The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 114 - 114: Answers & Traps

Understanding something like that didn't make him feel better though, as in fact just made him feel angrier at himself. He had underestimated this world and its people a bit too much.

It was a good thing that he already had an object to release his anger, and negative emotions to, as he didn't care about the screams of the barbarian woman in front of him, and caught her left melon,

"Who is your man!? And what else have you planned!?"

The barbarian woman was still screaming in pain, cursing, and insulting Roy when she suddenly felt his hand on the other part of her chest.

She was just like a startled rabbit this time as she knew that since this merciless guy had done this once, he could do it a second time, and she felt extremely weak and feeble.

Immediately she tried to back away from him, and protect herself, as she screamed with a fearful voice,

"Don't come close to me! Stay away! Please!"

But there was no way that Roy would do something like that at that moment, and at that situation, as he just forced his grasp over, he left melon tighter, and said in a heavy voice,

"Don't force me!

Now tell me who did you do this for, and what other plans do you have? Is there any other spy besides these ones in here that are lying by your side!?"

Feeling the piercing pain coming from Roy's fingers that seemed as if they were stabbed in her left melon, the barbarian woman couldn't help but sense a chill down her back.

She seemed to understand that Roy wasn't playing a joke, or a game with her and that if she didn't answer his question, then he would seriously do as he said.

No matter how much she loved her man, no matter how much he had promised to her after she completed this mission of hers, it was completely useless if she wasn't there to enjoy it.

Furthermore, with her current state would already be extremely difficult for her to return back to his side, and him keeping the word, if she lost even her left melon then it would be totally impossible.

Understanding that part was enough for her to know that if she didn't answer at that moment, despite her anger and rage, then she would only suffer more, and wouldn't gain anything.

With those thoughts in her mind, she started answering Roy's questions amidst her tears. And in less than half an hour Roy had already learned everything he wanted to know.

Apparently, despite having the full confidence in his win over Roy, Young Master Fjord had made sure to try and establish contact with Wolf, Bear, and a few members of his Harem Palace.

This woman was just one among them, and as fate had it before she entered Roy's Harem Palace, she had been Wolf's woman, despite the fact that it wasn't public.

To be more exact she was the wife of another barbarian, that had fallen in love with Wolf, and become his lover.

Right now, everything she was doing was because Wolf had asked her to. But anyway, that part wasn't that important for Roy as he was more interested in the other part of her retelling.

After Young Master Fjord's army had retreated, he had left only a few teams of elites that would work with the moles inside the camp and take the camp down quickly.

Then when Roy returned from wherever he had gone, they would set up a trap inside the camp and prison Roy alive.

But their plans had gone awry when Roy had suddenly returned before the camp was taken over, and as if that wasn't enough, he had announced his leave.

In that one hour that Roy had provided everyone with, Wolf and his accomplices immediately started contacting and making new plans to capture Roy, as the camp was already fallen in their eyes.

In order to make sure that Roy didn't escape their hands, they had set up more than one trap and ambush, to make sure that there was no way for him to escape.

In fact, Roy had already noticed these traps on his way back to the camp, despite not acting directly on them, so the barbarian woman's words were used just as a checking reference.

He had to check if there was someone that had escaped his senses. And the most important part of her spilling the beans was to understand if there were more spies, he hadn't been able to catch.

Normally a side character like her wouldn't be able to know so much, but as Wolf's beloved, she had been informed by him in that last hour.

Wolf seemed to really care about her, as he hadn't been able to wait for Roy to leave the camp, in order to give her some good time.

To think that a barbarian man would be so willing to send his woman to another man, and knowingly cuckold himself just to have some benefits in the long run.

One has to know that the current situation was an anomaly, neither Roy nor Wolf expected something like that, and she had been part of Roy's Harem Palace for quite some time.

This meant that Wolf hadn't intentionally sent her to Roy for this, she had been sent to him as a mole by his side, and as a way to gain benefits. Quite the situation indeed.

When everything was over, and she had told him everything she knew Roy didn't wait for her to say any other word, and just gave her a quick death.

He repeated the process with all the lady spies that had pretended to come with him just to make sure they spied on him and gave them the same end.

He was in quite the position with respect to those kids as they were still extremely young and didn't know how to deal with them.

But in the end, he wasn't able to torture or kill them, as he left them alive inside that grove. Who knew what the future held and if he would come across them another time.

What he knew though was that he wasn't able to kill or torture them, so he could only let them live. It was in their hands whether they would appreciate his kindness or repay good with evil.

Either way, the next time he wouldn't be the same person anymore, and he doubted that he would hesitate again.

After taking care of this gruesome job, he quickly stood up and left the groove in the direction of the group of ladies and kids.

They were being led by his sharp-toothed wolves towards the next trap, and it was time he gave those guys a good headache to remember.

As a Rank 2 Warrior, he was many times faster than a group of women and kids, so he didn't need much time to catch up with them.

By the time he caught up to them, they were totally surrounded by a group of more than 50 elite soldiers and warriors.

Each of them was at least Rank 2, as they even had 5 more Rank 3 amidst their line-up. Making them look like some kind of giant facing a normal human being.

Looking at the beauties and their bodies in front of them, those guys had some really lewd, and perverted expressions on their faces, and it seemed like they had forgotten him.

After all, the reason for all these traps and ambushes was capturing him and sending him to their Young Master Fjord so he could wash his shame away.

Young Master Fjord didn't care about the barbarian tribe in there, they were just some insignificant ants in his eyes, even Wolf was just a slightly wiser and bigger ant.

The true reason for all this mess was Roy, he wanted to capture this guy who not only defeated him with a much smaller army than his but also chased behind him for his capture.

As if that wasn't enough, he had even stolen his woman, giving him another slap to his face. These were things that he couldn't bear, especially with his identity and standing.

If the noble world learned of these happenings, then he would become the biggest joke of any party and gathering. Furthermore, his pride and arrogance didn't allow him to let this matter go.

But these soldiers seemed to have lost their normal reason and couldn't help but become slaves of their own lust and desires.

Seeing this situation Roy couldn't help but look at these guys with a sneer on his face, as he immediately gave the order for his beasts to attack.

At the same time, he personally jumped towards the formation of the soldiers and warriors in front of him fearlessly, cutting lives left and right.

While these soldiers had the upper hand in numbers, he had the upper hand in quality as there were more than 14 Rank 3 beasts fighting alongside him.

In a short amount of time, he managed to cleanly wipe out each and every one of those in the ambush, as there were almost no losses on his side.

As a matter of fact, there were two losses on his side, two kids of 7 and 9 years old, but they didn't count in his eyes, as the two of them were extra spies, alongside another woman.

After breaking through this trap, and having general information about the other traps, Roy made sure to be in control of the situation at all times.

He would let the battle become a bit arduous and difficult to test the loyalty of the people following him, but never allow the death of a loyal woman or kid…

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