The Transmigrated Novelist

Chapter 209 - 209: Roy’s Talents

To think that Earl Clark would consider giving one of his daughters to Roy was a piece of explosive news, that many people had difficulties accepting.

After all, it was clear that Earl Clark wouldn't immediately give him his daughter to marry, but first give him a title befitting his future son-in-law.

It was a gold-tier newbie package for whoever managed to get it. And if Roy truly received such a package then he would be in a much higher position than most of the people at the party.

With that thing possible who would even think of making an enemy of Roy at such a place. Surely there were those that were ready to speak behind his back.

But those people were precisely that, trying to speak behind his back. No one would dare to say things like that in front of his face, or somewhere where they could be forced to take responsibility.

The one who was shocked the most though was most probably Young Noble Timothe as he couldn't understand what his father was trying to do.

For a moment there, he even felt like his father was keeping Roy in much higher evaluation than him, which made him extremely unhappy.

To think that his father would actually compare him to a lowlife commoner, to a nobody. That was something that he could never accept.

It was precisely at that moment that he decided to actually make sure that Roy saw the least number of sunny days possible.

Out of nowhere the list of people that wanted Roy dead had been added with a few more names, but the person himself didn't seem to care much about it.

He quickly excused himself from the center of attention and then pulled Alma towards their previous corner to continue drinking and talking in peace.

The party continued normally, even though now there were many more people who were actually interested in Roy and his story.

The people who were the most dissatisfied with the high attention towards Roy were the 3rd Elder of the Sparrow Merchant Guild and his son.

No matter who tried to talk about Roy and the information about him would have to actually talk about the humiliation they received from his hands.

But the uncomfortable air didn't last long, as in no time Earl Clark as the host announced the opening of the ball, as he and his wife did the first dance.

Roy didn't seem to care much about the dance as he was mostly concentrated on the food, and the wine of this place, which was the best he had tried until now.

Where it wasn't much of a wonder, as this place was the Castle of an Earl, and if he was unable to find good wine and alcohol here, then most probably he wouldn't be able to find it anywhere.

Well, probably in the Royal palace or some highly expensive tavern, but those things were far from his reach at the moment.

Just because he wasn't interested in creating problems with the others, it didn't mean that others wouldn't create problems with him.

As he was enjoying the company of Alma, the good food, and the good wine, Young Lady Aura appeared in front of them, and said in a polite tone,

"Young Master Roy, your words earlier enchanted me, and make me feel that you are a true poetic talent!

For that reason, I would like to apologize if I offended you earlier!"

"Hahahhaha~! Young Lady Aura is overpraising me, those were just my heartfelt words. I have no talent for poetry or writing with ink, my talent lies in writing with blood.

All kinds of blood!"

His words surprised the Young Lady that was unable to understand what he meant with the last part. Even more so when she saw Alma make a weird face as if she had understood something.

To make matter worse Roy even visibly winked at her, as if to make confirm her guess, and treat this as a secret between the two.

That made the beauty clench her teeth for a moment, but she quickly regained her cool and clarity as she continued,

"Hahaha~! Young Master Roy is truly a humble and virtuous man! But I was wondering if those are your only talents, or do you have more?"

"Well I do have more, Young Lady Aura, but I am afraid that I am unable to express them in front of you, as it would be inappropriate!"

The same scene appeared once again, where Roy and Alma seemed to be talking in a secret language in front of her, even though she had started to understand what Roy meant.

In fact, now that she thought about that look in his eyes when he said that, and even attached that with the blood comment, she understood everything perfectly.

The moment she did so, she couldn't help but grow angry at him, while a visible red-hue appeared on her face.

If she could, she would have already slapped Roy on the face, and ask her father to kill him without a second thought. But unfortunately, the situation was complicated and disadvantageous for her.

Looking at her troubled look, Roy couldn't help but chuckle inside, as he thought, 

'little girl, is already considered a boon to you if I don't come to mess with you, but you don't appreciate it and throw yourself in front of my teeth!

Wouldn't I be called a eunuch if I don't take advantage of this?'

Too bad that Young Lady Aura was unable to hear his thoughts, otherwise she would have exploded right then and there, making everything even more amusing for Roy.

On the other hand, the beauty couldn't help but try her best to control her raging emotions and feelings, as she finally relaxed a bit and said,

"I don't doubt that Young Master Roy, but I was actually talking about talents like dancing! We are in a ball party, after all, it would be a shame if you didn't know how to dance!"

"Oh, you meant dancing!?"

While he said that, a visible disappointment was plastered on his face. As if he wasn't trying to hide his intentions in the least.

That made Young Lady Aura truly have a hard time fighting with herself to not make an action that she would regret, as she couldn't believe that this commoner would treat or think of her like that.

Still, through clenched teeth that she tried so hard to not make a crackling noise, she said,

"Yes, dancing! I wonder if Young Master Roy will give me the honor to actually witness myself your talent in dancing!"

Roy still had that disappointed look on his face, when he was suddenly remembered something, and then said,

"Young Lady Aura is truly magnanimous and kind to want to have a dance with a brute like me. But the problem is that I haven't even danced with my future wife yet, and that is a bit inappropriate.

In fact, now that I think about it, all this time I have been only eating and drinking, totally forgetting that this is a ball party, and neglected my wife."

Then returning towards Alma like a true gentleman in love with his wife, he continued,

"My beautiful wife, that shines stronger than the sun, and brighter than the moon. I am truly sorry to have neglected you and your feelings until now, thinking only of myself!

But not anymore, what do you say of grabbing my hand and actually dancing together, melting with the crowd!?"

Even Alma was quite surprised at her new husband's words and reaction, as for a moment she felt like she was actually inside a dream or an illusion.

After all, which woman wouldn't love to have a romantic and loving husband that would make her the center of his world and treat her like that.

Even more so, when he was actually being hit by another woman, rejecting her advances, and putting her in front. It felt like a double win.

How could she refuse such an invitation!? In fact, it took her quite some self-control to actually not jump and accept immediately.

"Certainly husband!"

Roy grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the dancing area, while completely ignoring the presence of Young Lady Aura which made the girl even more spiteful.

She had come here to actually invite him to the dance and mock him about it, only to be humiliated and downgraded in front of Roy and Alma.

'I wish that 100 snakes bite you to death, or that some bolt of lightning kills you right now, you damn lowlife! How dare you treat me like this!'

Those were her thoughts and feelings at that moment, but at the same time, she felt a bit amused. After all, she had achieved her purpose, and he was now going to dance.

It should be impossible for a commoner and lowlife to dance better than the nobles who get taught from childhood about this stuff.

She couldn't help but wish to see Roy's performance and add salt to the injury when he was mocked by the crowd.

On the other hand, Roy and Alma walked slowly towards the dancing area, as Alma said in a light voice,

"You went a bit overboard with her, and a bit hasty there! Anyway, just follow my lead and we will be fine hopefully!

Also, even though you might have not meant those words earlier, I would still want to thank you for it!"

As she said that, she couldn't help but feel her face get a bit hotter, probably due to not knowing what to expect…

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