~! You damned white devil! You won't have a good end! You will die a terrible death!

My man won't let you leave for long! AAARRRGGGHHH~! He will gouge your eyes and cut you di*ck! You will die a miserable death! You damned white devil!"

The pain was excruciating, but even more so was the fact that one of her symbols as a woman had been ripped from her body, making her a half-woman in her opinion.

For women appearance and beauty are much more important than pain and suffering. Even more so, when it's a matter of symbol and identity.

In that pain and anger, the lady in front of him couldn't help but blurt everything she shouldn't have, which gained her a look of astonishment from Roy.

He had never thought that these women would be smart enough to enter his Harem Palace with the intention of helping their previous husbands and families.

He had thought that with barbarians it was easy for women to forget their previous man and get attached to the new one as long as they were strong and capable.

But it looked like he was wrong, extremely wrong!

Those words had caught him by surprise and startled him a lot, as it taught him a great lesson. He shouldn't underestimate anyone in this world.

Even these barbarians who look and act stupid aren't as stupid as they seem to be. Then what about those guys outside Death Forest.

They should be even more scheming, venomous, and sly bastards than these simple-minded barbarians.

Unconsciously all this time he had been thinking that as a man coming from a much more developed place like his previous Earth, he was above all these people.

He should be much smarter, and intelligent than any other person in this new world. But it was only now that he understood that all this time, he had just been blowing his own horn.

He had been too much of an airhead until now…

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