The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 131 - 131: The Trap Hatches

The beasts had arrived!

These were the thoughts of each and everyone of them as they heard the roars of the approaching beasts.

Master Gorg looked at Roy with quite the appreciative and curious eye, as even though what he did seemed easy and quick, it actually was pretty difficult for a normal Rank 2 Warrior to do.

Furthermore, the fact that he was able to catch on this moment and use it in his benefit, together with the dodge of the critical wound, were completely astounding.

Even a blind man would 'see' his real potential and strength, while Master Gorg was a battle maniac who lived only to further walk his path of Warrior.

He could discern Roy's potential and ability with just a quick look, and he couldn't help but admire this young man.

On the other hand, Amelia was looking towards him with a strange, and complicated look, as if she suspected something about him, making Roy shiver a bit unknowingly.

Woman's instincts are truly a terrifying thing to deal with, even without him saying or doing anything she already suspected him.

Just as she was about to open her mouth and ask him something though a few other soldiers started doing the same thing as Roy while the alive traitors started running away.

They had all been part of the trap plan, but they never thought that they would become bait together with the people that they betrayed.

Their fate, and situation was even more pitiful than that of the guys that they had harmed and were bleeding beside them.

It all looked like some kind of nightmare that they were watching at that moment, as they heard the roars of the approaching beasts.

This gave Roy an opportunity to escape the questioning and suspicious gaze of the beauty though, as he run towards the traitors killing whoever he could.

Whoever looked at him they would think that he was some kind of grim reaper covered in blood taking the lives of all the traitors.

But the truth was that he was doing so for a completely different reason, as he had felt the arrival of Young Noble Fjord.

It wasn't only Young Noble Fjord as he was followed by the rest of his family's Masters, and the remaining part of his army, trailed behind from quite a number of beasts.

Apparently Young Noble Fjord seemed to have some doubts regarding the part of the army that Roy had been in, as amidst the soldiers following him there didn't seem to be any traitor.

In fact, even as he saw the situation in front of him he didn't seem surprised, in fact he looked only cold and full of killing intent. Like he had expected something like this.

The only thing that could probably surprise him though was the presence, and rising of someone like Roy, who was killing whatever traitor he laid his hands upon.

Covered in blood, and dirt he didn't seem like he had any intention of stopping. That made him quite surprised as he didn't remember having someone like him in his army.

Most probably Young Noble Fjord would be unable to recognize Roy even if he wasn't covered in blood and dirt looking like that, but the person next to him could.

It was Young Master Peers! Roy had had quite a few meetings with the guy, so one could say that they knew each other quite a bit.

Surely he would be able to recognize the enemy of his brother and might even rat him out to him, despite being in such a situation.

Roy had high esteem for him, and thought that he was a smart man, he wouldn't do something so stupid at this point, but he couldn't risk it either.

So he could only resort to such an appearance, and way of avoiding it. He didn't need this to work for long, as he could already sense that they had been almost fully surrounded by the beasts.

The beasts ranks weren't really high at the moment, as most of them were Rank 1, Rank 2 and Rank 3, but the problem was with their numbers.

He could count at least 20 Rank 3 beasts, 50 Rank 2, and more than a hundred Rank 1. Their eyes were completely bloodshot red, and they seemed to be thirsty for human blood.

Despite crashing onto each other, none of the beasts seemed to care much about it, as they only had one goal, the humans.

The moment that Young Noble Fjord arrived, he couldn't help but ask with a dark and gloomy tone,

"What the hell is happening here!? Where is Master Troy!?"

"We have been betrayed and trapped here! You better wish that he doesn't appear, otherwise it would only worsen our current situation!"

While Young Noble Fjord had clearly lost it a bit, Amelia seemed to be pretty calm and confident that she could deal with the current situation.

She was a bit worried yes, but nothing more than that. One could easily understand that by her calm countenance and determined look.

After all, even if she couldn't break through the trap, she was probably confident that with her father's strength she would be able to escape this place.

Even if the other Rank 5 Masters stormed upon her and her father, she seemed to believe that her father would win, and they would escape.

Her words though served to make Young Noble Fjord's turn even darker and gloomier as he couldn't believe that his trusted card had betrayed him, and even trapped him.

"That damn lowlife! I swear that if I get out of this alive today, I will cage him like a dog and torture him for a thousand years!"

His words might seem extremely manly, and vengeful, but Amelia just scornfully looked at him, as she said,

"You should first escape this place, Young Noble Fjord, otherwise your promise is not even worth its weight in dog shit."

Her words enraged the Young Noble, but he knew that now wasn't the time to throw a tantrum at her, and request an apology, as they should firstly think of surviving this terrible fate.

With those thoughts in mind he pretended to not hear Amelia's words, as he returned to his army while screaming orders,

"Soldiers form a cordon with me at the center and focus on defence!

Mages get in mid-range use your abilities and skills to buff the defence unit, and deal damage to the attacking beasts.

Archers get on the inner-range and shoot at will. Remember, every arrow should find a target, otherwise I will send you to the defence unit!"

Roy had to admit that while this guy was a scum and a trash, he was still a good general, or to be more exact he was a good leader in a battle.

Even Amelia seemed to look a bit more favourably at him seeing the way he reacted to her words, and then his orders to the army.

But that lasted only for a single instance as the next moment she was remembered of what kind of animal scum he was, so her good thought dispersed as suddenly as it appeared.

Roy as a soldier, even though covered in blood was forced to stay in the defence unit, or to be more specific he was thrown into the first row, and into the death's door.

As much covered in blood as he was, it would be impossible for him not to attract special attention from the blood seeking beasts coming for them.

Even though he had killed a large number of traitors, the other soldiers still didn't trust him, and thought that he was just another wolf wearing a sheepskin.

Seeing the situation, Roy understood that it was foolish for him to stay with the rest of the army, and the Masters, as instead of staying in defence, he started running towards the upcoming tide of beasts.

His sudden move clearly surprised a lot of the soldiers, but mostly it surprised the Masters, and the people in charge, who didn't know what to think about it.

Master Gorg, Amelia, Young Noble Clark, Young Noble Peers they all saw his action having different thoughts in their minds.

Master Gorg thought that he had just found another battle maniac like himself, even though he understood the reasons why Roy did something like that.

Amelia thought that this guy was crazy, but for some reason she felt like this wasn't the first time she had met him and thought this.

Young Noble Clark looked at him with a clearly mocking and disdaining look, as he thought that no matter what his chances of surviving together with the corp were much higher.

Young Noble Peers was looking at Roy with a deep and complicated look, as he felt something familiar about the figure running towards the beast tide.

None of them knew who the young man really was, but they all thought that he was quite the weird, and unusual one.

But as everyone was looking at Roy with complicated and weird looks, a few archers, and mages thought that he was just abandoning duty and his comrade soldiers, so their prepared their attacks to kill him.

There were more than 10 mages, and 40 archers that reacted at that time with different Ranks, as a few of them were even Rank 3.

Even if their attacks didn't kill him, they would surely injure him gravely and make him unable to even put up a fight against the beasts, as he would be eaten like a snack.

Roy had expected something like this, but he didn't expect so many of them to do it. This made his chances of actually escaping this pretty slim…

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