The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 180 - 180: Crystal Eyes Of The Truth

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Roy just looked at the guy slowly leave the place, as he was reeking with a black and dangerous aura, it was clear that he had taken this episode extremely personally, as he should.

Things were bound to get riskier, and more dangerous from now on, but Roy didn't care much about him, as he had already put a drop of his blood on the guy's body to keep him under the radar.

In this dog eats dog world once he showed a weak spot, those damn hungry wolves and dogs would jump at the chance.

They would think that he was just too soft and would start treating him like some kind of softie from whom they could leech off.

That guy wasn't the only one though, as each and every one of those guys that had tried to stir up trouble for him was treated the same way.

The rest managed to buy at least one slice from the meat, and enjoy the taste of the heavenly food, but really fast it was over.

Master Darren came to look for more, but unfortunately, he only found the licked bones, and nothing else.

Raven was extremely happy with her meal, as she felt that it had been truly a great decision to become Roy's temporary woman, and she would try all she knew to make her spot permanent.

After all, Roy had everything a woman like her could ask for, a great pleasure service, handsome looks, strength, wealth, and a lot of unknown talents.

She felt like she had hit JackPot with him, so there was no way that she was going to allow him to escape her hands.

On the other hand, Roy just placed his earnings inside his space ring, and then took Raven inside the tent for some exercise once again.

Well, the truth was that he did so in order for them to eat comfortably, as he already had quite a bit of roasted meat left.

Soon, the camp fell into silence once again, as the soldiers would keep guard, while the mercenaries would stay on stand-by.

No matter how stronger and experienced the mercenaries were compared to the soldiers in the wild, the guild would be stupid to believe them.

Each mercenary had the motto, of 'my life first' while the soldiers were trained to actually think of the others.

There was a reason that despite the strength one collected through mercenaries they still lost their shipment on their way to the Badona city.

After he had finished his food and was about to hit it off with Raven once again, he heard Master Darren's voice from outside the tent,

"Brat, come out I need to talk to you!"

His words were quite disrespectful, and crude, but Roy had understood that it was just his character, so he didn't really let it bother him, and got outside.

Baldy was waiting in front of his tent with a natural and calm look, as his face brightened after seeing Roy, and said,

"The Young Lady has invited you for a tea! Will you come?"

Roy was a bit surprised by the sudden invitation, as he didn't know why whoever this Young Lady was would invite him to tea. After all, the meat he cooked wasn't that big of a deal.

Still, after some thinking, he decided that it was better to go and have a look, as he said,

"Certainly, it will be a great honor for me! Can I bring my partner though?"

"Excellent! Well, it shouldn't be a problem as long as you trust her!"

"I do!"

"Very well, then follow me!"

As the two of them were discussing, Raven felt a bit complicated inside. After all, hearing Roy say that he trusted her was something really unexpected for her.

As a mercenary she had always lived and cared for her life only, even now whatever she was doing was for her own good.

If Roy suffered a terrible fate or wasn't able to provide her with what she wanted, she would most probably leave him be.

There was no reason for her to stay around if there was nothing she could profit from. But those words made her feel different for some reason.

Like awakening something that had been dormant for a long time inside her, and so she felt extremely complicated.

Roy noticed that slight moment, but he didn't say anything. In fact, it wasn't because he believed her that he was taking her with him to the tea invitation.

But because he was trying to test her and give her a chance, while increasing the variables at the table. After all, he had no idea what that 'Young Lady' was trying to pull off.

Following behind Master Darren, they slowly arrived at the center of the camp, with big tents, surroundings one in the middle.

This was a commonly used formation in order to protect the main tent, where normally would rest either the general or nobility.

While this was neither the case for the beauty inside, she was still the leader of the caravan and the owner of the shipment that was going to Badona City.

Master Darren stopped in front of the main tent, and said out loud,

"Young Lady I have brought the brat and his partner here upon your request!"

Roy's eyebrows twitched hearing this Baldy address him like that, but he still didn't say anything and just waited for word from inside.

"Very well, you may enter now Uncle Darren!"

Taking the word, Darren walked inside naturally like entering his own home, followed by a calm Roy, and an edgy Raven.

This was the first time that she was entering the main tent and meeting the leader of a caravan. Even more so when the lady she was about to meet was the daughter of the Guild Master.

Entering inside the tent, Roy was a bit surprised to see that not only didn't this place look like a tent, but it was closer to being a full normal room.

The tent was separated into 4 regions, with one being the bedroom, the bathroom, the living room, and the kitchen.

It didn't look like camping in the least, more like living in a temporary remote house. Darren took them towards the living room, where a blue-haired beauty was drinking tea, and reading some report.

The moment that Darren brought Roy and Raven inside, she raised her head, looked at them with a slight smile, that turned into a great startle, surprise, and stupefaction.

Only after a few moments was she able to finally recompose herself and say,

"Sorry to have bothered you with my request, Mister Roy, it's just that I was extremely curious to see how the great cook looked like.

But I must say that you have exceeded my expectations, not only are you younger than I thought, but also stronger and talented."

As she said those words, she had a clear look of someone who had seen through him, and that there was nothing hidden from her eyes.

Roy had been admiring her beauty, her curves, and her body when he heard those words, and his expression turned cold immediately.

That calm and natural finesse around him had totally disappeared as he seemed to have turned into some kind of Asura that would kill everyone in the surroundings should he be provoked.

Even Master Darren seemed to be alarmed by the sudden change, as he pulled out his sword, and moved in front of the Young Lady, with the wish to protect her should something happen.

Roy didn't seem to care about him, as he just looked at the blue-haired beauty behind Master Darren, and said with an ice-cold tone,

"Exactly how much can you see with those eyes of yours!?"

Normally one wouldn't mention the beauty's eyes, as they were a whiteish grey color in full, and seemed like they had lost their function.

To be more exact, the whole world thought of this young lady as a poor blind, with no hope of having her eyes healed.

Yet, Roy was suddenly enlightened when he saw those eyes, as she had what his 'Master' called the Crystal Eyes of Truth.

From the information he had, those eyes were able to not only see through deception and illusion but also see 'through' the phenomena or person in front of them.

In other words, someone with those eyes would be able to see the elements cultivated by a Mage, its core, and all the energies surrounding their bodies.

It was the same as having some kind of x-ray vision and being able to see every person you saw, naked.

Meaning that if things were like he thought, then this beauty in front of him had already seen through him, and most of his secrets!

The blue-haired beauty couldn't help but tremble hearing those words, as she understood that while she had learned his secret, he had learned hers as well.

At that moment, Master Darren seemed like he wouldn't bear with this anymore, as he screamed,

"Brat, what are you doing? Could it be that you have a death wish?"

Roy hadn't minded this guys tongue until now, but right now he was in an important moment, and he was getting on his nerves, so he just looked at the guy with indifference and coldly snorted,


Master Darren seemed to have grown angry as well, as she was clearly ready to jump and attack Roy as she said,

"You truly have a death wish!"

Roy didn't seem to mind him in the least, as he was waiting for an answer from the blue-haired beauty, who seemed to be in a pinch.

As if that wasn't enough…

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