The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 130 - 130: The Pitiful End Of An Arrogant Young Master

"Why should I tell you!?"

Roy was surprised by this guy's reaction as he hadn't expected those words. He had thought that this guy would act just like before and tell the truth arrogantly, but it seems like he was wrong.

Hearing those words he couldn't help but curse himself, thinking that he had pushed this guy too far. He was cracking his brains in order to find a way to make him say it, but he couldn't think of anything.

As he was lost in those thoughts though, the Young Master just laughed a bit as he thought that he had broken Roy's calm and cold instance, as right now he had a black face.

In fact, Roy truly had a black face, but that wasn't due to the Young Master or the people in front of him, but due to himself. He felt that he had just kicked the good in front of him with his own foot.

"Hhaha~! Well, I guess that it won't harm, to tell the truth to a dead man, right!?"

Fortunately for Roy, the Young Master in front of him didn't seem like someone who could control himself from acting arrogantly, as he didn't last for long, and started telling him what he wanted to know,

"Well dead idiot, the truth is that the answer to that question is precisely the reason of cooperation between us Master and disciple with Young Noble Clark!"

"Huh!? What do you mean!?"

"You aren't able to understand what I mean, are you!? Well let me enlighten you, we have already found the lair of the Green Horn Snake, and have already caged its cubs, and taken his treasures.

The truth is that it was me and my Master who found it first due to a coincidence, but we ran out of luck when one of those fogies behind Young Noble Clark followed us and found out about it too.

But since we only found 3 cubs, and the corpse of the female Rank 4 Green Horn Snake, as its core had been devoured most probably from the male Rank 5 Green Horn Snake, we decided to split it among us.

So, the rest of the people in this mission are just a big obstacle in our eyes, which we need to get rid of!

You are just a headless fly without any other option though!"

Hearing that explanation Roy could finally understand what was going on. He had been worried that there might be something else, but fortunately, it was just a matter of luck.

Still, there were two things that he didn't understand yet, as he continued,

"Where are the cubs, and the treasures now!?"

"Hahaha~! You are truly a curious rat, aren't you!? Well since I have started this then I have the responsibility to end it, so let me enlighten you once again.

The cubs, the carcass of the Rank 4 Green Horn Snake, and all the treasures are on the space rings, and spirit pouches of my Master, and Young Noble Clark!

Any more questions before you die little fly!?"

There was clear disgust, arrogance, and disdain in his eyes, but Roy didn't mind it in the least, as he still asked,

"Well, yes, since you are willing to answer my doubts then why did Master Gorg and that Lady Amelia come here then?

I doubt that they would make the two noble families angry for just two Rank 5 beasts carcasses and their cores right!?"

"Hum~! Even though you are a headless fly, it seems like you are a bit smart, I give you that! Well, it's not like it will be a secret for long, and it will matter much, anyway!

He is here for his wife! Someone poisoned his wife with a Rank 4 poison, and the moment that he learned that a Rank 5 Green Horn Snake was involved in this matter, he couldn't help but come.

After all, the Rank 5 Green Horn Snake has the possibility to have formed the anti-venom core that it would make someone immune to all poisons under its rank.

With that possibility, he couldn't help but risk it, as for that guy his wife and family are more important than any other thing, even than his life!

A true idiot if you ask me!"

Hearing that, Roy could finally confirm his doubts a bit, but he was surprised to hear the real reason. But what surprised him the most was that he, or more exactly his body, held great importance to Master Gorg.

To think that he would have leverage against him so soon in the game, this was going to be quite an interesting situation.

As he was thinking like that though, he suddenly heard the Young Master in front of him laugh out loud, as he said,

"Hhaahahahah~! Do you want to know something even funnier!?"

Eric suddenly felt a chill run down his spine, but he didn't break his character, as he said,

"It wouldn't hurt to hear it, would it!?"

"No! Of course not! This is a great piece of news that will make you go to the afterlife happily!"

Saying that the Young Master paused for a moment to raise the suspense feeling, and then continued,

"I have heard rumors, that the reason why Lady Fiona was poisoned was that she didn't accept to sleep with Young Noble Clark's esteemed father.

Master Gorg was clearly enraged at that, but he had no way of retaliating against that man, as he is after all the head of an Earl's household.

Not only wasn't he able to do anything to him, but he also had to accept humiliation, that even if he cured his wife, he would have to send her one night on that man's chambers, if he didn't want her to be assassinated again!

Don't you think this is extremely funny!? Hhaahhahahah~!"

This Young Master was truly enjoying himself as he said that story, and one could even sense the praise he had for the Earl as he told it.

He was so engrossed in it, as he had even forgotten to check his surroundings, as the moment that he finished the story, he heard an angry female voice behind himself,

"No, I don't think it was funny!"

Before he could even turn his head to look who was the owner of the voice, he felt a sharp blade cut his ears, and his arms from the shoulders.


The moment that he wanted to scream due to the pain of the injury he suffered, he felt a delicate hand pull his tongue, and then cut it from the root, and he couldn't even form a screaming sound anymore.

The person responsible for that didn't seem happy with her work though, as she quickly gave him a strong kick on his pride and glory, and completely destroyed his eggs, and his little brother.

Blood started spurting out of his body like he was some kind of fountain, but her work didn't seem to convince the beauty, as she quickly stabbed her fingers into his eyes.

In just a few short moments the poor Young Master had lost so many parts of his body, that he had never thought possible, and it didn't seem like that would be the end either.

After destroying his eyes, the beauty in front of him quickly used two strong sticks to stuff them into his nostrils, and then pick him up, while her sword slashed once again to cut his legs from the hips.

Now he looked like nothing more than some kind of puppet without any limbs, and sensory organs, as she then threw him towards Roy and the rest of the people in there.

Everything had happened so fast, and so brutally that no one was able to move at that point, even Roy himself could only watch this scene with surprise and startle.

He wouldn't have thought that his future woman would be so vicious and merciless as she dealt with this arrogant and pedantic Young Master.

Surely this guy loved to run his mouth quite a bit, but still wasn't this a bit too much!? Well, those thoughts dispersed from his mind, as he remembered what he had said, and saw Master Gorg's expression.

He seemed pretty dark and gloomy, but besides that, there was also a hint of hopelessness, and defeat on his face.

Roy couldn't help but feel a bit weird as he saw that, but he also found the opportune moment to act himself.

Now that Master Gorg was here, it wouldn't take long for Young Noble Fjord to arrive as well, but most importantly it wouldn't take long for the beasts to appear.

Just as he thought like that, he felt a sense of danger appear in his heart, and also a lot of foreign existences appear on his 'sense area'.

He was sure that Master Gorg and Amelia had felt them as well, and they might have also understood that they were brought to a trap.

But Roy didn't have time to think about them, or the beasts at the moment, as he had something much more important to do.

With those thoughts in his mind, he suddenly moved and quickly pulled himself away from the knife inside his body, and from the captain's grasp, and with a nimble move used that same knife to slit his throat.

The captain was surely stronger than him, as the captain was a Rank 3 Warrior, but unfortunately, he was just too shocked at the moment.

And if that wasn't enough he didn't expect that the knife inside Roy's body wouldn't have reached its target and was just stuck in his body without causing much damage.

His death was justified!


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