The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 204 - 204: Solution (Making A Brand)

"The relation between Duke Egins and Earl Clark as they belong to the same faction, and it seems more probable for Earl Clark to side with him than with you!"


"You should know better than me, that there is no friendship in these cases. The more important part is the benefits!

If you are unable to provide Earl Clark with certainty that you can transport his cargos, and do the shipments for him, even when more than 80% of the guild is against you, it will be a lost cause.

Once again, the only left pawn in your father's hand will be you! Or to be more specific it would have been you, as right now even that pawn seems to have left his hands!

For all these reasons, you will be finished in this short time. Well, you would have been if it weren't for me, that is!"

"You have a way to turn this over?"

"For sure, not only that but I am even capable of expanding the merchant guild to at least twice its current size!"

"How certain are you!?"

"99%! That remaining 1% is there just to include even the probability of the planet destroying in the meantime!"

"Aren't you being a bit too arrogant!?"

"No, I would say that I am quite humble already!"

The blue-haired beauty didn't know what to think at this moment. No matter how much Roy spoke and said she couldn't trust him fully without proof.

After all, this wasn't something simple, as the continuation of the merchant guild and the futures of her father and hers were dependent on how this played.

There wasn't even an opportunity to pull back because Boris and the others would never allow a variable like her father and her alive, after taking over the guild.

Being compassionate to the enemy was the same as being cruel to oneself! Boris and the others understood this perfectly, especially with their experience and age.

On the other hand, Roy felt like this was his opportunity to put in action all the knowledge he had gained from his old planet about trade and economy.

The fact that this was a world concentrated on the magic power and nobility had kept all these guys a bit behind in developing and evolving.

Roy had already made his plans to create a huge economic backing for himself, because no matter where one was, money would always make the water flow in reverse.

His great luck was that the Sparrow Merchant Guild was already set and thrown in his hands. Now, as long as he managed things correctly he would be able to make this his.

And the first thoughts in his mind were advertisements and making a brand.

All the big brands on Earth didn't sell due to the quality or the value they had, but due to the name, and brand they belonged to.

He had the idea to make the same thing in this place, and due to his great luck, there was also a clear standing separation in this City, and this world.

Nobles were always on top, with merchants and guilds following after, before continuing with the officials and other layers of society.

He just had to make this division even more visible, and then give the opportunity to the lower layers to buy something that could make them equal to the layers above.

Certainly, he was going to steal the designs and ideas from Earth as well, but there was no one who would be able to judge him or punish him for copyrights.

He was clear that designs and ideas from Earth weren't necessarily better than the currently existing ones in Navita, but they were new and different, something that people loved.

The best way to start something like this were clothes and jewelry. Not only for women who had these two as a form of identification and strength in this world but even for men.

Same as women, men were truly attached to the fashion and their appearances, as it was a show of finesse, culture, and looks.

Especially so, when looks were one of the biggest factors showing the difference in standing between one another.

Thinking all this, Roy had already prepared his own plan about this and then handed over to Alma a list with instructions.

Receiving the list, Alma took a quick look at it, and the more she read the more enchanted or attracted she became, as she couldn't move her eyes before reading it whole.

Only when she finished reading everything, she couldn't help but say with a startled voice,


"That is the first stage of my plan!

Now you have 3 days' time to prepare me a list with the best artisans in the City, and the biggest gossipers, and all their information! The more detailed it is, the better.

After that, you can continue with the rest!"

Alma was still a bit startled, surprised and thoughtful about all this, but she unconsciously acknowledged her duty,

"Yes, it will be done!"

"I am looking forward to the results, now go and do it!"

"Ah!? Yes, yes!"

With that Alma left Roy's courtyard to deal with her duties, while Roy sat down on the couch while thinking and tasting a glass of wine.

His plan was quite simple actually, he was preparing a big auction with a lot of exotic jewelry, clothes, and other words while separating the people with different level cards.

There would be only one Diamond Rank 1 card for Earl Clark, and everyone else would receive a Golden Rank card or below.

It would be the same with the Guilds ranking system, but this system would be for buyers, and the discounts they would get.

He was quite unwilling to give a Rank 1 Diamond Card to Earl Clark, as that would be a card for high nobility but he still convinced himself that he wasn't going to live long and would also be the first noble.

As for the name of the brand he had decided to go with Royal. On one side he could say that he created this brand while thinking of the Royal family and their glory.

On the other side, it was also a mixture of his name and Alma. He did so in order to make it clear that this brand while it would be sold by the Sparrow Merchant Guild, it didn't belong to them.

As a matter of fact, he wasn't planning on showing himself, or the person who stood behind this Brand, as he was planning to attribute it to a mysterious and talented merchant.

Like that, the guild wouldn't be able to say anything more when he paid them only 40% of the profit.

At first, he didn't want to give them that much either, but he had to if he wanted them to pay the debt.

The way he saw it, the most important problem of the father-daughter duo at the moment was the big debt against Duke Egins.

As long as the Duke was unable to raise a storm even the 2nd Elder wouldn't change sides easily giving them a bit more time.

The second step would certainly be changing the Elder's minds and their feasible loyalty. But as long as he kept 60% of the profits he would be able to buy quite a few of them.

They were merchants who looked at the profit and didn't have much loyalty or honor, to begin with.

Last but not least would be the support from Earl Clark, as long as he convinced the fox that it was more profitable to keep the Guild as it was and not change hands Boris and the others wouldn't have a choice.

Like this, he would be able to turn the tables on Boris and the 3rd Elder, and then teach them a lesson they would never forget.

In fact, the way he saw it, the most troublesome and difficult opponent in this game wasn't Boris or the 3rd Elder, but that guy the 2nd Elder.

He didn't know why the Guild Master was trusting that guy so much, but for sure he was a hidden snake.

Well, these were only his thoughts and conclusions. In order to better assess the situation, he would have to see how it went slowly, but right now he felt like it was a good start.

Thinking like that, he slowly threw his eyes towards the open gold envelope on the table it was the invitation from Earl Clark, and it was for tomorrow.

His date for the night would be none other than his beautiful new wife Alma, but there would be present even his esteemed father-in-law, and most probably the others as well.

This was going to be a perfect opportunity for him to have a look at each and every one of them, and their reactions in public.

He was the most curious about the 3rd Elder, his son, and the son of that Boris guy. These guys hadn't shown for quite some time already, but they shouldn't have given up.

Meaning that they were cooking something in the dark, and he would have to keep a tighter look on them, to understand what it was.

The next day, Roy was wearing some really nice traditional prince-like outfit that Alma had specially chosen for him, while Alma was shining in a ballroom red dress.

Roy had to hear her cough in embarrassment in order to finally regain a bit of clarity and remove his eyes from her frame.

Getting on the carriage prepared for them, they made for Earl Clark's castle.. The main attraction of Badona City.

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