The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 115 - 115: Infiltrating The Enemy Camp

It took Roy and the people following him about two days to slowly break out of the traps and ambushes waiting for them.

Two more ladies and two more kids had fallen on the way, but each and every one of them was a traitor and a spy for Roy's enemies.

When he was finally assured of the loyalty and cleanliness of the people following him, Roy decided to send them all to Gaia, together with his beasts.

Certainly, every one of them was shocked to see something like that happen, but they were nonetheless happy to have finally arrived at a place where they could have a piece of mind.

The only problem was that the Stone Altar had become extremely populated at the moment, due to the sudden flux, but it was still something that had to be done.

Quickly arranging the matters inside, he left Ileana in charge, with the three black-dressed women as helpers. No one knew of their identity besides himself.

Since he had already become a Rank 3 Acidic Mage, then he could now easily use and interact with the space channel that sent him to Gaia.

In fact, it had become so easy for him that he had even started to try and perceive the space particles, wishing to cultivate them.

It seemed like an extremely difficult goal but not impossible at the moment, he just had to try as much as he could.

The process would be extremely long though as he had understood one thing lately, the space channel to Gaia was always connected.

The Magic Power he suffused to the portal was just used as a key to open that gate, and it wasn't actually opened by him.

His space magic particles cultivation would be even harder, as he wasn't the one creating the door, just the one using it.

Still, he wasn't discouraged, quite on the contrary he was even more raring to achieve success as if to prove himself that he wasn't just a lucky bastard, but also a hardworking and intelligent one.

But he had to say that this thing was quite mysterious and amazing, after all the amount of Magic Power just to be used as the key to open this space channel was above a Rank 2 Spell.

Well, it didn't matter anyway, Gaia was his cheat ability, or it would be more exact to say his cheat world.

People would spend their whole wealth to get just a space ring, that could only story lifeless objects, and things, then what about a full world, full of resources and riches that belonged only to him.

Gaia was his private backyard that belonged only to him, and it was an extremely precious and valuable one at that.

He would have loved to spend some time inside Gaia and relax as well, but he had some important things that he needed to take care of, so he had to get out.

He let Ileana explain everything to the new arrivals in Gaia, and also the rules and duties there. After all, he had no intention of keeping useless people around, just to increase the population.

In fact, once they entered Gaia, they would have to work harder otherwise, they should forget about leaving this place alive.

Even though it was a cruel rule, it was a necessary one, as Roy needed an army of experts and not a burden of women and kids.

Well, only the future would clearly prove whether his decisions and actions were right or wrong, as right now he had more important things to think about.

Like for example, infiltrating the area that Young Master Fjord and the powerhouses on his side were searching for the two Rank 5 beasts and their lairs.

Roy already had the two carcasses of the two Rank 5 beasts, so he had no interest in searching for something that was already in his possession, but he was extremely curious about that Green Horn Snake's lair.

The best thing about this situation was the fact, that no one could recognize his face. Well, Young Master Fjord should be able to recognize him, but he had no intention of appearing in front of him.

So, he only needed to find a somewhat recluse man and take his spot, and then join the rest of the soldiers in searching for that lair.

Normally even if two people were total strangers they would usually interact with each other, and especially in situations like this one where their life and death were unknown.

It was only after 15 minutes that he finally managed to find someone that fitted the profile he was looking for, and he took action.

The victim he had decided upon was similar to him in body build, and some appearance features, so it shouldn't be a bit problem for him to take his place and his identity.

Having already decided on a good tactic, Roy changed his voice a bit to look like a grisly bear was attacking this group.

That should be able to alert the teams around him, then he swiftly killed the group in front of him, while making sure that each of the attacks looked like it was caused by a bear paw.

He quickly retrieved the body of the soldier he was going to replace inside his space ring, and then taking the guy's weapon, he assaulted the poor bear carcass.

It was a Rank 3 Grisly Bear, that he had met on his way here, with his skills and the help of his beasts it was a piece of cake to kill him without many wounds.

And now he used the weapon of that soldier he replaced to deepen the wounds and give an end to the poor bear's life.

Just as he gave the grisly bear the last strike to finally kill him, two other teams appeared from the trees around him, ready to help him fight the bear.

The leaders of the two teams were clearly surprised looking at how he had taken down a beast that should be at least 1 Rank above him, so they were looking at him like he was some kind of monster.

Unable to contain his curiosity the leader of one of the teams, and also the ten-team leader asked with a startled voice,

"How did you manage to kill such a beast!?"

Roy didn't know much about the character of the soldier he had just decided to replace, so he just scratched his head, and said with an ashamed, and painful look,

"Well, the beast was already injured when he came across it, and the other guys acted like vanguard, allowing me to easily attack his wounds, worsen them, and eventually kill it.

But unfortunately, my comrades didn't make it out!"

Hearing those words, even the ten-team leader seemed to relax quite a bit, as he thought that killing an injured beast, while extremely dangerous it was possible.

At least, it was easier to believe! But looking at the opportunity in front of him, he said with a kind of heavy tone,

"Oh, your team was the only one to fight and kill the beast!?"

Roy was startled for a moment, but then he was extremely more relaxed, as it looked like this ten-team leader was quite the character, and then said with a subservient voice,

"No captain, my team was having troubles fighting the beast, so the captain's team and this other team came to help us.

We fought a hard battle, trying to contain its attacks, and surrounding it, while captain itself fearlessly jumped forward, and gave the finishing blow to the beast!"

He said the whole story like he had learned it by heart, and no one would ever think that he had just thought about it.

On the other hand, the captain hadn't expected this soldier to be so understanding, and make the story so quickly, as he was startled for a moment before laughing out loud, and saying,

"Hhahaha~! You are great boy! How come I have never heard about you!?"

While he was laughing out loud, his words were clear for Roy, as it seemed like he was doubting his identity, but Roy was calm and collected, as he said,

"Well, I don't like to interact much captain! I am more of a lone wolf type of guy, and the only way for me to talk too much is if I am drunk or courting ladies!"

"Hahhah~! Well said, boy, well said! Due to your great contributions today, I will take you to drink and have fun later, what do you say!?"

"Then I will have to thank captain in advance for your great patronage. It has been some time since I have touched a woman or a glass of alcohol!"

"Hhahaha~! You are amusing, I like you boy, from now on you will stay by my side, in my team!"

"Thank you very much captain, it seems like I am extremely lucky tonight! Hahaha~!"

The others around him couldn't help but be extremely envious of Roy for having such a stroke of good luck, as from now on he would be under the protection of that captain.

But it was his wisdom, and his luck of encountering an injured Rank 3 beast that brought him the favor, and the side effects of that were that his full team had been killed in the process.

Each and every one of the soldiers around didn't know if they should feel envious, or lucky to not have suffered the same fate as him.

After all, if he hadn't managed to kill that Rank 3 Grisly Bear he would have been just an extra mutilated corpse on the ground…

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