The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 205 - 205: Fake Invitation

Earl Clark's castle seemed to truly be one of the few, as the man had clearly spent more than a bit of his money in this place.

With a height of 37 meters above ground, fixed in such a way that each floor was at least 4 meters in height.

Each side was more than a few hundred meters, while the surface it covered easily surpassed 10 thousand meters square.

But that wasn't even the most surprising part about this place, as all the walls surroundings it, and the inner walls of the castle were made of marble, which was an expensive material even in Navita.

Even without entering inside, one could easily understand that Earl Clark had spent a few thousand high-quality mana stones in this place.

The moment that Roy's and Alma's carriage arrived at the Castle's entrance, they had to stop and have the guard check their invitation.

Only people with invitations on their hands could enter this place, as no one could bribe his way through. Even a mana stone wasn't able to buy entrance in this place.

"Stop! Please show us your invitation!"

Roy and Alma didn't worry much as they had the invitation ready, so they just handed it over to the guard, but the moment that the guard received the invitation he seemed to grow angry,

"How dare you appear in front of Earl Clark's Castle with a fake invitation! Turn around and leave this place if you don't want to suffer for this offense!"


Both Roy and Alma were startled and surprised at the guard's reaction. Especially since he declared that their invitation was fake.

This invitation was supposed to have been sent by Earl Clark himself, there is no way it should have been fake. Or could it be that Earl Clark was trying to humiliate and embarrass them in front of everyone?

It didn't seem much plausible, as there was nothing he could gain from simply humiliating Roy and Alma. In fact, it would be more a hit to his own face and honor than theirs.

So what the hell was going on?

Still, Roy didn't lose his cool and calm, as he said in a natural tone,

"I think that you are mistaken, this invitation was sent to me by Earl Clark himself!"

"What a shameless bastard! How dare you claim that his Excellency sent an invitation to a cheap and shameless person like you!

Throw this guy away, before he starts polluting the Castle!"

Normally Roy wouldn't bother much with them, as he felt that they were doing their job. He wasn't the type to find problems where there weren't.

But this guy seemed to be weirdly too much against him. Not only that, but he even started cursing and insulting him, which clearly made his blood boil.


For these reasons, he extended his hand, and landed a slap on the guard's face, sending him flying for more than 10 meters behind.

"What the fu*ck is this?

Is this how Earl Clark treats his special guests? He sends them an invitation personally, and then sends these cheap guards to get on their nerves!?

Very well, since I am not welcomed here, then I will just leave this place myself!"

He intentionally raised his voice so he would be heard through the whole place, and from everyone in there. 

While he didn't dare to say that his voice would reach the inner castle and the lobby where the party was held, it would surely reach the door and the chamberlains there.

Then with a dark face, he turned around and prepared to enter his carriage once again to leave the place when the ugly faced guard stood up and started screaming at him,

"Who the fu*ck do you think you are to come and go as you please in the entrance of Earl Clark's Castle!

You are going to suffer the consequences of your actions!"

With that said, he didn't stay put anymore, as he took out his sword and jumped towards Roy with the intention to kill or cripple him.


Roy didn't seem to care much about this nincompoop, he just stood there and waited for the guy to enter his close-quarters combat area, before giving him another slap to the face.

This time he even used a bit of sword aura in his attack, as this guy was truly angering him. He had an idea by now, that someone might have paid or ordered him to act so.

Surely it wasn't Earl Clark, but it was someone near him who had the authority to command the guards of the castle to call his invitation a fake.

Knowing this, he had wanted to let this guard escape with some simple injuries, but who would have thought that this guy would attack him with killing intent.


His slap sent the guard flying once again, this time it was for more than 20 meters, and he crashed into a wall behind him.

The other guards were left in utter shock and surprise as they didn't know how to act at this moment. 

They still surrounded Roy and Alma's carriage as they saw one of their commander's approach.

"What the hell is going on here? Who dares to create trouble in front of Earl Clark's Castle. Are you tired of living?"

The voice was deep and heavy and made quite a number of the people waiting at the door have their hair standing on salute, as they started whispering.

'Master Cyclops is here! Now let us see this greenhorn act tough!'

'The poor young man he is in for a tough beating!'

'He should have just received his punishment and left!'

'Who does he think he is?'

Certainly, each and everyone at the venue had their own thoughts and ideas about what was going to happen, as some of them felt pity, some were excited about the show, and some just looked with interest.

It had been quite some time since they saw someone act like this in front of Earl Clark's Castle, and he was bound to suffer, as this was Earl Clark's city.

Completely against their expectations though, Roy just turned around to have an angry look at Cyclops, as he said,

"Yo Cyclops, is this the way you have decided to void our debt? By sending these stupid guards to say that my invitation is fake, and humiliate me at the gate?

I truly wonder what Earl Clark has to say about this!"

"What the heck are you talking about brat? Why would I have to do something as low as that?

I admit that you are strong, but I don't fear you. In fact, I am looking forward to our fight. So, stop sprouting bullocks!"

"Oh really!? Then why would this idiot say that my invitation is fake and try to attack me when I told him to check it twice!?"

"What!? Is this true!?"

Looking at the conditions of his soldier Cyclops had been angry and wanted to teach a lesson to the bastard who did this, but now everything had changed.

"You can ask everyone here if you don't believe me!"

Looking at Roy's clear, confident expression Cyclops could easily understand that he wasn't lying, which made him even angrier at this scene.

Earl Clark had personally told him and the others to not create trouble for Roy at the moment. Quite on the opposite, he wanted them to try and befriend him.

"What is going on here?"

Before Cyclops could make a move to the guard, another figure arrived at the venue, another commander of Earl Clark dominion, Master Darren.

"Uncle Darren, you are finally here!"

"Yo Baldy you are here!"

The moment he arrived both Roy and Alma didn't seem to feel his pressure and just acted normally and naturally.

Those expressions and words though threw the crowd in another whispering challenge, while the bald man didn't seem to oppose the two.

Alma went by his side to explain the situation to him, while Roy just looked towards Cyclops and said,

"So, how are you going to resolve this Cyclops?"

As if the current situation wasn't enough, Baldy had to appear there, which made Cyclops even more hopeless about the situation.

Still, considering Roy's value in Earl Clark's eyes at the moment, he didn't dare to make a half-hearted explanation.

With those thoughts in mind, Cyclops turned towards that guard who had just managed to get up from his terrible state, and asked him with a heavy tone,

"Why did you do that?"

"Commander Cyclops this guy truly has a fake invitation! I was just doing my work!"

After understanding everything, and hearing the words of the guard, it was Master Darren who jumped forward and asked the guard in anger,

"Fake invitation!? Are you sure?

I personally saw his Excellency Noble Clark order the messenger to hand that invitation to him, and you are telling me the invitation is fake?"

"This… I…"

"You what?"

Baldy was truly fired at this moment, as he was the type of guy that didn't like ploys and stuff like this. Furthermore, this guard was spewing some stupid ass-made lies.

The guard could see that he had kicked a hard steel plate this time, and the situation was getting worse and worse for him.

When he had accepted this small bonus work from that man, he had told him that he would take care of everything in case something happened, but right now he was nowhere to be found.

Most probably he had been abandoned, but he didn't dare to snitch on him either, as he felt that he wouldn't live long if he did.

The only thing he could hang on at the moment was that lie he spewed at first,

"It was a fake invitation, perhaps he handed me over the wrong invitation, but the one he gave me was a fake one…"

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