The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 13 - 13: Earth Element

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Even though that wasn't his first choice, it was nonetheless his only choice at the moment, but he still had a bit more time, at least until he recovered his Magic Power.

Thinking like that, he immediately jumped into the river, not too far from the shore. As the matter stood the river was his best choice at the moment.

Like that not only would he be able to practice his Magic Power absorption on water, but at the same time, he would also be able to protect himself.

At the moment water was the only element he could use with great 'difficulty' and also the only place where he could defend himself.

It took him some time to finally return to his optimal state, but the good news was that during this time he suffered no other attacks.

It looked like that sharp tooth wolf was truly a rare occasion, as he was wandering by himself around this place.

Still, he didn't dare to lower his guard, otherwise, he would be dead meat before he even realized how it happened.

Using the same stupid method that he used the first time, he created another tank and filled it with water, as he once again needed to jump into the water to recuperate faster.

Since he had been staying underwater for the majority of the time these days, his skin had started to get stretchy, and really pale, as he looked like some kind of wet zombie.

But he didn't really care, as long as he could practice his Magic Power absorption or use, he wouldn't give up in front of such trifle difficulties.

Still, he thought that it was about time that he started practicing other elements too. Otherwise, the technique he had selected would be useless.

Since the wind was a bit difficult and really dangerous at the moment, he decided to go with the next best choice.


If he managed to comprehend Earth, and its power, not only would he have added another element to his list, but he would also be able to protect himself, from any possible attack.

The earth element was perfect for defense, at least this was what he had written in his books, and had read from others' books.

It was a topic that almost all the fantastic community on Earth seemed to agree with, but he had to find out if the same logic applied to this new planet called Nativa.

He had a lot to learn about this new planet, a lot of journeys and explorations to make, a lot of new cultures to experience, a lot of new relationships to be created.

But firstly, he had to have enough strength to do it. According to the memories of his Master, and the old Roy, he needed to be at least a level 2 mage if he wanted to roam free on this continent.

That was the least requirement, otherwise, he would be nothing more than a target of bullying, and mocking, or being robbed.

Even though the old Roy was the last person whose word could be taken for granted in these situations, the new Roy nonetheless felt that he was right.

Still, though, life in this place was really boring, and colorless being alone, so he needed to complete his goal as soon as possible, in order to leave this place and start roaming.

Not wanting to lose any more time in this place, he immediately jumped out of the river and went to have a look at the fish once again.

Their numbers had increased actually there were now 5 of them, but even they couldn't be a substitution for the sharp tooth wolf.

Still, he picked them up and threw them into the tank of water he had filled a few moments ago. They weren't big enough at the moment, but soon they would become.

Furthermore, if he was able to increase their numbers he would have an endless supply of fish in Gaia, since he was thinking to stay there for a long time, these resources were indispensable.

Throwing the fish into the tank, he picked up the sharp tooth wolf, and then disappeared from the place where he was standing, to appear inside the altar in Gaia.

The moment he arrived in there, he let the sharp tooth wolf fall on the ground, as he immediately followed suit a moment later.

All this time he was in the outside world, his nerves were taut like bowstrings, since he had to be aware of his surroundings all the time, so he was really tired mentally.

He had to lie down there for more than half an hour and was forced to get up just because his stomach was growling like crazy.

Seeing that he had no other choice, he immediately got up, made a small fire using the primitive methods he had learned during his explorations, and started cleaning the sharp tooth wolf.

Even though this was his first time dealing with such a beast, and he had no idea how should he cook it, he decided to leave it all to his guts feeling.

This wasn't his first time cleaning a wild animal so he was a bit knowledgeable about how to clean one, but this was certainly the first wolf.

After taking care of its genitals, intestines, and other parts that might damage the meat, he quickly placed it on top of the wooden skewer that he quickly composed and started rotating it.

He was hungry right now, really hungry. He could feel like his stomach and inner organs were going to rebel soon if he didn't eat something.

In fact, even knowing that the meat in front of him belonged to a sharp tooth wolf, his mouth was watering as he cooked it.

Even though the wolf was pretty skinny, and didn't have much fat, the meat still started to release a nice aroma, as the surface even started releasing some sizzling sounds.

The more the aroma spread in the air, and the more the sizzling sounds continued, the more did Roy had to control his urge and jump like a hungry beast to the still raw meat.

It took him quite the effort and control, but he was finally able to make it for the meat to become at least medium-rare, as he jumped into it, and started eating even worse than the wolf might have engulfed him.

Even though he knew that this was going to be hard for his stomach that hadn't eaten much for these days, he couldn't hold his urge to eat at first.

It was only when he had eaten a quarter of the meat, that he finally was able to control himself, and stop, even then he had already eaten more than 3 or 4 kilograms of meat.

He could feel that he would have a hard time for his stomach to process that, but he decided to use the best way he knew to waste energy and make his stomach process more, practicing.

He decided to use the same way he used with water, but this time he was going to do it with the earth element.

So, he got as naked as he could, standing only on his underwear, and lied down on the ground, where he had the biggest contact with Earth, and started doing the same process as with water.

Since he had already done this once with water, it was much easier to do with earth, and in half the time of his first training session with water, he discovered the earth element.

In the excitement of having achieved his goal so soon, he continued to practice with the earth element as much as he could.

In order to increase his rate of absorption of Magic Power, and at the same time increase his ability to manipulate Magic Power and the earth element.

He had to accept that this thing was much more difficult than water at the moment, as the composition of earth, and its minerals were much more complex than that of water.

But that was because the water he was using to practice was fresh river water, but things would certainly change if he wanted to deal with different kinds of water and the state of it.

Still, at the moment he was happy to have achieved at least the first step towards the earth element control.

It was only after he had stopped practicing due to the mental tiredness, that he started going through his Master's memories and understood that what he had achieved was no small feat.

Apparently, the number of elements one could practice was limited, as most of the Mages could only absorb only one or two elements of Magic Power at most.

The reason was really simple, their aptitude towards the elements, and their ability to sense a particular element's particles in their environment.

For example, the old Roy was a triple Mage of water, wind, and fire, which already made him an amazing character, and amazing genius.

But right now, the new Roy had just added one more element to his specter, adding earth, making him a quadruple Mage.

If triple mages were already rare, then quadruple Mages were like the feathers of a phoenix. Incomparably rare, and were treated like the treasures of any force, clan, or sect they belonged to.

But the new Roy didn't want only those four elements, even though it looked completely impossible at the moment, and he didn't have a way to prove it, he knew that was only the start.

Only the future would be able to demonstrate if he was right or not, as right now he didn't have time to think about it, his stomach was growling once again, as he was once again hungry…

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