The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 179 - 179: Heavenly Food (The Price Of A Slice!)

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The Baldy was quite surprised as this was the first time that someone actually dared to talk to him like that.

Whether he liked it or not, people who knew of his position, had heard of his doings and had seen his power with their own eyes, would only try to lick his ass, and never dare to act normally.

That had made him extremely unpleasant, as all those guys would only whisper behind his back, and never on his face. Which had made him even more despising of those guys.

But more than his own reaction, the crowd's reaction was even livelier, as people started chiding Roy for having eyes and failing to see mount Tiva, the highest mountain of Navita.

'How dare you talk to Master Darren like that?'

'Who do you think you are?'

'Are you tired of living?'

'Yes, yes, Master Darren only tried to give you face by tasting your food, and you talk like that!'

'Hmph~! I am sure that is just some kind of confusing magic, there is no way someone who isn't a chef can cook something like that, in the middle of the nowhere!'

'Don't get cocky just because no one wants to bully a greenhorn!'

There were all kind of words, and statements thrown from the crowd, especially from those guys who were jealous of him, and didn't want to pay the price for his food.

The ones that had a grudge against him, and that were hoping that something bad happened to him were grinning from ear to ear at that moment.

Roy didn't pay attention to any of them, as he just kept looking at the meat roasting on top of the fire, without a care in the world for the people around him.

The grin on those guys' faces turned even brighter seeing him act like that, as they were waiting for Master Darren to go into a fit of rage and teach this guy a lesson in their stead.

The best would be if he crippled him, so they could join later and add salt to the injury. At that moment they all felt like they were living through that happening in their heads.

Different from everyone's expectations though, nothing like that happened, as instead of getting angry Master Darren laughed even louder saying,

"Hhahahah~! Deal! Kid, you are truly brave, I really like you now!"

"Oh please don't, perhaps you haven't noticed but I don't swing that way! I am only interested in women!"

"Huh~! Cough…, Cough…, Cough… You brat, I didn't mean it like that! I meant that I like your character and forthrightness as a Warrior!"


"Yes, really! How can you think of something so rotten! Now give me a piece of that thing!"

"Well, I will believe your words! As for the meat, you will have to wait for a bit as it's still not finished yet!"

"Huh!? But it already smells so good, what else are you waiting for?"

"Flowers smell good as well, but it doesn't mean that you are going to eat them too, right?"

This was the first time Master Darren had reacted like this and even more becoming so interested in food.

The permeating smell of the meat was just that good, it made people involuntarily salivate and swallow in big gulps. A few of them couldn't bear it anymore as they bit on their own food.

But smelling that aroma, and eating that bland meat, made them immediately detest their food. One would never be able to enjoy bland water when there is honeyed milk in front of him.

The more they waited, the more did the people around him, and Master Darren get anxious and irritated. They had never thought that something like that would happen.

As the whole crowd was waiting for the results, Raven got out of the tent dressed in some new mercenary-like clothes and was shocked by the view in front of her.

At first, she had wanted to actually rest for a little longer, but the noise and the smell of the food had made her unable to sleep more.

She was even more surprised seeing Master Darren seated across Roy looking at the fire in front of him with drools on the corners of his mouth.

Approaching Roy lightly, she whispered in his ear,

"What is going on here?"

Roy just looked at her beautiful face, put one of his arms around her waist, pulled her for a nice kiss, and then said,

"Nothing much, you are perfectly in time, the food is almost ready!"

With that said, he stood up, approached the meat, and started cutting it in slices, and handed over one of the slices towards Master Darren, one towards Raven, and the remaining two for himself.

Master Darren was unable to control his expectations, and hunger, as he immediately took a large bite, and started chewing.

But the moment that the meat entered his mouth his expression changed radically like he had suddenly been enlightened in the path of a gourmet.

"How!? How!? How are you able to make something so heavenly!?"

His words brought the crowd out of their momentary stupefaction, as they looked with complex expressions the scene in front of them.

If they didn't know better, they would think that Master Darren had just been through a food orgasm.

Smelling only the aroma of the food, made them think it was just some illusion, but hearing the testimony of the person trying it, it totally convinced them all.

'I want a slice too!'

'Let me try it!'

'Come on, I am willing to pay for it!'

There were quite a few people that wanted to jump the line and order for a slice of that heavenly food, but they were all stopped on their tracks by Roy's words,

"The price of earlier is no longer valid, as the worth of the food is already attested, so if you want a slice now, you will have to pay double! 4 gold coins for a slice!"

'Are you trying to cheat us, how is that double? You are clearly quadrupling the price!'

'Don't try to take advantage of the situation, otherwise, you won't have a good end!'

There were a lot of words thrown from the crowd, as some of them even tried to coerce or threaten him, but Roy didn't seem to care as he said,

"Master Darren just paid 2 gold coins for that slice of meat, so clearly the price of one slice was 2. Now I decided to double it, so it's 4.

I am not forcing you to buy! Whoever has the money they can buy, and whoever is a cheapskate get lost, I have no intention of hearing your displeasing voices!"

The crowd was once again thrown into an uproar, but there wasn't much they could do. After all, it was just like Roy said, he wasn't forcing anyone to buy, and it was his right to set the price and sell to whoever he wanted to.

Whether they liked it or not, they had no other choice but to accept Roy's intentions. At this moment, Master Darren seemed to have finished his slice, as he almost screamed,

"Give me 5 other slices quickly, I will bring you the money right after! I have to let the young miss have a taste of this!"

His words shocked the crowd as they hadn't expected Roy to sell so much in just one transaction, but no one dared to say anything against Master Darren.

As if that wasn't enough, he had also just said that he was going to give this food to the Young Miss, which meant that this food was comparable to the food from stared chefs.

One had to know that the price of food in one of those high-class and star restaurants wasn't measured in gold coins anymore but in mana stones.

This was their great chance to taste something that those guys could make, so it was a no-brainer that they couldn't let it pass.

Immediately people once again started crying with their money in their hands asking for their slice of meat.

Roy quickly gave Master Darren his requested food, and then started taking orders from the crowd. In just a few moments he had already collected a few hundred coins.

Then suddenly a skinny and hoarse-voiced mercenary came in front of him, asking,

"Give me one slice!"

There was no politeness in his speech, and truthfully Roy didn't mind it much, but that voice was similar to one of the guys that had threatened him earlier, making him angry at the guy.

"There is no meat to you! I don't like people threatening me!"

"You… How dare you not give me meat, do you think that I am someone easy to deal with?"

"I don't care who you are, or how strong do you think you are, you either get out of the way and let others take their piece, or I will just stop selling!"

"Brat, it seemed like you won't cry before seeing your coffin!"

"Very well then, today the sells are closed, everyone please disband from here!"

'What, no way! I waited so much time for this!'

'Right, right, we can't just go! I want to try that food!'

'Who is this guy blocking the way! Let's throw him out!'

'Yes, yes, let's throw him away!'

In but a moment the whole atmosphere around the skinny man changed, as he understood that he was in quite the pinch.

He had turned into the enemy of the crowd behind him and most probably looking at the faces of the other guys, no one would dare to act together with him against Roy.

Seeing that the odds were against him, he walked away while saying,

"Hmph~! Brat count yourself lucky, as there will not be a second time!"

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