The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 12 - 12: First Survival Battle

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In these few days, besides practicing he had started going through the memories of the old Alexander FitzRoy, since the outside world was going to be his new home he wanted to learn more about it.

Its dangers, its powers, its beauties, the forbidden places, everything he could find about it. Alexander FitzRoy was a really long name so he usually referred to him as old Roy only.

Just as one would guess by looking at his weak and feminine body this kid hadn't put a singly foot outside the Imperial Palace.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that his mothers' wouldn't allow him to. With the loss of their own blood children, they didn't want his father to lose his last heir too.

Due to that, they had been overprotective to him, and they would never allow him to stay alone, even if it was for a short period of time.

Things were so bad that they would accompany him even when he would be bathing, or going to the toilet. He was never alone, never.

The good thing about him though was the fact that this guy had become a true bookworm, and he would always read some book in his free time, in order to imagine, and fantasize about the outside world.

For that reason, there was a lot of information on Roy's memories about almost everything one could read in the books, but even then, his information on the animals, beasts, and other things was really poor.

It was his good luck that he had a second cluster of memories belonging to his Master, that helped him with that.

For example, the moment that Roy's eyes landed on the animal that was directing its killing intent towards him, he felt like he knew everything about it, even though this was his first time seeing it.

It was a 'sharp tooth wolf'. These guys were bad news, not only did they live in packs, but they also had incredible speed, and really sharp teeth.

Most probably one bite from that guy, would take Roy's thigh away, or even break his bones, they were called sharp tooth wolves for a reason.

But that was just the start of his problems right now, as the biggest problem was that at the moment he was seeing just this one sharp tooth wolf.

There was no sign of his pack, or anyone else. At least he couldn't pick up on their presence around him, and that wasn't a good thing.

Even though sharp tooth wolves weren't considered a danger for a tier 2 Mage like Roy was, to Roy specifically they were a critical danger.

Roy might be a tier 2 Mage but he had no control over his Magic Power, and the only thing he could do was control the water element up to some point.

Other elements were out of the question for him at the moment. Thinking like this, Roy felt like he had no time to lose as he immediately jumped towards the river to his side.

As if sensing Roy's actions the sharp-toothed wolf immediately jumped towards him with his mouth open, as he was showing his dirty and bloody sharp teeth to him.

It was clear that the wolf didn't intend on playing any games. He was heading forward with the intention of killing his prey in a swift fashion.

It was a battle against time, if Roy entered the water first he would be able to protect himself from the wolf, and if he didn't he would most probably lose an arm or more.

The speed between the two could be no more different though, the wolf was quick, and swift, while his jump was nothing more than a little girl's jump.

It was his good fortune that he was really close to the river, so his jump didn't require much effort, but before he could fall in the water, the sharp tooth wolf's mouth was right close to his right hand.

As if understanding what that meant, the sharp tooth wolf opened his mouth wider, in order to bit as much as he could from his prey's hand.

But before he could do that, a powerful water wave came crashing on his belly, and thwarting him off, his target, and into the river.

Just as the dog had opened his mouth wider, Roy had touched the water's surface with his left hand and used his Magic Power to create a wave.

While the wave wasn't as powerful as he had thought it would be, at least it had helped him thwart off the danger for now.

He couldn't take it easy now though, as this was his moment, he had to take the chance in front of him, and deal quickly with the wolf.

It was already a piece of great news that this guy had no friends from his pack in here, otherwise, he would be more than finished now.

With that quick decision made he turned around, only to see that sharp tooth wolf trying to swim on the water with the best of his skills.

Even though the stream wasn't that powerful in that area of the river, it was still difficult to stay over the water, if you didn't have control over the water element.

While sharp tooth wolves were really quick and swift on land, they were nothing more than normal dogs on water, so Roy clearly had the advantage in this place.

This was his chance, he couldn't let that thing return to the land otherwise he might disappear and come with his friends the next day, and that would be nothing good for him.

Immediately he concentrated on the water particles around him, in order to make them create a kind of water vortex at the sharp tooth wolf's location.

Even though with great difficulty the water vortex was created, it wasn't as big as he thought it would be, but it was enough to make the wolf lose his grip on the water, and thwart him away.

The first step had worked, but he couldn't allow himself to relax, as he kept sending Magic Power to the vortex to keep it spinning, and keep the wolf under the water until he drowned.

This wasn't his first time killing an animal as he had killed so many of them to survive in his journeys and explorations, but it was the first time he was using Magic Power to do it.

It was still a bit difficult for him to use it, and he could feel that he was wasting way too much Magic Power with that small vortex, but he could only get better with practice.

In fact, the most surprising thing was his instincts, despite feeling killing intent for the first time in his both lives and facing a much stronger opponent than him, he was still able to act.

Not only that, but he had also selected the most effective way to do it. This clearly showed that his instincts and processing speed were clearly high level in front of danger.

While this was a good thing on its own, the reason he had to end up using them wasn't. He couldn't allow himself to panic again in the future.

He couldn't allow fear to control him, his mind, and his body ever again. This time he was fortunate enough to rely on his instincts and turn the tables on the sharp tooth wolf, but what if he couldn't next time.

From now on, no matter the circumstances, no matter the situation, no matter his position he needed to take control of his fear, and not allow fear to control him.

One more thing in his to-do list that had to do with practice, and determination. The list was getting longer but it was something he needed to do.

In the meantime, the unlucky sharp tooth wolf had finally lost all his resisting power and had stopped moving, drowning in the river.

With the danger gone out of his way, Roy stopped using his Magic Power in the water and then started swimming towards the shore.

On the way, he picked up even the dying sharp tooth wolf. With the situation at hand right now, he couldn't give up on any source of food.

Still, he didn't immediately dig into the wolf, as firstly he went to take a lot at the traps he had set up the other day.

Even though he was a bit dubious about his chances, as a sharp tooth wolf was in the area. Even if he had caught something, by now it would have turn into a meal for that guy.

Just as he thought, the traps were almost all empty, beside one, but even that one was a surface trap, and the catch had been slaughtered, most probably by the wolf.

Damn! Did he truly had to eat that wolf in order to satiate his hunger!? Not to mention that he didn't even have herbs and salt.

With his hopes hitting a new low, he made his way towards the water trap he had set up for the fish. If only he had struck gold with that trap.

He was so happy when he saw a little splash at the small trap, and he thought that most probably he had really struck gold.

His feet immediately started walking faster towards the place, and when he arrived there he was almost running.

Too bad that his hopes were destined to turn to dust though, as he truly had captured two fish, but the problem that they were really small.

Each of them was no bigger than his pointing finger, making it impossible for them to satiate his hunger. They weren't enough even as appetizers.

His only way out of hunger apparently was that sharp tooth wolf…

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