The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 14 - 14: Lucky Catch

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With no other choice left, he immediately went ahead and took some more meat from the sharp tooth wolf he had started a while ago.

The meat had become harder to eat right now, and so was the taste, but there wasn't much he could do about it, beside continue eating that.

It was either that, or dying from hunger, and clearly dying from hunger was out of question. So, he forced himself to gobble it down using some water.

The water tasted different too, but there wasn't much he could do about it either. It was fresh water from the river after all, not from the tap.

After eating around 1 or 2 kilograms of that meat his growling finally stopped, and he was ready to continue once again.

This was probably the first time he was taking something like this so seriously, but he just felt that he shouldn't let himself down after being granted this opportunity.

After that, the next three-four days he stayed inside Gaia, trying his best to make a better connection with the Earth element, and its use.

On the fourth day, his meat was over, and the fish were still growing up, so he had to go outside once again, and procure some more food.

He just hoped that the traps had gathered a bit more food for him, otherwise he would have to go and hunt himself, and he wasn't really comfortable with that idea yet.

With that thought he once again recuperated to his optimal state, and then got out of Gaia to the outside world.

It was around morning, so he guessed that the animals must have already drunk water from the river, and then left to their natural habitats.

The scene was peaceful, and quiet but he didn't dare to relax his guard. He had already almost paid with his life once, and he certainly wouldn't like to do it again.

Not only that, but he also started taking mud from the rivers shore, and started applying it all over his body.

This was a trick he had used during his explorations, like that he would be able to camouflage better with the surroundings, and the animals would have it more difficult to sense him.

Immediately after doing that, he started looking around the place for his traps. Even though his traps were only at the edge of the forest around the river, his hopes were high.

He wasn't afraid that some animals might eat his catch though, as he had made sufficient preparations for those animals to be either trapped or killed too.

Most of his traps were holes on the ground with spikes placed at the end. And this time he wasn't disappointed like the first time.

He had been able to catch 3 iron rabbits, another wolf, and surprisingly a few cubs. The cubs were in fact only looking at the dead bodies of their parents.

They sensed him approaching the place, but since they were still cubs and hadn't developed enough yet, he only needed to use Earth trap to stop them from escaping.

His hunt had been truly good this time, there were 6 or 7 iron-rabbit cubs in there, and 2 sharp tooth wolf cubs.

The iron rabbits were just like Earth rabbits, the only difference was that their teeth and nails were made of iron.

It was difficult to find these kinds of rabbits as they were really strong, and really fast, and normally it wasn't easy to capture them, but he had profited from their weakness.

But even though it was so difficult to catch them, there was a reason why people tried to do that, their meat was S-class ingredient.

Not only did it taste good, but it also had a big effect on strengthening a warrior's body, who wouldn't want to eat such a meat.

People were already grateful if they tried it once during their lives, having found 6 of them was already considered super lucky feature.

It was only 6, because the seventh had died due to unknown causes, but even the other 6 didn't look in good shape.

It was probably because they were extremely tired that they were unable to escape his earth trap, as normally with their nails it wouldn't be difficult for them to break through his weak earth trap.

Thinking like that, Roy immediately looked around for something to eat for them, as he couldn't let them die like that.

Not that he had become compassionate, but because his dream of setting up an iron-rabbits ranch seemed to be in danger.

Just think about it, if he was able to set up a ranch for them, not only would he have continuous meat to eat, but also a great ingredient to trade upon when he got out of the forest.

As for the sharp toothed wolf cubs he didn't have much of an idea at the moment, but since they were still cubs he guessed that he might raise them to follow his lead, and orders.

If that didn't work out, he had more than a few animal binding techniques available that would make it easy for them to bind the two cubs.

But since he used the Earth trap two times in a row, even though his proficiency with Earth magic had gone up these days, he felt completely exhausted.

It was difficult since his body was extremely weak, but he managed to pick up the small earth cages, and bring the cubs on the river's shore.

Even though it was no more than 5 meters he felt like he was close to dying when he finally reached his goal for the second time.

He had to rest for more than 10 minutes before getting back there, and picking up the carcasses of the iron-rabbits, and the wolf that had fallen in his traps.

He immediately placed the carcasses on the river, since he wanted to clean them up, and at the same time make sure they didn't spread too much smell around.

After that he immediately went to check up on the fishes' trap, and it looked like this was truly his lucky day.

He had managed to catch 5 big fishes, and more than 14 small ones. This was truly his lucky day, no matter how he looked at it.

With that thought in mind, he immediately started making another small and big tank to fill with the fish, and for water.

It took him another 15 minutes, but this time the two tanks seemed more exquisite so he guessed it was worth the sweat.

Without losing time, he immediately filled the two tanks with water, and then he dropped the fishes into the small one, as he started approached the cubs, and the carcasses as well.

At first it was the cubs, and then the iron-rabbits, and finally the sharp toothed wolf, these were in the priority scale.

But with every way he would have 10-15 minutes of recess in order to recuperate his Magic Power, and stamina, in case he needed to use them.

Even though he was extremely happy with what he had found, he was still able to keep a cool head and not forget where he was right now.

Of course, during this time, he tried his best in order to have a better sense of the Earth Magic Power, and practice with it.

It took him great effort to finally be able to carry the cubs at the two tanks, but he managed to make it, as it was the time for the carcasses.

According to his priorities, he firstly grabbed the iron-rabbits' carcasses, and even though they each weighed at about 6-8 kilograms he should be able to carry them at destination.

It was only when he saw the view in front of him that he finally understood what kind of extremely stupid mistake had he done.

The river's water was clearly washing away the smell, and their dirt, but at the same time it was carrying their blood with it.

Considering what kind of place this was, this was a truly dangerous thing to do, as he immediately picked them up from there, and left them on the ground, but the mistake had already been committed.

Without losing time, he immediately picked up the iron-rabbits' carcasses and run towards the two tanks, as fast as he could.

He couldn't lose time, he had to be quick, and disappear from here, if he didn't want to face wolfs, or something even more dangerous.

He couldn't believe he had been that stupid, but there was no way he could amend that at the moment. His only solution was escape.

Even though he still was unable to use sensing magic, or use the earth or wind to understand the situation around him, he still had a bad premonition.

Like more than one powerful foe was approaching him, and that he might end as nothing more but a nice meal for those guys.

He had to hurry, at that moment he seemed to have forgotten his body limits, as he kept moving forwards like his life depended on it.

Fortunately, he was able to make it to the tanks, as he released the carcasses on the ground, and was now thinking what to do about that wolf carcass.

Certainly, it would be a great food addition, but was it worth it considering the current situation? Wild and ferocious animals could appear each moment.

It was already a great luck that he had been able to pick this much up, as he was considering whether he should go or not, he heard a slight bush movement.

It is really crazy how human bodies react when they are in extreme tension and panic, as he immediately teleported himself inside Gaia.

It was a really lucky, and narrow escape, as just an instant later a steel-like claw passed through where was supposed to be his neck, and caught nothing but air…

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