The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 152 - 152: Hypocrisy, Strength & Memories

No matter how much Amelia wished to slice his throat at that moment for his words of offense towards her and her mother and kill him.

She didn't dare to do it!

At this moment Roy was the only hope she had to save her mother and cure her of the poison she was suffering.

Right now her body was being kept in a frozen state due to a treasure that those bastards had given to her father, but she knew that the treasure wouldn't keep her mother alive for long.

According to her calculations, she had less than 6 months to return home, and heal her mother. Otherwise, her mother would either die or end up at the hands of those demons.

So, no matter what she felt in her heart and mind at that moment, no matter how justified Roy's death would be for her at that moment, she still didn't dare continue with her attack.

As if the angry gazes of the beasts weren't enough, all the women and kids inside Gaia at that moment were looking towards her with angry expressions.

She had thought that these women and kids were brought here against their wish and were living under the fear of Tianlong Yun, but she just found out that it wasn't the case.

With those thoughts in her mind, it was impossible for her to continue what she was doing, and Roy's gaze was becoming colder and more frightening, so she was forced to pull her finger away.


That cold disgruntled snort of displeasure from Roy was enough to send many ripples through the beauty's heart, but she was unable to say anything, as Roy continued,

"I am letting this slide! But this is the first and last time you do something like this. I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if there is a next one!

Now think about my proposal and give me an answer when you have it!"

When Amelia heard the threat from Roy's mouth she actually felt a cold chill run down her back as if she was facing a bloodthirsty beast.

But when she heard the continuation she couldn't help but feel even more pathetic, and wronged, as she couldn't hold her emotions, and blurted,

"Aren't you just taking advantage of me?"

"Hhahahhahaah~! I have heard a lot of shameless words these days, but yours tops it off!

Yes, I am Amelia! What can you do about it?"


"When your father tried to kill me with the other soldiers that night just because someone had peeked on you, why didn't you stop and think that he was taking advantage of the situation?

He did so because he had the strength to do so!

Right now that I made my request, you tried to kill me in anger! Why didn't you think at that moment that you were taking advantage of your strength to kill me?

You did so because you were angry, and you have the strength!

Right now your mother is poisoned and suffering on her deathbed. So I think it's quite normal for me to make such a request and take advantage of the situation.

That is because I am one of the few people that can actually cure her! This is my strength!

So, stop being a hypocrite if you want me to even think of our deal!"

With that said, Roy turned around and made his way towards his women without looking back at the stupefied Amelia, who seemed to have fallen under extremely deep thoughts.

The ladies, the kids, and the beasts that witnessed all this situation didn't seem to care more about her, as they all continued doing what they had to do.

In a short time, everyone seemed to have forgotten about what had just happened, as Roy started checking up on their progress and problems.

The ones with the worst situation at the moment were certainly the Mages as they didn't have a clear path of walking ahead.

Roy had given them good magic power cultivation Arts, but things weren't that easy as they had quite a bit of difficulties with understanding those Arts.

Hearing their questions, and difficulties, Roy suddenly found out that he could answer almost the majority of them easily.

Like for example, Lala, a Rank 1 Wind Mage asked him about the path that she was supposed to follow from now on, and he answered that she needed to increase the Wind magic power inside her.

It seemed like a pretty simple question, and answer, but the truth was that only now was Roy able to understand what magic power cultivation truly was.

From Rank 1 to Rank 3 the Mage or the Warrior had to increase the element particles inside their Conscience Sea or Dantian.

From Rank 3 to Rank 5 they had to slowly start cleaning the quality of the element particles and slowly start forming their liquid cores.

From Rank 5 to Rank 7 they had to slowly increase the liquid form of the element particles that had formed their liquid core.

From Rank 7 to Rank 9 they had to slowly start condescending their liquid cores, and liquid element particles into solid ones and form their cores.

All this information came from a new block of memories that he had managed to retrieve from the memories of his 'Master'.

It seemed like the body cleansing he had gone through had brought him some extremely good rewards.

But what surprised him at the moment was that he could feel that after reaching Rank 9 someone didn't manage to get into the Divine Realm.

It looked like there was still something missing for the Mage or the Warrior to reach the Divine Realm despite reaching Divine Realm.

As for what it was, he had no idea at the moment.

Well it didn't matter much to him at the moment anyway, he still had a long path ahead of him. the best he had reached until now was Rank 3 Acidic Mage, and it would be difficult to reach Rank 4.

Rank 3 to Rank 4 was an important step in the path of a Mage or Warrior. Despite him already possessing a core at the moment, he felt that his core was missing something.

It wasn't how it should be according to the memories he got from his 'Master'. He felt that he had only just started the path, and he had a long way in front of him.

As he was thinking like that, suddenly a weird thought crossed his mind. After killing Master Troy he had only been able to find a Blood Core from him, there was no Fire Core.

He was supposed to be a Rank 6 Fire Mage, so it didn't really make sense for him to possess a Blood Core but not a Fire Core.

But the chances of someone else having taken the Fire Core and left were extremely slim too. So most probably the Fire Core had been destroyed in the fight.

This made the full story a bit more acceptable for him, but at that point, he was considering whether Master Gorg's core had been destroyed or not.

Thinking like that he couldn't help but spread his 'sense area' immediately and have a check, as he found no core in his body.

Well, that didn't surprise him, it was more than understandable but he still didn't dare lax his guard.

Soon the food was ready, and he started eating like a hungry wolf while continuing to answer all the questions that he could, to the best of his abilities.

Every progress that these women and these kids had was an additional block for his future. So, he didn't hold back in the least.

Even Amelia who was afar from the big group couldn't help but look a bit startled and shocked at Roy's knowledge, but then thinking about his mysterious and deep background things made sense.

In her eyes and mind Roy was most probably the descendant of an old clan, or old Empire, or some new Empire and had come here for training.

After eating his fill, Roy took a few of his ladies towards the tents and started having some 'deeper' discussions with them.

Amelia and the others were unable to hear the sounds and noises, but it didn't take much thought to know what they were doing inside.

She felt a bit disgusted by Roy's lecherous and carnal character, as she felt that it made him look more of a villain and a pervert than a truly strong man and a hero.

She had never thought that one day she would fall in the hands of such a man, and even more so her mother might suffer the same fate as well.

No! She couldn't allow that to happen! She had to find something or a way to make Roy cure her mother without having to accept that price.

There must be a way!

After some hours, Eric finally got out of the tent with a happy and refreshed look on his face, as he started walking around the altar with light steps.

Even he himself had been surprised at first, as his steps seemed too light. He felt like he was walking on some kind of springs that would always push him up.

This was extremely weird, it was a new change after he went through the body cleansing, as a weird thought came across his mind, and he started walking outside the Stone Altar.

After taking more than 10 steps he couldn't believe his body, as a great sense of excitement coursed through his heart…

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