The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 172 - 172: Search & Arrogant City Guards

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At that moment he had no way of finding out whom did that gaze belong to and turning around would just alert the owner of the gaze, so he could only act like he hadn't felt it.

With his current strength, and cards in his hand he was only afraid of Master at Rank 5 or higher, who fortunately had much better things to do than deal with him.

With those thoughts in his mind, he continued his walk with the same steady step, while being followed by his 2 servants.

But man was he annoyed be the pesky flies that were following all the time. This time their number had even increased a bit, by the presence of the two beauties behind him.

It seemed like he had truly made trouble for himself by keeping them close, as he should have just killed them in order to escape all this.

Still he was surprised though, as even though all these guys were looking at him from afar like vultures, none of them seemed to have any intention of jumping into action.

That puzzled him! Did they know about his strength? Or was there some other reason? Since when had these hoodlums become so considerate and smart?

But he understood the reason soon, as the not long after he saw the city guards approaching his little group of three.

From the moment that this guy made his way towards their location, Roy didn't like this guy. There was something off about his eyes as he approached.

Well in fact, that was both a good news, and a bad one at the same time. The good news was that he seemed to completely ignore his existence and didn't seem like he wanted to act against him.

The bad news was that it was directed towards his newest servants, and there was a heavy lust in his eyes. It was clear that he wanted the two of them.

Since Roy didn't feel any sort of connection with the two of them, and he was already disappointed by the little sister type girl, he didn't feel anything about that violation.

In fact, he would be more than happy if he saw them actually taken off and away from his shoulders. The only problem was that it would be dangerous for him, if they actually spilled the beans.

So no matter how unwilling he was, at the end of the day he would be forced to actually move against the approaching prick.

On the other hand, the guy seemed to be taking his own sweet time leaching over the bodies of the two beauties, as a look of arrogance adorned his face.

In his eyes, he had just found the prey of the day, and there was no way that he was going to let them escape his grasp.

The two beauties seemed to be furious at his audacity, and especially the little one, as she seemed like she was about to scream, and reproach him there and then.

And she truly had such intentions, but before she could act upon those intentions, she heard Roy say in a deep and meaningful voice,

"Don't do anything stupid! We are in their territory now, and they are still uncertain about what has happened. If you act suspiciously or talk too much then we are finished!

Let me handle this!"

"Hmph~! Fine, do as you wish! But one day I will make that man regret he was ever born!"

"You are free to do as you please once we separate, I have no intention of meddling with you!"


"That's right! I mean you don't think that I will be with you until you reach your dominion right? As soon as we leave this town, we are going our separate paths!"

"What, you took us as your servants, and now you are going to throw us on the way? Just what kind of man would do something like this?"

"An intelligent one! Don't tell me that you will keep being my servants even after I send you home right? Or that you are so magnanimous to forget about this little humiliation, and actually reward me?"


"Yup, that was what I thought! So its better for us to part ways once we leave the town. Each one to its own!"

The young lady still had many things she wanted to say, but she had to stop on her tracks as she heard the approaching guy, almost scream at them,

"Hey, you there, we are on an important mission looking for our House's Young Noble, have you seen or heard something about him?"

His loud voice gathered the attention of many people around them, as he looked with a smirk towards Roy and the two ladies.

These kids dared to actually ignore him and converse with each other, there was no way that he was letting them get away with it.

On the other hand, Roy was extremely calm and natural as he said,

"Nope, nothing! We haven't moved much around these days!"

"Brat, are you sure?"

"Yup, extremely so!"

"Hmph~! Very well then, you will come to our garrison in order to testify to your words, follow me!"

"Why would I have to come to the garrison? I just told you that I have no idea about what you just asked! There is no reason for us to do so!"

"You dare disobey the town guards? Are you tired of living? If I tell you to come, then you come!

In fact, now that I look at you, you truly have a suspicious face, so I think that you are involved in this matter. So you have to come and prove us that you aren't involved in the Young Noble's disappearance."

"Oh, really!? I think that you have a pretty memorable face too, but I don't see you working at the brothels, either!

Why don't we go to the place and let us check whether you are truly a town guard or not!"

Hearing Roy's words, even though they didn't want to meddle in trouble, almost everyone in the crowd couldn't help but laugh.

As people who had gone through numerous experiences, they didn't need a lot of time to understand the situation.

It was clear as day that the captain was just overstepping his boundaries because he had taken a liking to the two girls.

This was the truth of life, as long as one didn't have sufficient strength and backing, then he was nothing more than a chicken on the chopping board, left on the wishes of the butcher.

The fact that Roy was actually talking back, showed that he had some strength or most probably background to actually back himself.

At first, Roy didn't want to deal with this scumbag but for some reason, his way of acting, his voice, and his look made him extremely angry.

Furthermore, he knew that once he entered the barracks of the garrison then he was as good as finished, as he would have to fight all the town guards, and then even against the noble.

It wasn't like he feared them, as at worst he would just enter Gaia to stay there and train, until he was strong enough to come back and destroy everything.

But why would he need to go through all that shit? Furthermore, he needed to be on his way to his beautiful mother-in-law that was on her death bed.

So, he felt that it was better to show backbone against this trash! He seemed like the type that would bully the weak but fear the strong.

"Brat, it seems like you truly have a death wish!"

The guy in front of him was an early Rank 4 Warrior, with a kind of burly body, and thick arms and legs. The moment he said those words he immediately jumped in attack towards Roy.

He looked more like a bear, than a man! But Roy wasn't scared of him. Rank 4 Warrior might look strong to others but not to him.

He was able to go even against Amelia in the same footing and win, not to mention some weak trash like this one, that was a toad at the bottom of the well.

The attack wasn't weak by any means, but it wasn't strong either. That guy seemed to be wanting to humiliate him, and not kill him.

Furthermore, since he had no idea of Roy's strength he had underestimated him by quite a bit, as he was using only around 40% of his strength.

Even using his full strength he wouldn't be able to win against Roy, even less now that he was using such a small portion of his strength.

Without showing much of an expression on his face, Roy jumped forward as well, having a fist to fist clash with the guy.

'Banggggg…, Cracckkkk~!'

The next moment a powerful force of impact spread in the surroundings, as the air currents grew stronger at the center of the clash.

Dust, and debris formed a small cloud, but it didn't take long before they slowly disappeared, as people were curious to see how bad Roy's hand was damaged.

Even though they were surprised by the strength of the clash, and the impact, they still didn't doubt that Roy was the one who suffered in that.

Truly the brave are among the young ones, but too bad that the old ones still have the advantage of time and experience.

In the meantime, more and more town guards had started to appear in the area, completely encircling it, so no one could leave the place, only to be shocked by the result…

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