The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 151 - 151: Roy’s Price

It wasn't her or her mother's fault. It was the fault of those beasts that were unable to control their greed and lust.

The desire to get revenge grew even stronger inside her, as it made her killing intent spread in the surroundings around her.

Then she was suddenly reminded of something. Before she died she could clearly feel that there was a strange and dangerous substance in the air.

In fact, seeing the signs of the soldiers, and Masters dying around her, she felt like those signs were the same as the signs that her mother had shown until now, just stronger, and quicker.

That wasn't the most important point though, the most important point was that the naked woman, which was that hooded Rank 4 Master, was actually poisoned as well.

Yet she was perfectly fine right now, restricted by Roy!

That would have been impossible if Roy hadn't actually cured her poison for her. Which meant that Roy had the antidote to the poison.

Thinking up to here she felt like Roy's origins, and background was extremely baffling and mysterious but she didn't care about that now. 

She only cared about the fact that he had the ability to cure her mother. The reason why she and her father had arrived in this Death Forest.

Amelia had already lost her father, so she couldn't afford to lose even her mother. The only alive remaining family that she had.

Furthermore, as long as she managed to heal her mother, her chances of actually getting revenge for her father's death were even better.

Thinking up to here, in excitement and enthusiasm she said with an emotional voice,

"That woman was poisoned before you brought her here, right? But no she is in normal conditions, which means that you have a solution to the poison right?"

Roy was a bit baffled by her sudden change in expression, but he quickly understood her line of thought and the beacon of hope.

Still, he didn't show any extra emotion on his face as he said,

"That is certainly so, but how is that related to you!?"

Hearing the confirmation from Roy's mouth Amelia couldn't stop her excitement and enthusiasm growing exponentially as she said,

"My mother is suffering too, from the same poison! Quickly we must get to her and heal her! We should start as soon as we can!"

It seemed like she had truly become muddleheaded from over-excitement, as she actually treated Roy like a kind-hearted Samaritan.

While Roy didn't mind being kind to his women and his people, this didn't mean that he was such a person to everyone out there.

So, despite the worry, hurry, and excitement in her tone, he said with a calm and natural voice,

"My condolences to you Miss Amelia, but what does that have to do with me?"


Amelia was stupefied at that moment, as she looked like she froze at that moment. Roy on the other hand just continued with his attitude,

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world Amelia! Sure I feel bad about your mother being poisoned, and suffering, but that isn't a sufficient reason for me to interfere.

Furthermore, if I decide to act upon my kindness, and pity, I am sure that the people who poisoned her, and set this thing up aren't normal people. I will be just adding trouble to myself!

While I am a man that doesn't fear others, that doesn't mean that I intend to make the whole Navita my enemy!

So, why should I do something like that?"

Each and every one of Roy's words, and sentences were like some kind of bomb exploding in Amelia's head.

A bomb that shook her whole being and slapped her awake. Right! Why should Roy help her, or do as she said?

She had been so excited at that moment that she had forgotten how this world worked. But now she was awake.

Thinking for a few moments, she finally seemed to have come to a decision, as she bit on her tasty looking lips, and she said with a mosquito voice,



"I said that you can have me!"

This time her voice was more of a loud scream as if she wanted to resolve herself into doing what she said. All the response she took though was a weird look from Roy, as he even smiled at her,

"Don't you think that you are a bit mistaken here Amelia? After all, you are already mine!"


"It seems like you don't remember! Let me refresh your memory then, the moment that you were about to fall and die, you made an oath that your body and soul would belong to me!

I don't care the state that you were in when you said those words and made that oath! What I care about is that you belong to me, now!

The only reason why I haven't activated my rights on you is because I am respecting your grief, but don't think even for a moment that you will be able to escape your responsibilities.

So, you cant use something that already belongs to me as payment, don't you think?"

Once again Amelia was stupefied. It wasn't that she didn't remember this, it was just that she had been too aggrieved to even think about it.

And to be fair, she had truly thought that the oath she did wasn't that important and valid. She thought that this guy might forget about it.

After all, it wasn't like he didn't already have a ton of women and even these beasts. No matter how hard she thought about it, she didn't feel like he had any need for her.

The only reason she proposed something like this now, was because she felt that her body that was lusted by everyone in the Kingdom, and farther away, might hold value in Roy's eyes.

But she was wrong! Extremely wrong! It was clear that not only did Roy care about that oath, but he also considered her as his own. Her body had turned into an invaluable card!

It wasn't like she could renegade that oath of hers at this moment either. Because that would only anger Roy and would even dampen her heart of a swordswoman.

For that reason, she decided to don't bicker about that oath at the moment, as she started thinking deeper and harder, as she could finally say,

"As long as you come back and heal my mother, not only will you have me, but also all the wealth and treasures that we possess!"

"While it's true that having wealth and treasures is never enough, and having more doesn't hurt anybody, I don't think that it is a card that you could use against me either.

Just think about it, your parents don't have any other descendants besides you, and even if I don't do anything everything they had will belong to you.

But since you already belong to me, then isn't this the same as all that belonging to me already? I know that it looks like forced opinion, but I don't actually care!"

It seemed like getting stupefied was the theme of the day, as Amelia was experiencing that continuously.

Even though she wanted to jump over this shameless guy, beat him up, and then force him to do her bidding, she didn't dare to do so.

His logic was certainly forced, and a bit unreasonable, but this wasn't a world where logic and reason solved problems. This was a world where strength was the undoubted king.

As long as one had the strength, even a small stupid reason like losing a strand of hair could become the reason for taking down a Kingdom or an Empire.

Certainly, at the moment Roy didn't have the necessary strength to do that, but what about in the future?

With his mysterious background, and resources he was bound to become a truly frightening existence.

Even at this moment that they were standing in front of one another Amelia could feel a sense of danger from him.

This time no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't come up with a good answer, and she could only ask with a dejected voice,

"Then what do you want!?"

"I don't know, there isn't anything that you can give me to make me move! The only remaining thing that might interest me, is probably your mother!"


"You heard me, your mother!? Since those guys are exerting so much effort for her, it means that she is a great matchless beauty!

And I can see that from your figure as well, I am sure that you haven't taken after that battle maniac. So, as I said, I want you mother!"


Enraged to the point of explosion, Amelia didn't think any more about Roy, and his anger, as her fingers were covered in sword energy and moved towards his neck.

The beasts wanted to jump in action, but they were stopped with just one thought from Roy, as he didn't move in the slightest as he watched her fingers approach closer and closer.

At this moment, Roy was the only hope Amelia had to heal and save her mother, so it was more than understandable that she wouldn't dare to actually kill him.

And truly his thoughts were confirmed the next moment, as her finger closed on his throat, cut his skin a bit drawing blood, but didn't proceed further.

Roy was feeling relieved and happy inside, but outside his face went cold and scary, as he said in a chilling tone,

"Are you clear about what you are doing!?"

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