The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 171 - 171: Proving His Strength, Young Noble?

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Even though he already expected something like this, Roy was still bothered by these idiots. Not because of the reason, but because of how cliché it felt.

There was nothing wrong with checking a new guy's strength, and especially someone young like him, these guys needed to know whether he had the skills and abilities or not.

It was just that for some reason it felt really chuunibyou-ish and he didn't like it. But it wasn't like he had much of a choice anyway, so he could only go along with it,

"Alright, you two can attack me together!"

"Huh!? Don't take us lightly you brat!"

Roy's words were just like a ridiculous taunt to the two fighters, as he was taking them extremely lightly. He didn't even consider fighting them one after the other, but he wanted both at the same time.

It was the same as saying, I don't need to break a sweat to deal with flies like you. And in reality, he didn't, but those two had no way of knowing that.

Everyone judges different situations by their own standards, and comprehensions, so Roy's words were normal to him but rude to the two fighters.

Still, he didn't have any reason to consider their faces, and even more so to be afraid of those menacing words, he just looked calmly at the two of them and said,

"Come on, I don't have all day! There are things that I need to do!"

His calm and natural tone saying those words made the two guys even angrier and infuriated at him, so much that the burly Warrior decided to teach him a lesson and attacked first.

His idea was just to suddenly appear in front of Roy and then grab his ear or something, that would be a great way for him to redeem his face.

After all, testing Roy's strength was just one of the reasons he had appeared in front of him, the other being his desire to show-off, and also demonstrate that he wasn't the weakest.

Despite how one looked at it, there were quite a few beauties with amazing curves and shapes among these mercenary women.

The moment that Roy had entered inside, each and every one of them started to look at him with interested eyes, and whispers started spreading around.

He wanted to show to all of them that Roy was nothing more than a toyboy at best, and no one worthy of being considered.

Too bad that he had chosen the wrong target this time, as the moment he approached Roy he felt his whole body turn cold and mushy like he was suddenly thrown into a swamp.

He didn't understand what was going on, the only thing he could feel was that the next moment Roy had appeared behind him, grabbed him by the ear, rotated him once, and then thrown him on the ground.

His head went dizzy, as his ear was burning as he had suddenly set it ablaze on fire, stars started appearing around his head.

The whole crowd of people was shocked, they had thought that Roy wouldn't be too weak since he had decided on this mission, but they didn't expect this outcome either.

It was clearly out of their expectations, and it stunned them for a few moments. What was even more unbelievable was that the burly Warrior had moved first, and he had been bettered.

That clearly showed that Roy wasn't just a Rank 3 Warrior, but an extremely powerful one at that. The only way that one could explain this was if he was the descendant of a powerful clan, or family.

Only young geniuses in those environments had the best Arts, techniques, skills, and all sorts of materials, pills, and resources to help them grow.

At that moment, the ladies seemed to have found an extremely exotic food in the middle of the wasteland, while the men saw an opportunity to suck up to him and subserve themselves.

While being a mercenary was a job of freedom, and paid well for strong people, that was still only up to some point.

Slowly, the stronger these guys became, the more did they understand the necessity of good Arts, techniques, and other resources in order to grow stronger.

It was almost impossible for them to get their hands on things like that by themselves, so they would always need to attach their selves to a big and powerful family.

Even more so, when their Master could be a young genius that would one day rise through the ranks of his family, who would need to nurture their strength and skills.

At that moment even the skinny and scrawny guy seemed to be denouncing himself and his actions, as this might have spoiled his chances.

Before he even had the chance to seek an apology, a mercenary lady with good looks and curves suddenly jumped from behind the guy and gave him a powerful smack on the head.

The poor guy didn't even have a chance to raise his defenses, as he suddenly felt the lights go out, and fall on the floor face first, close to his accomplice.

"You bastard bullies, how do you dare to test Young Noble's strength? Could it be that you have some kind of death wish?"

Roy was quite surprised when he actually saw her act, but everything became extremely clear to him when he heard her direct to him as Young Noble.

It seemed like this woman was quite the smart and opportunist one, but still, he had to praise her quick wits, and decision, for actually acting.

Thinking like that, he said,

"I am sorry beautiful lady, but it seems like you have mistaken me for someone else. I am no Young Noble, just a normal mercenary!"

If at first people around him still doubted that he might be actually a Young Noble, then this settled it. After all, they thought that only a Young Noble would refuse his identity in such a situation.

The fire burning in the mercenary beauty's eyes grew fiercer, while the men seemed to have made a decision as well.

The same situation was even with the beauty that acted, she thought that Roy was some kind of Young Noble training in discrete.

After all, it was extremely difficult for someone to survive this place with the identity of a Young Noble, there were just too many bandits and thieves on the way.

Thinking like that, her quick wits acted once again, as she said,

"I understand, I must have mistaken Young Master with someone else! I am willing to offer you a drink later to express my apologies!"

Roy understood that this woman's doubt had just grown stronger, but he didn't care much about it at the moment. If she wanted to seduce him, then he would just go along with it.

What kind of free and unfettered man would actually refuse the advances of a beauty with that body. Still, that didn't mean that he had any special consideration of her.

Women that were able to gain his trust, and consideration were only a few and he had no intention of changing that soon.

With that out of the way, he just looked around the training grounds, and said,

"Well I hope that there aren't other people who want to test my skills and strength, so I will take my leave for today.

Let us meet on the day of our departure!"

With that said, he turned around and made his way towards the door, as the mercenary lady walked two steps ahead, and said,

"Young Master about my apology drink!"

"I don't mind it though, it's okay, you don't have to do it!"

"No, no! I insist Young Master, a mistake is a mistake! I would do anything I can to earn your apology! Anything!"

"Very well then, come tonight at Heaven Inn, we can have a drink there!"

'JackPot!' The doubts she had about Roy's identity weren't just doubts anymore, as only a Young Noble from a rich and powerful family would be able to handle those prices.

For some reason, she felt like she had just taken a great step towards a great future for herself.

Well, to be honest, she wasn't that mistaken with him. After all, even if the Soul inside the body wasn't Royalty, the body did belong to Royalty and a big one at that.

The body he was using now was after all the body of a Prince of the Illyrian Empire, one of the biggest and strongest Empires in this Navita Planet.

Well, that didn't matter much to him at the moment, as he knew that he was too weak to care about his revenge, or his thoughts of revenge at the moment, and he had a long way ahead.

With those thoughts in his mind, Roy walked out of the Merchant Guild and then made his way towards his Inn.

All this time he was followed by his two new servants, he still hadn't understood why they weren't actually trying to run away from him, or ask someone else for help, which puzzled him.

But it wasn't like it mattered much to him anyway, as long as they didn't cause trouble for him until he left this small town, then he wouldn't care anymore about them.

What surprised him a bit though, was that he felt two different gazes upon himself as he left the merchant guild.

One didn't seem hostile to him, as in fact was probably just a strong curious gaze, but the other one had traces of killing intent in it, and put him in alert…

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